Fusion question. Answer, please

  • Thread starter bill nye scienceguy!
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In summary, to calculate the energy release for the complete fusion of one mole of deuterium, you need to know that 1 mole of _{1}^{2}D contains approximately 6.023 x 10^23 atoms, and that when fusing 2 atoms, the mass change can be found by using the atomic number and Avogadro constant. The masses of the atoms involved in the fusion reaction are approximately 2.0141018 amu for _{1}^{2}D and 4.0026033 amu for _{2}^{4}He. Knowing this information and the reaction equation, you can calculate the energy release.
  • #1
bill nye scienceguy!
Calculate the energy release for the complete fusion of one mole of deuterium

H + H = He + energy

i can't do the signs for mass number etc. it quotes the Avogadro constant so that's a clue but help!

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1 mole of [itex] _{1}^{2}D [/itex] contains ~[itex] 6.023\cdot 10^{23} [/itex] atoms...

When fusing 2 atoms how much energy is released...?

  • #3
yeah i did all that but i got bogged down in finding the mass change. remind how to find the mass of atoms when you have the atomic no. + Av. constant please.
  • #4
[tex] m_{_{1}^{2}D}\approx 2.0141018 \ \mbox{amu} [/tex]

[tex] m_{_{2}^{4}He}\approx 4.0026033 \ \mbox{amu} [/tex]

That's all u need to know,u have the reaction's equation,already.


FAQ: Fusion question. Answer, please

1. What is fusion?

Fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

2. How does fusion differ from fission?

Fusion involves combining two or more atomic nuclei, while fission involves splitting a single atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei. Fusion also typically releases more energy than fission.

3. Can fusion be used as a source of energy?

Yes, fusion has the potential to be a nearly unlimited source of clean energy. However, it is currently challenging to control and sustain fusion reactions on Earth.

4. What are the potential benefits of fusion energy?

Fusion energy has the potential to provide a nearly limitless supply of clean energy without producing greenhouse gas emissions or long-lived radioactive waste. It could also decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the risk of nuclear accidents.

5. What are the challenges facing fusion research?

The main challenges facing fusion research are finding ways to control and sustain fusion reactions, developing materials that can withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation of a fusion reactor, and finding a way to make fusion reactions produce more energy than they consume.

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