Harvesting energy from walking humans

In summary: You can't extract too much energy from walking or it would become very difficult to walk (ain't no such thing as a free lunch)...Welcome to the PF. ...but if you could somehow harvest that energy, it would be a valuable resource.In summary, this person thinks that a device could be attached to the bottom of a shoe which would use the wearer's movement to generate electricity. They estimate that this system could produce anywhere from 10-100W of power.
  • #1
So, this may sound like a homework question but I promise it's not.

How much energy do you think could be harvested per human step? For instance, if you had "buttons" in the bottom of shoes which compressed a spring and somehow moved that energy to some sort of energy storage device, how much could be stored, do you think (using whatever you think are realistic numbers).

I am asking this for this sort of product idea competition. My thought is that something could be attached to the bottom of a shoe which could be used to generate energy when it's wearer walked. From the sound of it, it should seem like an obviously bad idea due to what energy actually costs, and what such a device must at minimum cost, but I'm just trying to throw some sort of idea out there.

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  • #2
WilliamE. said:
So, this may sound like a homework question but I promise it's not.

How much energy do you think could be harvested per human step? For instance, if you had "buttons" in the bottom of shoes which compressed a spring and somehow moved that energy to some sort of energy storage device, how much could be stored, do you think (using whatever you think are realistic numbers).

I am asking this for this sort of product idea competition. My thought is that something could be attached to the bottom of a shoe which could be used to generate energy when it's wearer walked. From the sound of it, it should seem like an obviously bad idea due to what energy actually costs, and what such a device must at minimum cost, but I'm just trying to throw some sort of idea out there.


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  • #3
Work is force times distance, so if you weigh 150lb, take two steps per second and compress a piston 1" each time, how many ft-lb of work could you do per second?
  • #4
You measure work in ft-lb? Even if you insist on (middle-north) American units, just type the numbers into google..

Hence, I estimate anywhere from 10-100W of power. Still, might be a plausible way of keeping something like a netbook charged in certain circumstances. In fact there exist areas of the world where I think you'd have a market for a phone charger on this principle, depending on the technology of the button.

It would be like constantly walking up stairs. In the developed world there's probably a place for this kind of thing, just because we are generally so lacking in exercise. And we already eat too much (i.e., more calories than we use, and afterward our nutrient saturated waste streams tend to remain a liability rather than a resource) so by harnessing some of this excess energy from our decadent diets we would be getting this power for free (or for negative cost accounting for health benefits).
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  • #5
cesiumfrog said:
You measure work in ft-lb? Even if you insist on (middle-north) American units, just type the numbers into google..
Thats about about 16micro furlong-firkins if you want it in real units

I estimate anywhere from 10-100W of power
Probably nearer 10W, 100W is quite a lot of effort.
A decent competition cyclist can sustain 250W over long periods.
  • #6
ft-lb was the first thing that occurred to me - you can also do a 2.5 cm compression and 70 kg if you like...though that was meant more for the OP to solve...

...and calculating the number, regardless of the units, is better than pulling it out of thin air.
  • #7
You can't extract too much energy from walking or it would become very difficult to walk (ain't no such thing as a free lunch)
The reason you can walk easily is that you recover a lot of the energy in each step from the springs in your tendons (and slightly from the rubber soles in your shoes)
A system that extracts lots of energy would be like walking in soft sand or mud - or on those stepper things at the gym where your foot drops away from under you.
  • #8
is that intentionally omitting a factor of acceleration then?
  • #9
There's been quite a bit work on this beginning I believe with MIT's wearable computer work. We have a prototype device here, and the Army has been paying attention for years - anything to help with their exploding battery and battery life problem.

MIT Media Lab came up with a working maximum power of ~67W (68kg, 5cm vertical movement, 2Hz), but concedes an 'unobtrusive' maximum power of only about 1W (enough to keep cell phone going all day w/ an hour per day walking), and working models so far obtaining mW ranges. Piezoelectrics seem to be the leading candidate for the most unobtrusive, and miniature magnetic generators for the most power (tens of mW).

