Create My Food Web: Eagles, Pelicans, Mullets & More...

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    Food Web
In summary, the conversation is about creating a food web with the given animals and organisms: Dolphin, Bacteria, Mullet, Pelican, Right Whale, Shad, Jack, Shrimp, Phytoplankton, Eagle, and Copepods. The person has already placed some of the components, but is unsure about the remaining ones and is seeking confirmation. They have proposed potential chains for the remaining animals and asked for feedback.
  • #1
I have to create a Food Web but I need a bit of help...

Right Whale

I've placed the following already:

Right Whale

I have an idea of where the remaining three fit but I wanted to check my answers...I'll put what I have down by posting the starting point then working my way out. It'll save time. ^_^

bacteria > copepods > shad > dolphin
bacteria > copepods > right whale
bacteria > copepods > jack > dolphin
phytoplankton > copepods > shad > dolphin
phytoplankton > copepods > right whale
phytoplankton > copepods > jack > dolphin
phytoplankton > shrimp

Now, I'll attempt to guess my way through some of the remaining ones so just ignore the dumb guesses/questions.:-p

Do eagles eat shrimp? What about the three fish listed? (Shad, Jack, and Mullets)
Do Pelicans eat all three of the fish listed? What about Shrimp?:smile:
Do Mullets eat copepods like the other two fish?

Do I have the other chains right? ^_^
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  • #2
What you've presented looks reasonable to me. @Ygggdrasil

FAQ: Create My Food Web: Eagles, Pelicans, Mullets & More...

1. How do I create a food web with eagles, pelicans, mullets, and other organisms?

To create a food web, you will need to identify the different organisms and their relationships in the ecosystem. Start by researching the diet and feeding habits of each organism and then draw arrows to show the flow of energy from one organism to another. You can use a program or draw it by hand.

2. What is the role of an eagle in the food web?

Eagles are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. They feed on smaller organisms such as fish, rodents, and other birds. As predators, they help regulate the populations of their prey and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

3. How do pelicans contribute to the food web?

Pelicans are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat a variety of organisms. They mainly feed on fish, but they also consume other birds, frogs, and crustaceans. As a result, they play a vital role in controlling the populations of their prey and maintaining a diverse ecosystem.

4. What is the relationship between mullets and other organisms in the food web?

Mullets are herbivorous fish that feed on algae and other aquatic plants. They are a food source for larger fish, birds, and other organisms in the ecosystem. They also play a crucial role in maintaining the health of aquatic plants, which helps support the entire food web.

5. How does a change in one organism affect the entire food web?

A change in one organism can have a ripple effect on the entire food web. For example, if there is a decrease in the population of mullets due to overfishing, it can lead to an increase in algae, which can negatively impact other organisms that feed on algae. This can disrupt the balance of the food web and have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.

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