Solving 3ph Cable Issues with Inverter Driven Motor

In summary: It sounds like it might be getting wet.Can you post a picture of the cable? In summary, the inverter-driven 3kw motor at work experiences voltage spikes that break down the insulation on the cable.
  • #1
Gold Member
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We have an inverter driven 3kw motor at work that is the main drive for
a piece of kit we have, it drives via a 300-1 or so gear box, you can turn
the whole thing with one finger via the fan on the motor, the problem is
the 3ph cable to the motor hardens an breaks down, it is the recomended
cable to use (screened) and correct conductor size, the motor hardly gets
warm in opperation, and the cable only hardens at the motor end, any one
have an idea? if you do i can supply free triffles, cheese cakes, for a year.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Can you post a picture? Also, what voltage is the 3-phase power typically?
  • #3
Ozone. Curing things is a bit trickier --- or, maybe just not possible. Had several vacuum systems that used to "eat" power cables, usually to the roughing pumps, and same power cable used for diffusion pump inches away was fine, occasionally vice versa. Went to "new cables every 6 mos." to avoid troubles --- didn't really "solve" the problem, just dealt with it. Picked up non-rubber insulation (vinyl? Just about universal on 10-20 amp power cords these days) and got much longer service.

"Ozone" was the "folk" explanation --- might actually be high voltage from inductive flyback at "unfavorable" load conditions devulcanizing (hardening) the rubber jackets. Check with your electrician(s) about hanging bypass capacitors in the circuit, or tweaking power factor.
  • #4
WHOA, Bystander, i know that these things can deflect voltage back to
the inverter, giving twice the output voltage, the motor does live in a damp
enviroment, but i am not at your level of understanding, how can changing
the power factor help?
  • #5
Tweak the power factor and cut the flyback voltage. Or, "soften" the spikes a bit with bypass capacitors.

This is assuming that the speculation about voltage spikes breaking down rubber insulation is even close to a mechanism for what happens.
  • #6
You want to make sure the cable connections are very good i.e. as low resistance as possible. Is there a torque specification for the connector bolts?
  • #7
Pictures. We all want pictures. We want to help! (and learn too...)
  • #8
dlgoff said:
You want to make sure the cable connections are very good i.e. as low resistance as possible. Is there a torque specification for the connector bolts?
There may be a spec for nut torque but it is not in the paper work we have.
  • #9
berkeman said:
Pictures. We all want pictures. We want to help! (and learn too...)
I doubt if a picture would help, the cable looks the same along its lenght
It is PVC covered cable by the way not rubber.
  • #10
berkeman said:
Can you post a picture? Also, what voltage is the 3-phase power typically?
It is 240v 3ph.
  • #11
When you say that the cable hardens and breaks down, what do you mean? Is the insulation or the metal conductors that harden and break down? What is the failure exactly?
  • #12
berkeman said:
When you say that the cable hardens and breaks down, what do you mean? Is the insulation or the metal conductors that harden and break down? What is the failure exactly?
On the inverter we get a motor over volt message, when we test the cable
( disconnected from motor) between conductors we only have a few meg
ohms resitance, it seems the insulation is breaking down, the first motor
had been on the machine for 5 years, we mistakenly sent it for a rewind
only to find it was a cable fault, that cable has been replaced, but after
only 8 months is showing the same fault.
  • #13
There is a second cable that goes to this motor, same junction box, that
used to opperate a clutch brake, it is not connected at the motor end as we no longer use clutch brake, this cable is still supple.
  • #14
Do you think the ozone suggestion might be valid? If so, just aim a fan from a clear air area at the end of the cable at the inverter. That should keep the ozone away from the insulator/cable.
  • #15
berkeman said:
Do you think the ozone suggestion might be valid? If so, just aim a fan from a clear air area at the end of the cable at the inverter. That should keep the ozone away from the insulator/cable.
I not sure about ozone, all i can say is the room is at a constant 10c and
is all ways damp, is this good conditions for ozone production?
  • #16
I think it's arcing that produces the ozone, but I don't know much about that. It sounds like a refrigeration application (10C and damp) -- is the cable getting wet too?
  • #17
berkeman said:
I think it's arcing that produces the ozone, but I don't know much about that. It sounds like a refrigeration application (10C and damp) -- is the cable getting wet too?
The cable is in the bowles of the machiene, so it is well protected from any
washing that takes place every night, but i guess it could get damp at times
from evaporation of cleaning water.
  • #18
I have found this,

At high temperatures the material becomes soft so that conductors which are pressing on the insulation (eg at bends) will 'migrate' through it, sometimes moving to the edge of the insulation. Because of this property the temperature of general purpose P.V.C. must not be allowed to exceed 70°C, although versions which will operate safely at temperatures up to 85°C are also available. If p.v.c. is exposed to sunlight it may be degraded by ultra-violet radiation. If it is in contact with absorbent materials, the plasticiser may be 'leached out' making the p.v.c. hard and brittle.

i do not know of any absorbent material ?? sun light, no chance.

FAQ: Solving 3ph Cable Issues with Inverter Driven Motor

1. What is a 3ph cable and why is it important for inverter driven motors?

A 3ph cable is a type of electrical cable that has three conductors. It is important for inverter driven motors because it allows for a three-phase power supply, which is necessary for the operation of these motors. The three-phase power supply allows for more efficient and smoother operation of the motor.

2. What are some common issues that can occur with 3ph cables and inverter driven motors?

Some common issues that can occur include voltage imbalances between the three phases, incorrect wiring connections, and power quality issues. These issues can lead to motor malfunctions, decreased efficiency, and even damage to the motor or other equipment.

3. How can I troubleshoot and solve 3ph cable issues with inverter driven motors?

The first step is to check for any obvious issues such as loose connections or damaged cables. Next, use a multimeter to measure the voltage and current on each phase of the cable. If there are imbalances, check for any wiring or power quality issues. It may also be helpful to consult the motor and inverter manuals for troubleshooting tips specific to your equipment.

4. Can I prevent 3ph cable issues with inverter driven motors?

While some issues may be unavoidable, there are steps that can be taken to prevent them. Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify and address potential issues before they become bigger problems. It is also important to ensure that the motor and inverter are properly sized and compatible with each other.

5. Are there any safety precautions I should take when working with 3ph cables and inverter driven motors?

Yes, it is important to always follow proper safety protocols when working with electricity. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, turning off power before making any adjustments or repairs, and following all manufacturer instructions and warnings. It may also be helpful to consult with a qualified electrician or technician for any complex issues.

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