How to Approach Proofs in Mathematics: Tips and Strategies

In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove that there is at least one real number z that falls between two arbitrary real numbers x and y. The individual seeking help mentions their struggle with rigorously proving things and asks for general tips on how to approach proofs. The responder suggests thinking about the problem and finding natural choices for something that sits between two other things. They also clarify that stating something as obvious in mathematics may not be sufficient and offer an example to illustrate this point. The individual expresses gratitude for the help and concludes that it is important to not overcomplicate things and think things through before attempting to prove them.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If x and y are arbitrary real numbers with x<y, prove that there is at least one real z satisfying x<z<y

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The problem arises from my inexperience in rigorously proving anything. If possible a general explanation of where to begin when trying to prove something rigorously would be more helpful than just the answer. I find that proofs generally seem obvious after i see them completed, but i sit for hours staring at them not knowing where to even remotely begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
There is no general algorithm for attacking problems. But usually it helps to think about what the problem is really asking. For instance, for the problem you've posted, think about this: can you find a number between 0 and 1? In general, what's the natural choice for something that sits in between two other things? (Maybe something that's 'in the middle'?)
  • #3
Ah! See, i feel really dumb now...haha...thanks. Hmmm...if i were to say something like, if x<y then (1/2)x is also less than y... would i then need to prove that? Or is that "obvious" enough to just simply state? I have a feeling that stating something as obvious is blasphemous in mathematics.
  • #4
But is (1/2)x always greater than x?
  • #5
Alright...thanks again! I think its just a matter of not over complicating things and thinking things through before trying to prove anything. Thanks!

FAQ: How to Approach Proofs in Mathematics: Tips and Strategies

1. How do I start attempting Apostol proofs?

The first step is to carefully read the statement of the theorem and understand what it is asking you to prove. Then, make sure you have a good grasp of the definitions, theorems, and concepts related to the proof. It is also helpful to take a look at any examples or similar proofs that may have been covered in class or in the textbook.

2. How do I organize my proof?

It is important to have a clear and logical structure to your proof. Start by stating what you are trying to prove and then break it down into smaller steps or sub-proofs. Use precise and concise language, and make sure to explain each step in detail. You can also use diagrams or illustrations to support your reasoning if needed.

3. How do I handle difficult or unclear steps in the proof?

If you encounter a step that you are unsure of, don't panic. Take a step back and try to understand the reasoning behind it. If necessary, refer back to the definitions and theorems you have learned. You can also consult with your peers or instructor for clarification. Remember, proofs require careful and logical reasoning, so it is important to fully understand each step.

4. How do I know if my proof is correct?

One way to check the correctness of your proof is to go through it line by line and make sure each step is logically sound. If you are using any theorems or lemmas, make sure to cite them correctly. It can also be helpful to check your proof with a peer or your instructor to get feedback and catch any mistakes or gaps in your reasoning.

5. How do I improve my proof-writing skills?

The best way to improve your proof-writing skills is through practice. Try to attempt as many proofs as you can, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Also, seek feedback from your peers and instructor to identify areas of improvement. Reading and studying well-written proofs can also help you understand the structure and language used in proofs. Lastly, always strive for clarity, precision, and logical reasoning in your proofs.

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