High-Temperature Superconductor Transport

In summary: Yes, current does flow preferentially in-plane, but it also has a preferred direction in the a-b plane.
  • #1
I am starting to work with the high temperature superconductor BSCCO (Bi–Sr–Ca–Cu–O). I have read that the carriers of superconducting current is hole pairs. (As opposed to electron-pairs in normal superconductors) I am trying to understand how the transport would work.

If I contact it with gold and I am trying to measure the conductance, how does the interface of the metal/superconductor transport work? Normally, an electron crossing from the metal to the superconductor would carry another electron with it creating a Cooper pair. I feel like you would have some sort of junction. I think I am just confused about the physics of the transport and I don't really know what I am asking. If someone could talk about the transport and the interfaces, it would be much appreciated.

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  • #2
There several issues here.

Firsly, for a normal superconductor (say Al or Nb) the physics is quite straigthforward: you have an NS interfac and you can use a semi-classical semiconductor-type desciption, see e.g. relevant chapter in Tinkham's book which describes this in some detail It might also be worth looking up some papers on Andreev reflection/mirrors.

Secondly, if the contacts are large enough (and they usually are) there the only practical issue that comes into play is the contact resistance, i.e. the resistance is high it tends to mess up your measurements. Properly designed contacts should not exhibit any "interesting" physics.

However, things are of course potentially quite different for BSCCO since it is a layered material and therefore extremely anisotropic. This makes everything much more complicated and the details of what is going on will depend on what you are trying to make contact to (a stack? in-plane?) and what the topmost plane is (the current flows preferentially in-plane). Hence, any "simple" mental picture is not going to be very accurate.
I am pretty sure you should be able to find quite a few papers about this if you have a look around.
  • #3
Thanks for the book reference.

So you said current flows preferentially in-plane. Doesn't it also have a preferred direction in the a-b plane? So if I figure out a way to measure the conductance in both a and b directions, I should see a higher resistance in one?

Thanks for your response

FAQ: High-Temperature Superconductor Transport

1. What is a high-temperature superconductor?

A high-temperature superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with zero resistance at temperatures higher than conventional superconductors, which typically require extremely low temperatures to function.

2. How does the transport of electricity work in high-temperature superconductors?

The transport of electricity in high-temperature superconductors occurs through the movement of electron pairs, known as Cooper pairs, which are able to move through the material without resistance due to the unique properties of the superconducting material.

3. What are the potential applications of high-temperature superconductor transport?

High-temperature superconductors have the potential to revolutionize various industries, such as power transmission, transportation, and medical imaging, by providing highly efficient and cost-effective methods of conducting electricity.

4. What are some challenges in studying high-temperature superconductor transport?

One of the main challenges in studying high-temperature superconductor transport is understanding the mechanisms behind the behavior of the material at such high temperatures, as it differs greatly from conventional superconductors. Another challenge is finding ways to scale up the production of these materials for practical applications.

5. What are some current research developments in high-temperature superconductor transport?

Researchers are currently exploring ways to enhance the properties of high-temperature superconductors, such as increasing their critical temperature and improving their stability. They are also studying the potential of using these materials in new technologies, such as quantum computing and energy storage.

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