How High Does a Rocket Go in a Physics Experiment?

You get t= 35/9.8= 3.57 seconds (which is the same time as when the rocket reaches maximum height). The entire flight, then, is 7+ 3.57= 10.57 seconds.
  • #1
In an experiment in physics class, a model solid-fueled rocket is fired vertically with an acceleration of 5 m/sec2 for 7 seconds. After that time, it's fuel is exhausted and it continues upwards as a free fall particle. (Take upwards to be the positive direction.)

a) What is the maximum altitude the rocket reaches?

b) What is the rocket's acceleration 8.5 seconds after launch?

c) What is the total time of flight?

d) What is the rocket's total displacement during the entire flight?

I'm only stuck on letter a right now, but if I need further help, I'll let you guys know.

For part a, what I tried doing is using this equation,
where x0=0
a=5 m/sec^2

I get x= 122.5 meters. Computer won't take it, so I'm scratching my head to no end. Any ideas to help me get started?
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  • #2
There are 2 stages: (1) it accelerates upward (a=5m/s/s), (2) it is in free fall (a=-9.8m/s/s). You only dealt with the first stage.
  • #3
RockDog- you made this same mistake in your previous post!

In the previous post, you calculated distance as if the car were decelerating the entire time when the problem specifically said that it only accelerated for 5 seconds and then continued at constant speed.

Here the problem specifically says " it continues upwards as a free fall particle." but you only calculated its height when the rocket engine cut off!

I don't know if we can allow much more of that!
  • #4
Ok, I admit it. When it comes to physics, I am poor at it, but you guys are helping me become better. Isn't that scary? :-)

Anyhow, I figured out 3/4 of the problem so far, and I'm stuck on part c.

I need to figure out the total time of the whole flight.
It takes 7 seconds for the rocket to go from ground to the point it cuts off it fuel.

Then I figured out how much time it took for the rocket to go from the point of shutting its fuel off to the maximum height of the parabola.

I also figured out that the distance from ground to engine shutting off is 122.5 m.

I figured out initial velocity is going to be v=v0+at
v=0, a=-9.8m/s/s t=7 sec
So v0= 35 m/s.

Now I'm having trouble finding the time it takes to go back to the ground.

I tried using y-y0=v0(t)+(1/2)*a*(t)^2
a=-9.8 m/s/s
and I get a t= 9.72sec or -2.57 sec.

So total time would be 7sec +9.72sec=16.72 secs, but the computer won't take it. Any ideas?
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  • #5
" also figured out that the distance from ground to engine shutting off is 122.5 m."

Yes, that's correct.

"I figured out initial velocity is going to be v=v0+at
v=0, a=-9.8m/s/s t=7 sec

So v0= 35 m/s."

I don't see how you get that. Assuming you put v= 0, a= -9.8, t= 7 into v= v0+ at, you get 0= v0- 9.8(7) so v0= 9.8(7)= 68.6, not 35.
I think you actually did it correctly but wrote it down wrong. While the rocket engine is firing a= 5. v0= 0 so v= 0+ 5(7)= 35 and you can use THAT as v0 after the engine shuts down.

AFTER the rocket engine has shut off, the only acceleration is that of gravity: -9.8 so v= 35- 9.8t (t is now measured from engine cutoff, not initial launch). From that we get h= 35t- 4.9t2+ 122.5 (since the height was 122.5 m at engine cutoff, t=0).

The maximum height occurs when v= 0: 35- 9.8t= 0 gives t= 35/9.8= 3.57 seconds. That height will be h= 35(3.57)- 4.9(3.57)2+ 122.5= 185 meters.

Finally, the flight will be over when the rocket hits the ground:
h=0. Solve 35t- 4.9t2+ 122.5= 0 to find the time AFTER CUTOFF that that occurs. You will need to add the inital 7 seconds to find the length of the entire flight.

Related to How High Does a Rocket Go in a Physics Experiment?

1. How do flying rockets work?

Flying rockets work by using a combination of propulsion, aerodynamics, and gravity. The rocket uses a powerful engine to generate thrust, pushing it through the air and overcoming the force of gravity. The shape and design of the rocket also help to reduce air resistance and increase stability in flight.

2. What fuels are used in flying rockets?

The most common fuel used in flying rockets is liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, which react to create a powerful chemical reaction that generates the necessary thrust to lift the rocket off the ground. Other fuels used include solid propellants, such as ammonium perchlorate and aluminum powder, which ignite when combined and create a controlled explosion.

3. How do scientists ensure the safety of flying rockets?

Scientists and engineers use rigorous testing and simulations to ensure the safety of flying rockets. Before a rocket is launched, it undergoes numerous tests to check for any potential malfunctions or failures. Additionally, rockets are equipped with various safety features, such as emergency abort systems, to prevent accidents from occurring.

4. What are the main challenges in designing a flying rocket?

Designing a flying rocket is a complex process that involves balancing numerous factors, such as weight, aerodynamics, and stability. Scientists must also consider the extreme conditions that a rocket will experience, such as high temperatures and pressures, as well as the effects of gravity and air resistance. Precision and attention to detail are crucial in the design process to ensure a successful launch.

5. How has technology improved flying rockets?

Technology has greatly improved flying rockets by allowing for more precise controls, advanced materials, and better propulsion systems. Computers and sensors are used to monitor and adjust the rocket's flight in real-time, making it more efficient and reducing the risk of malfunctions. Additionally, advancements in materials science have allowed for stronger, lighter, and more heat-resistant materials to be used in rocket construction, improving performance and safety.

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