Computer Emergency: Black Screen and Blinking Power Button

In summary: Needless to say, my day was ruined. :frown:Backups can be to other PC's on the LAN, or to an external HD. I now have both, just in case one of the backups fails. :)
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
I'm at work, I printed a page, walked to the printer, came back and my computer had a black screen, the power button was blinking. I tried moving the cursor, and a few other things, no change. I decided I'd have to do a hard shut down, so I pushed the power button.



black screen - computer has flat lined

:frown: :bugeye: :eek: :cry:

I have a wimpy shared drive I can upload files to (10MB capacity, that's two presentations). I have 445MB just in my pst file.

I do not have a writeable CD on here, so no way to back up.

Turns out it was a false alarm, after a reboot, all files restored. :!)

I'm heading to the store to buy my own backup. My professional career would end if I lost this stuff.

I'm still shaking. This has ruined my day. I think we're talking 6 months of stress disability leave. :frown:
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Physics news on
  • #2
Moral of the story: Backup your data kids! Don't be an Evo
  • #3
I'm guessing you're not allowed to keep around those USB keychains? I use them all the time to backup my stuff.
  • #4
This is why I say we can't trust the machines. Today we trust them with our careers, tommorrow our lives! Just watch "The Terminator" and you will see that is what is going to happen.
  • #5
My expectations as I started to read this thread:

Evo said:
Heart failure
I'm at work, I printed a page, walked to the printer, came back and my heart started pounding...I'm thinking I should call 911...I'm sure I'll be alright but I really don't feel right...etc...

  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
My expectations as I started to read this thread:
Well, there was the time that I started suffering shortness of breath and extreme pain shooting down my left arm. Turned out my new bra was too tight. :redface:
  • #7
Or maybe your breasts are just too big. :bugeye:

- Warren
  • #8
I have HD's crash or boot sectors fail. That's why we back up redundantly. Our main drive is OS and Apps only, and all data is on a second slave HD. That HD is backed up once and usually twice on a network.

I have actually started keeping a partition for active projects, and an archive partition for old projects in which useful information can be found.

Backups can be to other PC's on the LAN, or to an external HD. I now have both, just in case one of the backups fails.

Take care Evo, I'm glad it wasn't one of those career limiting/terminating events. :smile:

Fortunately, no need to get eaten by mountain lions.
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
Moral of the story: Backup your data kids! Don't be an Evo

:smile: You're all heart!
  • #10
"System Memory Dump in progress" only refers to erasing everything in the volitile memory (RAM), not to the stuff on the hard drive. You were never in any real trouble, unless it was a big presentation and you hadn't bothered to click the save button in awhile.

  • #11
Evo said:
Well, there was the time that I started suffering shortness of breath and extreme pain shooting down my left arm. Turned out my new bra was too tight. :redface:

:smile: Evo, have you ever thought of writing a book. You have such a clever sense of humor, it would be great fun to read!
  • #12
Ivan Seeking said:
My expectations as I started to read this thread:

Evo said:
Heart failure
I'm at work, I printed a page, walked to the printer, came back and my heart started pounding...I'm thinking I should call 911...I'm sure I'll be alright but I really don't feel right...etc...
My expectations were:

Evo said:
Heart failure
I'm in my garden, I moved a plant, and a hideously-fanged hedgehog leapt for my throat...

  • #13
Lyuokdea said:
"System Memory Dump in progress" only refers to erasing everything in the volitile memory (RAM), not to the stuff on the hard drive. You were never in any real trouble, unless it was a big presentation and you hadn't bothered to click the save button in awhile.

Oh thank God! Well, everything is ok. I stll need to find a way to back my stuff up though.

What causes that?
  • #14
larkspur said:
:smile: Evo, have you ever thought of writing a book. You have such a clever sense of humor, it would be great fun to read!
A lot of poeple have suggested that, and you don't even know the things I haven't mentioned, like the time I was taking a bath and the entire bathroom wall fell into the yard and I'm just sitting in the bathtub exposed to the entire neighborhood. (this was in condemend military housing In Washington DC).

