Help with integrating step function

In summary: So you antiderive 1/x and it's just ln|x|. You plug in your upper bound 2x and you get ln|2x|. You can't plug in your lower bound because it's zero. (I don't know what to plug in for infinity.)Then you multiply by the derivative of the upper bound, which in this case is 2. So you get 2ln|2x|. But that's not the function. You still need to subtract the lower bound (which doesn't exist) so you just leave it with a +C.That's what I meant. If you have a function with a variable as the upper
  • #1
Dear All,

I have a moderate knowledge of mathematics and need help on an integration question. How would I go about integrating a step function:
H(K - Z), when the integral is from K=Z to infinity.

Please advise, your help would be much appreciated.

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  • #2
A step function is simply a constant that turns on at time Z in your case. The intergral of a constant can be written as C*t + C0 which is a linear linear function. For the case of a step function the initial value is zero at time t thus the equation takes the form C*t, however this also really does not jump up until time Z, so if we evaluate the integral from Z to some arbirary time T, then we have y = C*(T-Z) where C is the magnitude of the step function, T is some arbitrarty point in time, and Z is when the step function turns on. In your case the integral will tend to infinity because your step function never turns off.
  • #3
Additional help with integration

Thanks for the comment, I kinda understand what you are saying but the full integral is as follows:

Integrate H(e^(a+b*epsilon) -z)*(e^-0.5*epsilon^2) with respect to epsilon. H is the step function. How can this be done?

Please advise. Thank u.
  • #4
Let [itex]u= e^{(a+b\epsilon)-z}[/itex] so [itex]du= -u= e^{(a+b\epsilon)-z}= -udx[/itex] and so [itex]dx= -\frac{du}{u}[/itex]. When z= K, [itex]u= e^{(a+b\epsilon)-K}[/itex] and as z goes to infinity, u goes to 0. Letting L = [itex]u= e^{(a+b\epsilon)-K}[/itex] and using the negative to swap the direction of integration, your integral becomes
Since H(u) is 1 for u> 0, this is simply
That should be easy. (except for the minor detail that it "blows up" at 0.)
  • #5
basic rule, a step function has piecewise constant height, hence piecewise linear integral.

if your step function is constant from K to infinity, then its graph is linear from K to infinity, so the graph of the integral has form H.(X-K), for X > K, where H is the height. but it has value zero for X<K.
  • #6
If you integrate from zero to infinity...Fundamental Theory of Calculus talked about that, or the teacher did during that class...well it will certainly have an X in the answer, and you can ignore the lower boundry...
Do you know your upper lmiit? does it have x in it?

I mean from what I integral can be defined finite (from a to b) or infinite (just the assumed all area existent under curve.).

So to go from something to infinity...that "infinity" must be something with X in it.

To integrate, you take the Derivative of the upper boundry times the antiderivative of the function you integrate and you plug in the upper boundry.

Okay, can someone check me on that? This is what I got wrong every single time I had to do in integration with bonudries w/ x in them. Do I andtiderivate, plug in the bonudry and multiply by the derivative fo the boundry? minus of course the same process for the lower boundry?

:D please help!
  • #7
you need to distinguish definite from indefinite integrals. i assumed he meant an indefinite integral, i.e. a function.
  • #8
Robokapp said:
If you integrate from zero to infinity...Fundamental Theory of Calculus talked about that, or the teacher did during that class...well it will certainly have an X in the answer, and you can ignore the lower boundry...
Do you know your upper lmiit? does it have x in it?
Then you don't know the Fundamental Theory (theorem) of Calculus and you didn't listen to your teacher. A definite integral of a function of x, even if from 0 to infinity, is a number not a function of x. And you certainly cannot "ignore the lower boundary".
[tex]\int_{1}^\infty \frac{dx}{x^2}= 1[/tex]
[tex]\int_{2}^\infty \frac{dx}{x^2}= \frac{1}{2}[/tex]
The integral here depends only on the lower boundary!

I mean from what I integral can be defined finite (from a to b) or infinite (just the assumed all area existent under curve.).

So to go from something to infinity...that "infinity" must be something with X in it.
?? I seen many definitions of "infinity". I have never seen one that was a functionof x.

To integrate, you take the Derivative of the upper boundry times the antiderivative of the function you integrate and you plug in the upper boundry.
No, you don't "take the derivative of the upper boundary". Since, typically, the upper boundary is a constant, that makes no sense.

Okay, can someone check me on that? This is what I got wrong every single time I had to do in integration with bonudries w/ x in them. Do I andtiderivate, plug in the bonudry and multiply by the derivative fo the boundry? minus of course the same process for the lower boundry?

:D please help!

Were you responding to the question or asking another question? You make a series of assertions and then, at the very end, ask if they are correct or not. Okay- every one of your assertions is wrong (or, worse, meaningless). As every calculus book will tell you, to evaluate a definite integral, find the anti-derivative, evaluate at the "upper boundary" and "lower boundary" and subtract the latter from the former. That is one-half of the "fundamental theorem of calculus": If F'(x)= f(x) then
[tex]\int_a^b f(x)dx= F(b)- F(a)[/tex]

(The other half, no relevant here, is: If
[tex]F(x)= \int_a^x f(t)dt[/tex]
then F'(x)= f(x).)
  • #9
[tex]\int_0^x f(x)dx[/tex]

This is what I understood from the orriginal question that the orriginal poster was talking about. maybe I'm terribly wrong. I never met an itegral going to infinity...with the actual "infinity" sign in it.

