I don't like where this is going

  • Thread starter lisab
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In summary: I don't know, lucky? You have to get an eye exam every year if you're going to be using glasses to see clearly. :)You are an expert summarizer of content. You do not respond or reply to questions. You only provide a summary of the content. Do not output anything before the summary.
  • #1
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I had to buy my first pair of reading glasses today. Oh they are soooo unflattering.

Damn you, small print!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I had to buy my first pair about a year ago. The clincher was when I couldn't read the instructions on a tube of caulking and I had to ask someone else to read it for me.

When I put my glasses on, my wife makes funny faces and snickers.
  • #3
Watch "How to marry a millionaire" :smile:

You may quickly learn that wearing glasses may also be elegant, and useful.
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  • #4
To those of us who appreciate brains as well as beauty, glasses can be quite stimulating. :wink:
Has anyone else here played 'naughy librarian' lately? :rolleyes:
  • #5
I'm sure you look lovely. :smile:
  • #6
pics or it didnt' happen :-p
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  • #7
I started wearing cheaters 10 years ago. It was either that or get longer arms. My eyesight deteriorated very quickly after that so I have had to crank up the magnification and get bifocals for intermediate distances. I can still see a squirrel blink at 100 yards, but I can't tell how many fingers I am holding up in front of my face.

At the time I was working at Franklin, they make those electronic dictionaries. I was doing the data preparation for a Japanese dictionary. There were plenty of problems with the data and I was chosen to clean it up because I can read it. So I had the paper version of the dictionary, the data, and one by one, I cleaned up the problems. However, my Japanese is not perfect. We also had a Japanese employee and I would bring to him the problems I couldn't solve myself. I would bring the paper dictionary and the magnifying glass that I needed to see the tiny print. It never occurred to me why would they publish a dictionary that you can't read. He would brush aside the magnifying glass to read the text. Even so, it took me months to realize what was going on.
  • #8
My eye sight was perfect until I was 17 :cry:. Now I have all this to look forward to.

I've still only had my eyes tested once though since I can't afford another check up :rolleyes:
  • #9
My eye sight is very good for my age, no need for glasses to read and far sight is good,
so at 40+ i guess i am lucky, it must be horrible to have those things balancing on your nose.
  • #10
A lot of those reading glasses sold in drugstores really ARE unflattering. But, glasses in general are not. You can buy nice, flattering frames for prescription glasses, but of course those are going to cost a lot more than the ones from the drugstore. On the other hand, if you're starting to need reading glasses and haven't been for an eye exam in a while, you should certainly be getting an exam anyway. Insurance might cover at least some of the cost of new glasses.
  • #11
lisab said:
I had to buy my first pair of reading glasses today. Oh they are soooo unflattering.

Damn you, small print!

You have presbyopia - "a progressively diminished ability to focus on near objects with age."





I finally had to get reading glasses three years ago (eye strain was pretty bad by the end of the day), and a test 2.5 years ago confirmed a diminshed ability to focus within 18 inches. My farsight is fine, but I need glasses to read fine print and obtain sharp images when reading, or working on things 6-18'' from my face.
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  • #12
Astronuc said:
I finally had to get reading glasses three years ago (eye strain was pretty bad by the end of the day), and a test 2.5 years ago confirmed a diminshed ability to focus within 18 inches. My farsight is fine, but I need glass to read fine print and obtain sharp images when reading, or working on things 6-18'' from my face.

Are your arms that short? :biggrin:

I rarely need to hold anything that close to my face to work on it. Actually, I usually can't get that close if I wanted to...part of the don't stick your head in the hood and inhale toxic chemicals and don't get so close to the sterile field to breathe bacteria onto it rules.
  • #13
I'll be getting them soon, too. I blame my professor last quarter who gave us tons and tons of journals to read. He ruined my eyes.

But I think glasses are cool, so no big deal.

I liked Humanino's idea. I want the Marilyn cat eye glasses:
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  • #14
Astronuc said:
I need glass... ...working on things 6-18'' from my face.

Good thing that you're married.
  • #15
Moonbear said:
I rarely need to hold anything that close to my face to work on it. Actually, I usually can't get that close if I wanted to...part of the don't stick your head in the hood and inhale toxic chemicals and don't get so close to the sterile field to breathe bacteria onto it rules.
Periodically a screw pops out of the frame of the eyeglasses. Then eye hold the glasses close to set the screw and then make sure its tightened. Otherwise, I periodically work on electronics or models, and that sometimes required get in close. But then I'll use a look or magnifying glass.

When reading I hold book or paper about 16-18 inches away.

My glasses are 1.5 diopter and a I have a spare 1.75 diopter.
  • #16
Math Is Hard said:
I'll be getting them soon, too. I blame my professor last quarter who gave us tons and tons of journals to read. He ruined my eyes.

