What is the Meaning of Force in General Relativity?

In summary: These coefficients are not "potentials" in the usual sense. The Newtonian potential is a scalar function of position. The metric coefficients are 10 functions of position and time.The geodesic deviation is indeed the key to understanding the effects of gravity. Gravity is not considered a "force" in general relativity, but rather a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime. The geodesic deviation is the measure of this curvature.In summary, in General Relativity, the concept of force is defined by two types: inertial 3-forces and 4-forces. The inertial 3-forces are defined by 10 quantities known as the gravitational potential, which are the metric coefficients. These coefficients
  • #1
"Force" in General Relativity...

Is there a way to define via Geommetry or other concept the quantities we call "Force" and "potential"?..in the same that as it happens with Newtonian mechanics..

[tex] \dot \pi_{ab}= -\nabla U_{ab} [/tex] ?

or even simpler [tex] Force= \frac{\delta L}{\delta g_{ab}} [/tex]ç

And What would be the meaning of "Force"?..is perhaps what makes the two close geodesic to diverge or to "twist" the Space-time?...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The geometric concept of force is the 4-force, sometimes known as the Minkowski force. You should be able to read about it in the Wikipeda or any book on SR that uses 4-vectors. (You might want to read about 4-vectors, too).

Basically, the 4-force is the derivative of the energy-momentum 4-vector with respect to proper time.

This is a SR concept. It imports to GR, though, as do most SR concepts. Basically, worldines that follow geodesics have zero 4-accelerations. 4 acceleration can be defined as the covariant derivative of the 4-velocity. The total force on a system is its mass times its four-acceleration. Strictly speaking this import applies only to zero volume systems (point particles) due to concerns about where and when the force is acting, but this shows up as a minor observer-dependence in the value for "mass" in the above equation, which can usually be ignored for reasonble forces and small volumes (i.e. anything that acts remotely like a rigid body).

Electromagnetic fields have a 4-potential, the wiki article on it is pretty good assuming it hasn't been vandalized recently


There isn't any similar concept of potential in general relativity (some people like to call the metric coefficents the 4-potential)
  • #3
- But if you can "define" a Force then you could define a "potential2 and hence a "potential" Energy and a "Kinetic" energy or using "Poisson Bracket" with momenta:

[tex] \dot \pi_{ab} =[ \pi_{ab} , H] [/tex]
  • #4
Not really. The situation is this.

Given a particular worldline (of zero volume), one can define a force that an observer following that worldline would measure with an acceleromater.

That is not sufficient to be ble to unambiguously define gravity as a "force" in general. For slowly moving objects there is an interpretation available of gravity as a force. This runs into difficulties with as simple a situation as defining the force on a rapidly (i.e. relativistically) moving object, however. While one can compute the 4-accleration for any particular wordline, interpreting gravity as a force requires that one pick out particular moving worldlines as being "straight lines of constant velocity". This turns out to be ambiguous and dependent on the coordinates used. The worldlines that follow geodesics experience no force at all, so they don't define the notion of "straight" that is wanted here.
  • #5
lokofer said:
Is there a way to define via Geommetry or other concept the quantities we call "Force" and "potential"?..in the same that as it happens with Newtonian mechanics..

[tex] \dot \pi_{ab}= -\nabla U_{ab} [/tex] ?

or even simpler [tex] Force= \frac{\delta L}{\delta g_{ab}} [/tex]ç

And What would be the meaning of "Force"?..is perhaps what makes the two close geodesic to diverge or to "twist" the Space-time?...
There are two types of forces: Inertial 3-forces and 4-forces. In the absense of 4-forces the inertial 3-force on a particle = f = dp/dt. In the absense of inertial 3-forces the 4-force is given by F = dP/dt.

The inertial forces are defined by a set of 10 quantities which are known as the gravitational potential. The inertial 3-forces can be defined in terms the velocity of the particle and a combination of the second derivatives of the gravitational potential.

Geodesic deviation is defined by the tidal gravitational 4-acceleration.

  • #6
Pete's is one of those people who like to call the metric the "gravitational potential". The 10 quantites he is talking about are just the metric coefficients. The metric is a symmetric 4x4 tensor, because of symmetry it has 10 rather than 16 unique coefficients.

FAQ: What is the Meaning of Force in General Relativity?

What is force in general relativity?

In general relativity, force is not treated as a fundamental concept. Instead, it is understood as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of massive objects. This curvature determines the paths that objects will follow and can be interpreted as a force.

How does general relativity explain gravity?

In general relativity, gravity is understood as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of massive objects. The theory explains that objects with mass cause a distortion of spacetime, and the curvature of spacetime determines the paths that objects will follow. This explains why objects appear to be attracted to one another and why they follow curved paths in the presence of massive objects.

Can general relativity explain all types of forces?

No, general relativity does not explain all types of forces. It only explains the force of gravity. Other types of forces, such as electromagnetic and nuclear forces, are explained by different theories, such as quantum mechanics.

How does general relativity differ from Newton's theory of gravity?

General relativity differs from Newton's theory of gravity in several ways. Newton's theory treats gravity as a force between two objects based on their masses and distance, while general relativity explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime. Additionally, general relativity takes into account the effects of acceleration and high speeds, which Newton's theory does not.

Does general relativity have any practical applications?

Yes, general relativity has several practical applications. One of the most well-known is the Global Positioning System (GPS), which uses the principles of general relativity to accurately measure time and location. Additionally, general relativity has been used to make predictions about the behavior of black holes and to understand the evolution of the universe.

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