How can I present my new atomic model to the scientific community?

In summary, the conversation revolves around a person who believes they have developed a new atomic model to replace the Bohr model. They are seeking advice on how to present their idea to the scientific community and are asking for recommendations for journals that might be interested in publishing their work. Some suggestions and warnings are given, including the journal Physics Essays and the importance of thoroughly understanding the current state of science and being open to feedback from experts.
  • #1
I believe that by accident I have developed a new atomic model that will replace the Bohr model. I am not a scientist or mathematician yet I want to try to present the model to the scientific community. What is the best way to do so? If it is through a journal please recommend journals that might be interested in publishing it.
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  • #2
You are a little late to the game to say the least :smile:. The Bohr model is already obsolete and it was replaced by quantum mechanics already in ca 1925.

I recommend reading this:

Quantum mechanics introduction:
I will soon give you some more links to consider, hang on, please.
(concerning journals, I have no recommendation at the moment)

See also this thread: Valid reason to reject the Bohr model? and Failures of the Bohr Model (HyperPhysics).
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  • #3
OK. Let me try again. The quantum model today is based on the filling of the s,p,d, f shells presented by Bohr. The model has flaws at the 4s shell filling before the 3d shell. I have a model that will fill the shells without any overlapping of n levels.
I hope somebody can help me and tell me which journals might be interested in publishing the new model.
  • #4
jerryscan said:
I believe that by accident I have developed a new atomic model that will replace the Bohr model. I am not a scientist or mathematician yet I want to try to present the model to the scientific community. What is the best way to do so? If it is through a journal please recommend journals that might be interested in publishing it.
You have some chances to publish it in the journal Physics Essays, but I have to worn you: Serious physicists will not take seriously a paper published there.
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  • #5
Just FYI, there is a problem with asking (and answering) questions like "Do you know where I should publish this new idea I have". And that problem is, you really should not be thinking about publishing anything at all, nor is there hardly any chance that your work is both correct and new, if you have not read through all contemporary published work. You need to know what everyone else in the field is working on NOW, not what they were doing 50 or 100 years ago. But... If you actually have read through all current work, then you would already know the current journals yourself, and wouldn't have to ask about it.

Please, do yourself (and us) a favor and ask yourself whether this applies to you.

P.S. in light of the crackpot index thread in the general forum we just started I find the first sentence in the OP hilarious.
  • #6
jerryscan said:
I believe that by accident I have developed a new atomic model that will replace the Bohr model. I am not a scientist or mathematician yet I want to try to present the model to the scientific community. What is the best way to do so? If it is through a journal please recommend journals that might be interested in publishing it.

That may in fact be what you believe, but the overwhelming probability is that you have misunderstood something, missed the point, have no understanding of the current state of science, made a fundamental mistake and don't even understand what science really is.

So the best way forward I can recommend is to write an essay about your findings, post it somewhere online, preferably your own website. Be humble in your claims and lay out your thoughts as clearly as you can. And if after that real physicists tell you that you went wrong, believe it.


  • #7
Demystifier said:
You have some chances to publish it in the journal Physics Essays, but I have to worn you: Serious physicists will not take seriously a paper published there.

Thanks Demystifier for giving me the name of the journal Physics Essays. Could you or anyone else give me names of serious Physics journals that you read?
  • #8
Closed, pending moderation.


Related to How can I present my new atomic model to the scientific community?

1. What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and interactions of particles on a subatomic level. It explains the fundamental nature of matter and energy, and how they interact with each other.

2. Why are Quantum Physics Journals important?

Quantum physics journals are important because they provide a platform for scientists to publish their research findings and advancements in the field. They also allow for the dissemination of new knowledge and ideas, and promote collaboration among scientists.

3. What types of research are published in Quantum Physics Journals?

Quantum physics journals publish a wide range of research, including theoretical and experimental studies, as well as reviews and perspectives on current topics in the field. They cover topics such as quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum computing, and quantum information theory.

4. How are Quantum Physics Journals different from other scientific journals?

Quantum physics journals are different from other scientific journals because they focus specifically on the study of subatomic particles and their interactions. They also often have a more interdisciplinary approach, incorporating concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

5. Are Quantum Physics Journals only for scientists?

No, Quantum physics journals are not just for scientists. While they primarily publish research articles targeted towards scientists and researchers in the field, they also often include popular science articles and editorials that can be accessible to a wider audience interested in quantum physics.

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