Gravitation Queries: Explaining Newton's Meaning

  • Thread starter Dr.Brain
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In summary, Newton's Law of Gravitation states that gravitational forces are instantaneous and can be used to send signals at infinite speed. However, Einstein's theory of relativity disproved this by showing that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, including gravitational effects. Einstein's theory also states that everything with energy has mass and is attracted to other things with mass. This is why light from other stars is deflected by the sun's gravitational pull. Newton's theory also did not account for the time it takes for gravitational effects to travel, while Einstein's theory states that it travels at the speed of light. Newton's theory also allowed for the possibility of instant communication through gravitational forces, but this was proven to be incorrect by Einstein's
  • #1
I was reading a book and it said that:

"Later Einstein proved that Newton's Law Of Gravitation is not correct.As per Newton, Gravitational Forces are instantaneous in nature , and there will be great amount of change in forces due to all other things on an object if one moves it from one place to another, as a result, acoording to him , we can send signals at infinite speed.But as per Einstein, nothing could travel more than the velocity of light, there Newton was wrong.As per Einstein's Law Of Gravitation , everything having energy has mass , in a sense, that it is attracted to other things like it has got mass.Like light coming from other stars is deflected due to the pull of the sun"

Can someone please explain me what did Newton mean by " we can send signals at infinite speed, and I don't find any relation between the instantaneous nature of G.Forces and "sending signals at infinite speed"... So what did Newton exactly mean?
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  • #2
In principle, you could set up a system where someone shaked a massive body in a certain way. Someone else far away could measure the changes in his local gravitational field caused by that shaking mass. If the field traveled instaneously from source to observer, then the pattern of shaking could be used to send signals instantaneously (think of a radio).
  • #3
What he means by 'sending signals at infinite speed' is that, according to his theory, we could measure the change in gravitational force from something a great distance away instantaneously. Einstein`s theory says he can't.

Imagine a large body (say the sun) was somehow removed (say it mysteriously disappers) from our solar system. According to Newton's gravity theory, as soon as the sun is removed, we (on earth) would notice a change in our orbit. as we no longer have a sun to orbit around. But according to Einsteins theory, the gravitational change would not be felt on Earth straight away, but only after the gravitational 'information' could travel to earth.

Of course this does not mean that we only orbit the sun because it tells us to, we orbit it because of its gravity. So essentially this 'information' is the gravitational effect. This gravitational effect is a warping of spacetime and it travels at the speed of light.

For a pretty good summary of this, check out
Program 1, chapters 2 and 3.

  • #4
So does that mean the Gravitational effect travels at the velocity of light or is it that "c" is the maximun velocity of Gravitational effect.?

But according to Einsteins theory, the gravitational change would not be felt on Earth straight away, but only after the gravitational 'information' could travel to earth.
So does that mean , if sun suddenly disappeared , it would take [itex]8 \frac {1}{2}[/itex] minutes to Earth realize that something bad has happened?
  • #5
Dr.Brain said:
So does that mean , if sun suddenly disappeared , it would take [itex]8 \frac {1}{2}[/itex] minutes to Earth realize that something bad has happened?

More or less.

Although it is common to make this statement, it isn't exactly true. The reason is that Einstein's equations (the gravity equations) specifically forbid the sun from suddenly disappearing. You would get gibberish if you tried to work out the math. Having something push the sun out of the way very quickly doesn't quite work out either.

Although physically ridiculous in Newton's theory, this kind of thing is at least mathematically allowed there (restricting oneself only the gravitational equations). GR is much more restrictive.

Anyway, that's why I used the example of shaking something. If somebody suddenly kicked the sun somehow, we wouldn't feel the effects for ~8.5 minutes.

And yes, gravity travels at the speed of light. If the gravitational field is strong (stronger than anything in our solar system), then there are actually components of the field which travel at less than the speed of light as well. If the field is really strong, then whole concept of gravitational speed can't even be defined in a useful way.
  • #6
Note that the [itex]r[/itex] in Newton's Law of Gravitation
[tex]\vec F=-\displaystyle \frac{GMm}{r^2}{\hat r}[/tex]
is the [instantaneous] distance between their centers. Thus, according to Newton, the effect of a sudden change in position of one mass would be instantaneously transmitted to every other mass in the universe.
  • #7
Ok I have got the point.Thanx all of you.
  • #8
So means Newton probably thought that we could use something big and bulky and then wave it...and then the disturbance will travel at infinite speed to some other place on earth...and this will be an easy way of communication...which is not the case.
  • #9
Maybe I`m wrong, but I don't think Newton was conceiving some sort of intergalactic communication device. He just thought that gravitational effects were instantaneous.

I think that the 'information' that you referred to is just the gravitational pull of one body on another.
  • #10
I think that in Newton's time the idea of 'action at a distance' worried people a lot. What Newton did was to work out the mathematics, without worrying about the mechanism. In the case of electromagnetism the field theory developed in the 19th century meant that this was less of a problem - the field at a point in space only depended on the field at nearby points. This suggests the question 'Why can't you do the same thing with gravity', and in particular why didn't Einstein just treat gravitation as a field in special relativity (in the same way as the electromagnetic field), rather than spend years struggling to devise general relativity. The answer is that it doesn't work. Gravity doesn't behave like light, in that it doesn't show abberation, suggesting instantaneous action. In GR any effects are limited to the speed of light, but some people have in fact suggested that the speed of gravitational effects really is much faster than that of light. This is why there continue to be arguments about the 'speed of gravity'

Related to Gravitation Queries: Explaining Newton's Meaning

1. What is gravitation?

Gravitation is a fundamental force of nature that describes the attraction between objects with mass. It is responsible for the motion of planets around the sun, the tides on Earth, and many other phenomena.

2. Who is Newton and what did he contribute to our understanding of gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who developed the theory of gravity in the 17th century. He proposed that all objects with mass attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

3. How does Newton's theory of gravitation differ from Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Newton's theory of gravitation is based on the concept of gravity as a force acting between masses, while Einstein's theory of general relativity describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy.

4. What is the equation for calculating the force of gravity between two objects?

The equation is F = G * (m1 * m2)/r^2, where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.

5. Can gravity be shielded or canceled out?

No, gravity cannot be shielded or canceled out. It is a fundamental force of nature that is always present and cannot be eliminated. However, its effects can be counteracted by other forces, such as the centripetal force that keeps objects in orbit around a larger mass.

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