Is Electric Flux Equal to q Coulombs or Determined by Field Lines?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electric flux and the difference between two sources' definitions of it. One source states that electric flux is equal to q coulombs, while the other states that it is proportional to the charge and a proportionality constant. Ultimately, the second source is deemed to be the more accurate definition.
  • #1
A source states "Electric flux = q coulombs"

While another states
"We choose the number of field lines starting from any positively charged object to be Cq and the number of lines ending on any negatively charged object to be C|q|, where C is an arbitrary proportionality constant. Once C is chosen, the number of lines
is fixed."

Now which one is right?
Physics news on
  • #2
The second one is just a more general definition. The number of flux lines just depends on the units chosen for the charge and the proportionality constant.

What matters is that the flux is proportional to the charge.
  • #3
Yeah that's what the second source the second source is right.

FAQ: Is Electric Flux Equal to q Coulombs or Determined by Field Lines?

What is electric flux?

Electric flux is a measure of the electric field through a given area. It is defined as the electric field multiplied by the area perpendicular to the field.

What is the unit of electric flux?

The unit of electric flux is volt-meters (V*m) or Newton-meters squared per Coulomb (N*m2/C).

How is electric flux calculated?

Electric flux is calculated by taking the dot product of the electric field and the area vector. Mathematically, it is represented as ΦE = E * A * cos(θ), where E is the electric field, A is the area, and θ is the angle between the two vectors.

What factors affect electric flux?

Electric flux is affected by the strength of the electric field, the size and orientation of the area, and the angle between the electric field and the area.

What is the significance of electric flux in physics?

Electric flux is an important concept in physics as it helps us understand the electric field and its effects on charged particles. It also plays a crucial role in Gauss's law, which is a fundamental law in electromagnetism.