Or the time I was showering and a police officer storms into the bathroom shouting "police officer", I open the shower door and there's a gun pointed at my head. (my 2 year old dialed 911)

Stuff just happens to me. :frown:
  • #15
I know that I have a uniform around here somewhere...
  • #16
Evo said:
Or the time I was showering and a police officer storms into the bathroom shouting "police officer", I open the shower door

So, you fell for the old mistaken call to the police routine eh? :biggrin:
  • #17
Evo said:
A lot of poeple have suggested that, and you don't even know the things I haven't mentioned, like the time I was taking a bath and the entire bathroom wall fell into the yard and I'm just sitting in the bathtub exposed to the entire neighborhood. (this was in condemend military housing In Washington DC).

Or the time I was showering and a police officer storms into the bathroom shouting "police officer", I open the shower door and there's a gun pointed at my head. (my 2 year old dialed 911)

Stuff just happens to me. :frown:

None of that can be real... i hope...
  • #18
From the original post, it just sounds as if your computer was in standby to conserve power. Are you using Windows as your operating system?
  • #19
theCandyman said:
Are you using Windows as your operating system?
And if so... why?!
  • #20
Hey hey, let's not get off topic here. back to making fun of Evo :P
  • #21
Pengwuino said:
None of that can be real... i hope...
It's all very real.
  • #22
Evo said:
Oh thank God! Well, everything is ok. I stll need to find a way to back my stuff up though.

What causes that?
How much RAM do you have on your motherboard? Could it be a problem with Virtual Memory? Especially if one is working with large files (and in my experience MS Word, PPT with a fair amount of graphics).

I wonder if it was page fault. What OS are you using?
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  • #23
A present, just in case, not sure if fitting is DIY.


  • Heart.jpg
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  • #24
Astronuc said:
How much RAM do you have on your motherboard? Could it be a problem with Virtual Memory? Especially if one is working with large files (and in my experience MS Word, PPT with a fair amount of graphics).

I wonder if it was page fault. What OS are you using?
It's my computer at work, there's nothing I can do about the computer, but the tech guy said I can use something like maxster to do my own backup. I can't believe this company doesn't have a way for employees to back up data. When I worked for AT&T they INSISTED we back up at least weekly.
  • #25
wolram said:
A present, just in case, not sure if fitting is DIY.
I was just listening to The Magnetic Field's "I think I need a new heart". Awww, thanks Wolram. :!)
  • #26
Evo said:
It's my computer at work, there's nothing I can do about the computer, but the tech guy said I can use something like maxster to do my own backup. I can't believe this company doesn't have a way for employees to back up data. When I worked for AT&T they INSISTED we back up at least weekly.
Yes, one can use a Maxtor or Winchester external HD - with USB connection. I use a Sapphire system at work, and I have a 130 MB External HD at home with autobackup feature.

I am surprised by the company's policy. Most facilities would require backup of critical data, but usually on systems that cannot be removed from the premises.
  • #27
Astronuc said:
I am surprised by the company's policy. Most facilities would require backup of critical data, but usually on systems that cannot be removed from the premises.
I guess they don't consider my data critical.

FAQ: Computer Emergency: Black Screen and Blinking Power Button

1. What causes a black screen and blinking power button on a computer?

There can be several reasons for this issue, including a faulty graphics card, corrupt system files, a malfunctioning power supply, or a hardware failure.

2. How can I fix a computer with a black screen and blinking power button?

The first step would be to try restarting the computer. If that doesn't work, you can try troubleshooting the hardware components, updating drivers and software, or restoring the system to a previous point. If these methods don't work, it may be necessary to seek professional help.

3. Can a virus cause a black screen and blinking power button?

Yes, a virus or malware infection can cause a computer to display a black screen and blinking power button. It is essential to have a reliable antivirus software and regularly scan your computer for any threats.

4. Is it possible to prevent a black screen and blinking power button on my computer?

While some causes of this issue are unavoidable, there are steps you can take to prevent it. Regularly updating your drivers and software, keeping your computer clean and dust-free, and using a surge protector can help prevent unexpected hardware failures.

5. Can a black screen and blinking power button be a sign of a more severe issue?

In some cases, a black screen and blinking power button can indicate a more serious issue, such as a failing hard drive or a motherboard problem. If the problem persists after trying basic troubleshooting methods, it is best to seek professional help to avoid further damage to the computer.

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