How many LaGrange points does the Earth/Moon system have?

In summary, the Earth/Moon system has 5 LaGrange points, 2 of which are stable and do not require stationkeeping. These stable points are roughly located 60 degrees ahead and behind the L1 and L2 points, which follow the moon's orbital path. There are also 3 meta-stable points, with one stable point located 60 degrees to the right of L1 and L2, and the other located 60 degrees to the left of L1 and L2.
  • #1
A)How many LaGrange points does the Earth/Moon system have?

B) How many are stable (no stationkeeping neccessary)?

C) Roughly where are the stable points located?

1/2 point point for each answered correctly
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
c)Half-distance moon- earth
  • #3
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
A)How many LaGrange points does the Earth/Moon system have?
B) How many are stable (no stationkeeping neccessary)?
C) Roughly where are the stable points located?
In the moon's orbital path about 60 degrees ahead and behind.
  • #4
You both are wrong!

5 points

2 are stable

3 are meta-stable

If you form a straight line with the meta-stable points, the one stable point is 60 degress to the right of the L1 and L2 and the other stable points is 60 degrees to the left of the L1 and L2 points.

J-Man - your error lies in the fact that you did not say what it was 60 degrees ahead and behind of...

L1 and L2 follow the moon - and so the points are 60 degress right and left of the L1 and L2 points (and of course the moon too).
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  • #5
No J-man is right. Sadly I did not beat him to post it.
  • #6
In the moon's orbital path about 60 degrees ahead and behind.

It looks like he said where they are to me. And we are both right in the scope of the question. Now that you edited your post, and tossed in a bit more info, you have it correct.
  • #7
A. 6x10^34

B. 1

C. Right near the beach
  • #8
1.5 points to J-Man!

FAQ: How many LaGrange points does the Earth/Moon system have?

1. How many LaGrange points are there in the Earth/Moon system?

There are a total of five LaGrange points in the Earth/Moon system, designated as L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5.

2. What are LaGrange points?

LaGrange points are locations in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies, such as the Earth and Moon, balance out to create a stable point of equilibrium.

3. How were the LaGrange points first discovered?

The LaGrange points were first predicted by mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the 18th century. They were later observed and confirmed by astronomers in the 20th century.

4. Are all LaGrange points equally stable?

No, not all LaGrange points are equally stable. The L4 and L5 points, located on either side of the Earth's orbit, are considered the most stable as objects placed there tend to stay in orbit for longer periods of time.

5. What are some potential uses for LaGrange points?

LaGrange points can be useful for space exploration and satellite missions. They offer a stable location for spacecraft to orbit without using a lot of fuel, and can also be used for communication and observation purposes.
