Galaxy Movement and the Big Bang Theory Explained

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In summary, the movement of galaxies such as the Milky Way is due to both the expansion of the universe and gravitational interactions with nearby galaxies. The lack of a center point for the universe can make it difficult to determine the reference point for galactic movement, but it can be referenced to the cosmic expansion itself or by using methods such as the cosmic microwave background radiation. The Milky Way has a peculiar motion caused by its rotation within the Local Group, the Local Group's motion towards the center of the Virgo supercluster, and the Virgo supercluster's motion towards the "Great Attractor". The speed and direction of these motions can be complex and may require further research to fully understand.
  • #1
I had come across some scientific articles that Galaxy is actually moving across the space!

Is that movement due to initial explosion of the universe? The big-bang?

When thing moves, it has energy 1/2M.V^2 ,
if the galaxy which is so huge is moving, from where does it get the kinetic energy ?[?]
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  • #2
Well, there's the expansion of the universe, and there's the peculiar motion due to gravitational interaction with nearby galaxies.
  • #3
Then where the Universe expands? To another Universe ?
  • #4
Well, we don't really know, but the physics and the mathematical models behind it don't require another universe into which our universe is expanding.
  • #5
this is where having no center point to the univerce [x=0 y=0 z=0] is a problem, what do we reference galatic movement to?
secondary questions we spin , but does the milkyway tumble,wobble, or have a proper motion other than a orbit in the local group + expansion, does the local group have proper motion other than expansion?
  • #6
Originally posted by ray b
this is where having no center point to the univerce [x=0 y=0 z=0] is a problem, what do we reference galatic movement to?

You can reference it to the cosmic expansion itself (i.e. the Hubble flow). One can use the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)for this purpose. If we were at rest with respect to the Hubble flow, then the CMBR would look isotropic on the large scale (after subtracting out the telescope's motion around the Sun, and the Sun's orbit around the Milky Way). But it doesn't. Subtracting out the motion of the Milky Way and our Local Group makes the CMBR isotropic. There are other methods, too.
  • #7
Originally posted by cragwolf
You can reference it to the cosmic expansion itself (i.e. the Hubble flow). One can use the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)for this purpose. If we were at rest with respect to the Hubble flow, then the CMBR would look isotropic on the large scale (after subtracting out the telescope's motion around the Sun, and the Sun's orbit around the Milky Way). But it doesn't. Subtracting out the motion of the Milky Way and our Local Group makes the CMBR isotropic. There are other methods, too.

Do you happen to know the speed and direction of our galaxy's motion with respect to the Hubble flow? It seems to me that it would be cool to know that and be able to point at it some night when it was up and say that's where our galaxy is heading, and to know the speed the Milkyway G is traveling as well.
  • #8
Originally posted by marcus
Do you happen to know the speed and direction of our galaxy's motion with respect to the Hubble flow? It seems to me that it would be cool to know that and be able to point at it some night when it was up and say that's where our galaxy is heading, and to know the speed the Milkyway G is traveling as well.

I believe the peculiar motion of our galaxy is due to a number of things. Firstly there's the motion of our galaxy within the Local Group, then there's the motion of our Local Group towards the centre of the Virgo supercluster (of which the Local Group is an outlying member), and then there's the motion of the Virgo supercluster towards the so-called "Great Attractor", a region of mass a million times more massive than our galaxy. This last motion towards the "Great Attractor" is directed at the vicinity of the constellations of Hydra and Centaurus at a speed of roughly 600km/s.

It would be an interesting literature search project to find the speed due to:

1) The rotation of the Earth
2) The orbit of the Earth around the Sun
3) The motion of the Sun through it's local neighbourhood
4) The rotation of the Milky Way Galaxy
5) The motion of the Milky Way Galaxy through the Local Group
6) The motion of the Local Group towards the Virgo Supercluster
7) The motion of the Virgo Supercluster towards the Great Attractor
  • #9
This is the right time of year to be thinking about the directions to Virgo and Hydra and Centaurus. They are on or close to the meridian around 10PM. Leo is just a little west of the point overhead. Hydra and Centaurus are pretty far south, so close to the horizon, but Leo and Virgo are readily visible. Good time to get these motions in various directions visually sorted out.

This is for May 1 at 10PM, plus or minus two weeks --> minus or plus one hour. At 30 N latitude the milky way ring coincides with the horizon then, more or less.

I guess that items 3 through 7 on your list add up to the solar system heading for Leo at roughly a thousandth of the speed of light. Items 1 and 2, the Earth's rotation and revolution, have a comparatively small---ten percentish---effect on that. So when imagining those velocity vectors 3-7, one should picture them adding up to a vector that points at the constellation Leo. Or?
  • #10
I don't know, marcus. That would be an interesting thing to find out.
  • #11
I'm tempted to claim that this picture proves it:

It shows the CMB against a field of stars and the hotspot is squarely on Leo

I think items 3 thru 7 of your list have to add up to
the absolute motion of solar system relative to CMB
and we know that is direction Leo

(unless a diabolical creator put an intrinsic dipole anisotropy
into the CMB just to throw us off, a mischievous dipole unrelated
to our motion)

Originally posted by cragwolf
It would be an interesting literature search project to find the speed due to:
3) The motion of the Sun through it's local neighbourhood
4) The rotation of the Milky Way Galaxy
5) The motion of the Milky Way Galaxy through the Local Group
6) The motion of the Local Group towards the Virgo Supercluster
7) The motion of the Virgo Supercluster towards the Great Attractor

Geometrically this list just has to add up to the sun's net motion relative CMB, can't picture it any other way. Flaw in my reasoning?
  • #12
Originally posted by marcus
Geometrically this list just has to add up to the sun's net motion relative CMB, can't picture it any other way. Flaw in my reasoning?

Only that the list may be incomplete. Perhaps the Great Attractor is being attracted to an even Greater Attractor?
  • #13
Originally posted by cragwolf
Only that the list may be incomplete. Perhaps the Great Attractor is being attracted to an even Greater Attractor?

should have thought of that

having CMB restframe sure simplifies one's perspective
because one just says solar system
(as a result of all its motions combined)
is heading in direction of Leo

its when one tries to *parse* the motion
that it gets hairy

I wrote to Peat of Heavens-above to suggest
that he post a map like that U2 one with
the hotspot superimposed upon a field of stars

FAQ: Galaxy Movement and the Big Bang Theory Explained

What is the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory is a scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

How does the Big Bang Theory explain galaxy movement?

The Big Bang Theory explains galaxy movement through the expansion of the universe. As the universe expands, galaxies move away from each other due to the force of gravity. This movement can be observed through the redshift of galaxies, which is caused by the stretching of light waves as they travel through expanding space.

What evidence supports the Big Bang Theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang Theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements, and the redshift of galaxies. These observations are consistent with the predictions made by the theory and provide strong evidence for its validity.

How does the Big Bang Theory explain the formation of galaxies?

The Big Bang Theory explains the formation of galaxies through the process of gravitational collapse. As the universe expanded and cooled, pockets of dense matter formed, eventually leading to the formation of stars and galaxies. Over billions of years, these galaxies continued to evolve through interactions and mergers with other galaxies.

Is the Big Bang Theory universally accepted by scientists?

Yes, the Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. While there are still unanswered questions and ongoing research in this field, the vast majority of scientists agree that the evidence supports the Big Bang Theory as the best explanation for our universe.

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