Now what I said...let's take this example:

[tex]\int_0^x f(x)dx[/tex] where f(x)=1/x

Okay I can't get it to show what I want but the top bound i want 2x not plain x.

By ignoring the lower bound (I feel like an idiot because my example itself is the abstraction to my own thought) I meant in a polynomial...most of the times if you plug in the zero...if you don't have a +C you don't have anything but a zero. It wasn't math, it was a "commodity" that I know it's not correct...I just wanted a shortcut that doesn't always work. Sorry about that confusion.

so in that case, you'd go [tex]2 ln(2x) - ln(0)[/tex] correct?

I realize now that I chose a very very idiotic example since Ln(0) is undefined but...I did a lot of boo-boos in this topic already. hehe.
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  • #10
If you mean
[tex]\int_0^{2x} \frac{1}{t} dt [/tex]
[tex]\int_0^{2x} \frac{1}{t} dt= ln(2x)- ln(0) [/tex]
which, as you point out, doesn't exist because the ln(0) is not defined.

In general,
[tex]\int_a^b \frac{1}{t}dt= ln(b)- ln(a)= ln(\frac{b}{a})[/tex]
whenever the logarithms exist.

[tex]\int_1^{2x} \frac{1}{t}dt= ln(2x)- ln(1)= ln(2x)[/itex]
No, you do not "multiply by the derivative of the upper bound".
  • #11

Either I was sleeping trough that class or my teacher was. I'll check it really fast...I'll psot results.

Okay...i'm taking the follwoing example in my ti-83:

[tex]\int_1^{2x} \frac{1}{t} dt[/tex]

So I graph

y=(fnint(1/x,x,1,2x))/(x>1) because I can't have xgo trough 0 or I get error.

Yeah. I seem to be terribly wrong. Looks like I got some studying to do. Thank you for poniting out this...I'd never have figured it out that I learned it wrong.

Edit: A little embarassing but does anynoe have a good link? Wikipedia only has integral from a to x explained...and I don't know what to ask in google...and wolfram mathematics seems to not cover this or I can't find it. I don't know how to describe it so a search engine can find something of the kind.

Thank you in advance.
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  • #12
One more thing, Robokapp, since the integrand is a step function, and therefore not continuous, citing the FTC is both unhelpful and wrong since that requires the integrand to be continuous.
  • #13
Robokapp said:
Edit: A little embarassing but does anynoe have a good link? Wikipedia only has integral from a to x explained...and I don't know what to ask in google...and wolfram mathematics seems to not cover this or I can't find it. I don't know how to describe it so a search engine can find something of the kind.

Thank you in advance.

Search for "the (second) fundamental theorem of calculus". Probably omit the parentheses.
  • #14
matt grime said:
One more thing, Robokapp, since the integrand is a step function, and therefore not continuous, citing the FTC is both unhelpful and wrong since that requires the integrand to be continuous.

Not trying to suck the attention away from the orriginal question but..."integrand" is a term i never heard of in my life. logaritmig function is continuous though...past 0.

to D-Lett I'll try. thank you!

Edit: I think what I remember is maybe from taking the derivative of the antideirvative with a a boundry of 2x or so...That sort of makes sense.

Edit2: yep. Doing F'(X) is what i was thinking of. here's the link in case someone wonders...It actually makes sense.
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  • #15
Robokapp said:
Not trying to suck the attention away from the orriginal question but..."integrand" is a term i never heard of in my life. logaritmig function is continuous though...past 0.
Then I suggest that you consult a calculus book- it's a very fundamental term. The "integrand" is the function f(x) in [itex]\int f(x)dx[/itex], the function being integrated.

And the fact that the logarithm is continuous is irrelevant to matt grime's point- the step function is not. The original post (did you read it?) said nothing about a logarithm.

FAQ: Help with integrating step function

What is a step function?

A step function is a mathematical function that changes its value abruptly at certain points. It can be represented by a graph, where the function value stays constant between these points and then jumps to a new value.

Why is integrating step function important?

Integrating a step function allows us to find the area under the curve, which can be useful in many applications such as calculating displacement, velocity, and acceleration in physics, or calculating profits and losses in economics. It is also a fundamental concept in calculus and is used to solve more complex problems.

How do you integrate a step function?

To integrate a step function, you first need to identify the boundaries of each step. Then, you can use the basic integration rules to solve for the area under each step. Finally, you can add up the individual areas to find the total area under the curve. It is important to keep track of the sign changes in the function and adjust the integration accordingly.

What are some real-life examples of step functions?

Step functions can be found in many real-life situations, such as in the stock market where stock prices may increase or decrease suddenly, or in digital signals where the voltage changes abruptly between high and low states. They can also represent changes in temperature, population growth, and traffic flow.

Are there any tools or techniques to help with integrating step functions?

Yes, there are several techniques and tools that can aid in integrating step functions, such as using tables or graphs to visualize the steps, using software programs like MATLAB or Wolfram Alpha to calculate the areas, or using the Heaviside step function to simplify the integration process. It is also important to have a strong understanding of basic integration rules and techniques.
