How to draw the angles to find force

In summary, the student is trying to figure out how to draw the angles for the weight equation and is having trouble because their teacher does not teach the material. They ask for help and the author provides a summary of the math involved.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

I have the picture and everything but i just need help with the angles. Like i am a bit confused about how to draw the angles and stuff please help.

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Use a coordinate plane so that the incline of your ramp, Ff, Ff and Fa are along the x-axis, and Fn is along the y-axis. Then you can figure out the components of the weight using the angle they give you (break the weight into its components along the incline and perpendicular to the incline).
  • #3
so then would this picture be correct??
and to find the x component of the Fg i would have to do (cos30)mg and to find the y component i would have to do (sin30)mg?
  • #4
Sin is opp/hyp and cos is adj/hyp, so you may want to re-check what the y and x-components are for Fg.
  • #5
oo.. yea i messed it up so basically force normal(upward) would be (cos30)mg and force downward would be (sin30)mg? right?
also would force normal be the same as force gravity?
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  • #6
Downward and upward? Wouldn't that be the same vector?
  • #7
force normal(Fn) is the force that was opposing gravity and force downward is the one labeled Fd so i dnt think they are the same vectors
  • #8
Ah, yes I see what you mean. A problem with your diagram is that there is no applied force, the block is sliding down the ramp due to the force of the x-component of its weight.
  • #9
i think i kind of understand it but i have a quick question. would the y component of Fg always be the same as the Fn?
  • #10
They are the only two forces in the y-direction of your coordinate plane and they are opposing each other.
  • #11
right so would they have the same magnitude?
  • #12
I don't see any other force in the y-direction.
  • #13

ok now do you see the 2 blue forces?? the one pointing down is the y component of the Fg and the one pointing up is Fn. i am just asking if both of those blue vectors would have the same magnitude?
  • #14
Well, if those two forces are the only forces in the y-direction and they're opposing each other, do you think that they are equal?
  • #15
yea because the block stays down it doesn't like go through the incline of go above in the air like it stays on the incline so both the forces have to be the same.
i m sryy its just my teacher doesn't teach anything he talks about his life so its basically a self study class and i want to understand the material because I know i am going to have to take a year of physics in college and i don't want to go in their knowing nothing. i want to atleast have a background layed.
  • #16
Good, now that you understand why they are equal you can move on.
  • #17
thx a lot! u saved me! lolzz

FAQ: How to draw the angles to find force

1. How do I calculate force using angles?

To calculate force using angles, you will need to use trigonometry. The formula for calculating force is force = mass x acceleration. To find the angle of the force, you will need to use the inverse tangent function, also known as arctan. This will give you the angle in degrees or radians, which you can then use to draw the angle and calculate the force.

2. What is the importance of drawing angles in finding force?

Drawing angles is important because it allows us to visualize and understand the direction and magnitude of the force. By drawing the angle, we can use trigonometry to accurately calculate the force and determine its components in different directions.

3. How do I draw angles to find force on a graph or diagram?

To draw angles on a graph or diagram, you will need to determine the starting point, direction, and magnitude of the force. Then, using a protractor or ruler, you can accurately draw the angle at the appropriate location. This will allow you to calculate the force using trigonometry.

4. What are some common mistakes when drawing angles to find force?

One common mistake when drawing angles to find force is not accurately measuring the angle or using the wrong units (degrees vs radians). Another mistake is not considering the direction and magnitude of the force, which can result in incorrect calculations.

5. Can I use angles to find force in all situations?

Angles can be used to find force in most situations, but there may be some cases where other methods, such as vector addition, may be more appropriate. It is important to understand the principles of drawing angles and using trigonometry to accurately calculate force in various scenarios.
