Fourier series question (Interested Beginner)

In summary, the musician is trying to figure out how to calculate the frequency components for a periodic waveform. He is not familiar with Fourier series and is asking for help. The first 8 values of the amplitude have been given, but he needs to know how to calculate the frequency components at different values of n.
  • #1
Bernie bolt
Hi there,
I am a music student and have no math background whatsoever but was wondering if you guys could help me with something that I read in a book on signal processing. I want to create a periodic waveform that is described by the following Fourier series . I would like to know how to figure out different values of f with f1 being the fundamental frequency, for example I want to be able to calculate the values for f1+ f2+ f3...+n ect. I have been given the amplitude values (An) of N=8 already but need the frequency components (f1 ect) in order to generate the waveform. I am pretty ignorant in this area so If I have not been clear in my question I apologise in advance. Hope someone can help. Thanks,B.
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  • #2
I am not really sure what you want. Your frequencies f1, f2, ..., fN would just be integral multiple of your fundamental frequency i.e. f1, 2f1, ... Nf1, respectively.
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  • #3
Thank you for your prompt reply Swapnil, that was what I assumed but as this area is completely new to me I was not so sure. Would anyone be so kind as to explain the equation to me? I understand the principle of the summation but don't know how to use the equation to find out the specific values of n. The first 8 values of An (N=8) have been given as N1-0.2846 N2-0.1062 N3- 0.0589 N4- 0.0386 N5- 0.0278 N6- 0.0212 N7- 0.0169 N8- 0.0139 but I can't work out how these values are calculated, so If anyone can provide a step by step way of calculating them from the equation or point me in the right direction I would be most grateful. As I said before I am clueless when it comes to this stuff so any input will be most appreciated as days of searching the internet has got me nowhere. Thanks in advance, B
  • #4
So you want to know the fundamental frequency given all the 8 different values of the amplitude? I don't think that is possible unless you have more information. Perhaps you are given the graph of the function you have to generate?
  • #5
A graph is given that shows one cycle of the waveform with time values on its x-axis and from this I was able to work out the frequency value of the fundamental frequency and recreate the the waveform using additive synthesis. What I would like to know is how the amplitude values given were figured out? Does the equation given supply this information? Thanks again,B.
  • #6
No, that equation does not give you enough information to calculate the amplitude at different values of n. Usually, when doing Fourier series, you are given an arbitrary periodic graph which you then have to put in the following form:

[tex]C_0 + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} A_n \cos(2\pi nft) + B_n\sin(2\pi nft)[/tex]

You do this by evaluating the Fourier coefficients [tex]C_0, A_n,[/tex] and [tex]B_n[/tex] by the means of a formula. Here's one of the many sites that lists those formulas:

In short, you use the parameters given in the graph of you signal and plug them into the formula for [tex]A_n[/tex] to get the value of [tex]A_n[/tex] as a function of n. Judging from the given equation, the coefficients [tex]C_0, B_n[/tex] would turn out to be zero once you evaluate them.
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  • #7
Brilliant! Thanks for all your help swapnil. Much appreciated,Mike.

FAQ: Fourier series question (Interested Beginner)

1. What is a Fourier series?

A Fourier series is a mathematical technique used to represent a periodic function as a sum of sine and cosine functions. It is named after French mathematician Joseph Fourier.

2. How is a Fourier series calculated?

A Fourier series is calculated using a mathematical formula called the Fourier series formula, which involves integrating the original function over a certain interval and then solving for the coefficients of the sine and cosine terms.

3. Can any function be represented by a Fourier series?

No, a function must be periodic to be represented by a Fourier series. This means that the function must repeat itself over a specific interval. For non-periodic functions, other mathematical techniques such as the Fourier transform can be used.

4. What is the significance of Fourier series?

Fourier series have a variety of applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and signal processing. They are used to analyze and represent periodic phenomena and can also be used to solve differential equations.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using Fourier series?

One potential drawback of using Fourier series is that they may not converge to the original function in some cases, resulting in errors. This can be mitigated by using higher-order terms in the series, but it can also make the calculations more complex.

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