What is the Maximum Load a 1.5 m Copper Wire with 1.1 mm Radius Can Suspend?

  • Thread starter mikefitz
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    Load Max
In summary, "max load" refers to the maximum amount of weight or force that a structure, material, or system can withstand before failing. Understanding and accurately calculating "max load" is important in scientific research as it helps determine the strength and durability of materials and structures, and can prevent accidents or failures in real-world applications. The calculation of "max load" typically involves applying increasing amounts of weight or force until the material or structure breaks, and can vary depending on factors such as material type, environmental conditions, and testing methods. In real-world applications, knowledge of "max load" is crucial in designing and constructing safe and sturdy buildings, bridges, and other structures, as well as in manufacturing and designing products that can support their intended use
  • #1
What is the maximum load that could be suspended from a copper wire of length 1.5 m and radius 1.1 mm without breaking the wire? Copper has an elastic limit of 3 × 108 Pa and a tensile strength of 4.2 × 10^8 Pa

F/A<Elastic Limit

= m(9.81) / 3.8013 = 3x10^8Pa
9.81m= 114 098 123
m= 116 248 535 N ?

Seems like an aweful lot of load, what did i do wrong on this one?
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  • #2
any ideas? I worked it out one more time with the same result...
  • #3

As a scientist, it is important to approach problems with precision and attention to detail. In this case, it seems that there may have been a calculation error in determining the maximum load that could be suspended from the copper wire. Here is the correct calculation:

The maximum load that could be suspended from the copper wire can be determined using the formula:

F = σ × A

F is the maximum load
σ is the tensile strength of copper (4.2 × 10^8 Pa)
A is the cross-sectional area of the wire (πr^2 where r is the radius of the wire)

So, for the given wire with a length of 1.5 m and a radius of 1.1 mm, the cross-sectional area would be π(0.0011)^2 = 3.8013 × 10^-6 m^2

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

F = (4.2 × 10^8 Pa) × (3.8013 × 10^-6 m^2)
= 1597.86 N

Therefore, the maximum load that could be suspended from this copper wire without breaking it would be 1597.86 N. It is important to note that this is assuming the wire is perfectly straight and there are no other factors (such as bending or twisting) that could affect its strength.

In terms of your calculation, it seems that you may have used the wrong value for the elastic limit of copper. The given value of 3 × 10^8 Pa is the yield strength of copper, not the elastic limit. The elastic limit is the maximum stress a material can withstand without experiencing permanent deformation. In this case, it is not relevant to the calculation of the maximum load that can be suspended from the wire.

I hope this clarification helps. Remember to always double check your calculations and use the correct values to ensure accurate results.

Related to What is the Maximum Load a 1.5 m Copper Wire with 1.1 mm Radius Can Suspend?

What is a "max load" in scientific terms?

A "max load" refers to the maximum amount of weight or force that can be applied to a structure, material, or system before it fails or breaks.

Why is understanding "max load" important in scientific research?

Understanding "max load" is important because it allows scientists to determine the strength and durability of a material or structure, and can help prevent accidents or failures in real-world applications.

How is "max load" calculated in scientific experiments?

"Max load" is typically calculated by applying increasingly larger amounts of weight or force to a material or structure until it reaches its breaking point. This data is then used to determine the maximum load that the material or structure can withstand.

Can "max load" vary depending on different factors?

Yes, "max load" can vary depending on factors such as the type and quality of the material, environmental conditions, and the method of testing. It is important for scientists to control these variables in order to accurately determine the max load of a material or structure.

How is "max load" used in real-world applications?

Knowing the "max load" of a material or structure is crucial in designing and constructing buildings, bridges, and other structures that can withstand the weight and forces they will be subjected to. It is also important in manufacturing and designing products that can safely support the weight of their intended use.

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