Do Steel Molecules Move Simultaneously or Sequentially?

  • Thread starter Frangelo
  • Start date
In summary, a force is applied in the northerly direction on a steel rod oriented north-south, causing it to move 1 inch north. This results in a delay before the molecules at the north end react to the force, as the disturbance must propagate along the length of the rod at the speed of sound in the material. The molecules in the material get forced closer together, similar to magnets repelling each other, and are connected by springs. This creates a compression wave, which is why there is always some give in the material.
  • #1
Maybe a silly question, but I nevertheless interested in the answer.

A steel rod oriented north south sits on a table. Consider two molecules, N and S, at the the north and sound end of rod respectively.

A force in the northerly direction is applied on point S of the rod and the rod moves 1 inch north.

My question is basically, does point S move before point N or does point N move before point S, or do they actually move simultaneously to the limit of our observational powers?

What I'm wondering is, at the molecular level, if you imagine the steel molecules to be incompressible spheres (like glass marbles in column) in a lattice, each sphere tangent to its neighbor, then in order for a sphere at the at the south end to move in the northerly direction, its neighbor to the north must move before it can move into the space the neighbor formerly occupied. So that suggests the idea that the force is transmitted down the rod to the end of rod at the north end, and the first movement occurs at point N moves an infinitessmal distance northward (pushing air out of the way) which then makes room for the sphere at Point a's neighbor to the south to move into the space it formerly occupied and so on. So on the molecular level, while the force is applied at point S and travels North, the movement starts at the north end and "travels" to the south end. Alternatively I guess, the idea that molecules are better pictures as "compressible elastic" sphere, which deform but exert pressure when deformed (like a ballon), so the steel rod moves in the same way a column of balloons in a tube might move.

The mechanism I can't quite understand is the one in which the two points N and S move at precisely the same moment, and how to understand how that could happen? How does the the molecule at point N "know" to move when a pressure is a applied at point "S"?
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  • #2
Frangelo said:
A steel rod oriented north south sits on a table. Consider two molecules, N and S, at the the north and sound end of rod respectively.

A force in the northerly direction is applied on point S of the rod and the rod moves 1 inch north.

My question is basically, does point S move before point N or does point N move before point S, or do they actually move simultaneously to the limit of our observational powers?
The point S moves before the point N. Before the point N can react to the force applied at S the disturbance must propagate along the length of the rod. It does so at the speed of sound in the material.

The resulting delay is well within our observational powers. Here is a similar experiment by one of our forum members with modest lab equipment:

Note, that he shows some further refinements on the next page.
  • #3
Thanks! But still wondering then, if point S moves north, before the molecule immediately to the north of it has moved, that suggests either the two molecules are occupying the same space at the same time. Is that what is going on? Or maybe more like the molecules are forced closer to each other than they would like to be? Like magnets repelling each other?
  • #4
I've never actually studied this but I would think that the molecules inside the material get forced closer together, then the Coulomb forces inside the material push them apart.
  • #5
Frangelo said:
Thanks! But still wondering then, if point S moves north, before the molecule immediately to the north of it has moved, that suggests either the two molecules are occupying the same space at the same time. Is that what is going on? Or maybe more like the molecules are forced closer to each other than they would like to be? Like magnets repelling each other?

The latter - they're forced closer to each other than they want to be.

You can think of the molecules of an object as if they're connected by springs, and the stiffer these springs, the more rigid the object. But no matter how stiff they are, there's always some tiny amount of give.
  • #6
Frangelo said:
Or maybe more like the molecules are forced closer to each other than they would like to be?
Yes, they are forced closer than their equilibrium spacing. That is why it is often called a compression wave.

FAQ: Do Steel Molecules Move Simultaneously or Sequentially?

What is the structure of steel molecules?

Steel molecules are made up of iron and carbon atoms, arranged in a crystal lattice structure. This structure allows for the movement of molecules to occur.

How do steel molecules move?

Steel molecules are in a constant state of motion, vibrating and colliding with each other. This movement is due to the thermal energy present in the steel, which causes the atoms to vibrate and move around.

What factors affect the movement of steel molecules?

The movement of steel molecules can be affected by temperature, pressure, and the presence of impurities. Higher temperatures can increase the kinetic energy of the molecules and therefore increase their movement. Pressure can also impact the movement of molecules, as it can compress or expand the space between them. Impurities such as other elements can also affect the movement of steel molecules.

Can steel molecules move in a solid state?

Yes, steel molecules can still move in a solid state, albeit to a lesser degree. The molecules are held in place by strong forces, but they still have some freedom to vibrate and rotate.

What is the importance of understanding the movement of steel molecules?

Understanding the movement of steel molecules is crucial in the production and use of steel. It allows us to predict how steel will behave under different conditions and to manipulate its properties to suit specific purposes. This knowledge is also essential in the development of new and improved steel alloys for various applications.

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