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  • #10
How much extra food is this going to cost me? :p
  • #11
If you have to work too hard whilst walking around the office, you will work up a lather and need a shower - there goes any net energy savings. You can't win, you know.
  • #12
You can get enough energy to wind a wristwatch, without bothering the wearer.
  • #13
NobodySpecial said:
Thats about about 16micro furlong-firkins if you want it in real units

Probably nearer 10W, 100W is quite a lot of effort.
A decent competition cyclist can sustain 250W over long periods.

Yeah, 100 Watts is asking too much. It would be a major effort making the round trip from couch to frig.
  • #14
A 70 kg person walking at a speed of 5 kmph uses 1300 joules of energy. Practical machines however might be able to capture only a small amount of that energy.
  • #15
mishrashubham said:
A 70 kg person walking at a speed of 5 kmph uses 1300 joules of energy. Practical machines however might be able to capture only a small amount of that energy.

How did you calculate that? And 1300 joules of energy in how much time? A second? An hour?
  • #16
mishrashubham said:
A 70 kg person walking at a speed of 5 kmph uses 1300 joules of energy. Practical machines however might be able to capture only a small amount of that energy.
Check your figures. Only power, Watts, makes sense in that statement without a time limit.
  • #17
Oh sorry for that, I forgot to write the time period which is 60 minutes. Walking at that speed a person of that weight on average in 1 hour uses approx 290-300 calories which is approximately 1300 joules.
  • #18
mishrashubham said:
1 hour uses approx 290-300 calories which is approximately 1300 joules.
1300J/hour = 0.35W - I think you might have missed a factor somewhere, do you mean kilocalories?
  • #19
One website is devoted to pop-up adds but features a "Calories Burned Calculator". It tells me a 150 lb person walking for one hr. at 3 mph burns 297 dietary calories (297 kilocalories).
  • #20
A lot of the weight-loss guides to how much energy you use also include metabolic losses - ie. the power converted into heat as you get hot and sweaty.
Ussualy by just assuming you are say 25% efficent and so giving you a calories/hour that is 4x the mechanical work done.
It's tricky to capture this so you shouldn't really include it in the useful work done calculation.

FAQ: Harvesting energy from walking humans

1. How is energy harvested from walking humans?

Energy can be harvested from walking humans through the use of specialized flooring materials or devices that convert the mechanical energy of footsteps into electrical energy. These materials or devices typically contain piezoelectric or electromagnetic components that generate electricity when they are compressed or moved by the weight and motion of a person walking.

2. How much energy can be harvested from walking humans?

The amount of energy that can be harvested from walking humans depends on various factors such as the person's weight, walking speed, and the efficiency of the harvesting technology. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace can generate around 5 watts of power. However, this can vary greatly and may not be enough to power large devices or appliances.

3. Can energy be harvested from any type of flooring?

No, not all types of flooring are suitable for harvesting energy from walking humans. The most effective materials are those that are flexible and can withstand repeated pressure and movement, such as piezoelectric materials or electromagnetic generators. Hard and rigid flooring materials, such as concrete or hardwood, are not ideal for energy harvesting.

4. Is harvesting energy from walking humans a sustainable source of energy?

Yes, harvesting energy from walking humans can be considered a sustainable source of energy as it utilizes the natural movement of people to generate electricity. As long as people continue to walk, the energy can be continuously harvested without any negative impact on the environment.

5. What are the potential applications of harvesting energy from walking humans?

The harvested energy can be used to power small devices such as sensors, LED lights, or charging small electronic devices like phones or watches. It can also be used to supplement the energy needs of buildings or public spaces, reducing their reliance on traditional energy sources. Additionally, this technology can be used in remote or off-grid areas where access to electricity is limited.

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