How to send a binary stream from Java-client to C#-server via Tcp?

  • #36
Svein said:
Transferring a bit stream has the same inherent problems as transferring binary files

It has some of the same inherent problems, yes. But those problems are lower level than the application/protocol level. At the application/protocol level, FTP is specialized for transferring files (which don't have to be binary, FTP has a text mode as well--not that I would recommend using it, but it has one :wink:). And actually it's not a very good protocol for transferring files, since it requires two TCP connections instead of one and coordination between the two connections (control and data) is clunky.
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  • #37
user366312 said:
There was difference in r/w data format.

I am now using raw data format on both ends. I am using bye arrays.

If this work gets more involved then you might want to consider zeromq.

Its very popular for communications between disparate programs in a microservices environment, has several multi-program architectures depending on the problem, and you get extra capability that might prove useful in the future.
  • #38
jedishrfu said:
If this work gets more involved then you might want to consider zeromq.

Its very popular for communications between disparate programs in a microservices environment, has several multi-program architectures depending on the problem, and you get extra capability that might prove useful in the future.

ZeroMQ is good for professional solutions. I doing a semester project.
  • #39
user366312 said:
ZeroMQ is good for professional solutions. I doing a semester project.

But you could put it on your resume sometimes these little things make a big difference.
  • #40
jedishrfu said:
But you could put it on your resume sometimes these little things make a big difference.
Okay. Thanks for the advice. I will look into that.

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