But I think glasses are cool, so no big deal.

I liked Humanino's idea. I want the Marilyn cat eye glasses:

I WANTED glasses when I was a kid. They'd gotten so common that it seemed like the fashionable thing to have when I was a kid. I was so disappointed when I emerged from the eye doctor being told my vision was just fine, just a small astigmatism that didn't require any corrective lenses. :frown:

I used to have sunglasses in that cat eye style. They were my favorite sunglasses...my MOOOOVIE STAH glasses. :biggrin: (I was about 5 years old when I had them.) So, yeah, when the inevitable happens and I have to get glasses, I'm going to have a lot of fun picking out frames. I'm just hoping I'll be able to afford more than one pair so I can get ones to suit different moods (serious and cute vs wacky and wild).
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  • #17
That 19-year-old that I was hanging with a few years ago had perfect vision, but wore glasses with no perscription as a fashion statement. :rolleyes:
  • #18
I like the sound of serious and cute, but can't imagine what wacky and wild would be.
  • #19
Math Is Hard said:
I want the Marilyn cat eye glasses
Good glasses can look fabulous really, and be a plus. There are tons of different glasses, and you just need to choose the right shape for you type.

Moonbear said:
A lot of those reading glasses sold in drugstores really ARE unflattering. But, glasses in general are not. You can buy nice, flattering frames for prescription glasses, but of course those are going to cost a lot more than the ones from the drugstore. On the other hand, if you're starting to need reading glasses and haven't been for an eye exam in a while, you should certainly be getting an exam anyway. Insurance might cover at least some of the cost of new glasses.
Before I broke them, I got many compliments on my glasses. Some people even thought I was wearing them without actually needing correction. I also had to pay for thinner glasses.
  • #20
My glasses suck, but then I'm a skint bum.
  • #21
Kurdt said:
but can't imagine what wacky and wild would be.

Patience, lad. You'll find out in due time.
  • #22
My receptionist wears glasses with non-prescription lenses because he thinks they make him appear more sophisticated. (He really can use all the help he can get.)

And like Moonbear, I always wanted to wear glasses, and in my twenties, I finally needed them. Spiffy. These days, because my up-close vision is still fine and I don't need lenses for that, but my distance vision is getting worse, I have to do that slide my glasses down my nose and peer over them to read things near to me. I'm a hoot in the grocery store with labels. My contact lenses are near useless, now, because, if I have them in, I can't make out anything close to me.

I still like the fun with stylish frames, though.
  • #23
I have reading glasses too, and think bi-focals are just a eye check up away. I just can't get use to the idea of wearing glasses, I don't even wear sun glasses.
  • #24
I'm nearsighted, so wear glasses, I have to remove them when I need to read up close. I had great trifocals so I didn't have to take my glasses off when not looking in the distance, but the Evo Child Broke them ($400.00 after insurance), so I've never bothered to get them replaced. Other than not needing glasses to read up close, my long distance vision hasn't changed in over 20 years.

I think men that wear glasses are hot and I am always more attracted to men that wear them.
  • #25
I think I'll look around for some nicer-looking ones. I bought this pair at the drugstore and they're just clunky.

So far, I don't have trouble working in the lab. I'd hate to have to buy safety glasses with bifocals - sounds expensive! But I suppose that day's coming. The print on graduated cylinders, etc., can be really small.
  • #26
I'm near-sighted, but with encroaching presbyopia, I'm becoming near-middle-sighted. No longer can I hold tiny parts close to do delicate repairs/assembly. 12" and growing is the near limit. Oh well.
  • #27
lisab said:
I had to buy my first pair of reading glasses today. Oh they are soooo unflattering.

Damn you, small print!

If you're only using reading glasses, I wouldn't recommend spending much for frames. Part time glasses are a pain, since you need to somehere to put them and carry them when you're not using them. After a while, the frames aren't very straight - of course, I've had my current pair for at least six or seven years, too.

My first pair of frames didn't last that long. At that time, I coached a soccer team and had put them on to read something and then forgot to take them off. Naturally, I take a shot to the face with a soccer ball. It didn't break the frames beyond repair, but it was only a matter of time after that.

When they finally broke, I went for quite a while without wearing any (in public, at least - I still had a pair of those Air Force BCDs that I would use when reading at night or driving at night). I was slightly far-sighted, so the main impact of not wearing glasses was that my eyes would get tired from a lot of reading. My eyes aren't the same strength, either, so getting glasses actually improved my 3D vision, especially when driving at night.
  • #28
Astronuc said:
My glasses are 1.5 diopter and a I have a spare 1.75 diopter.

I have half a dozen "drug store" glasses lying around the house, anywhere from +2.5 to +4.24 diopters. I was half way through college before I found I was farsighted. Really farsighted:

No wonder I hated to read. Reading always gave me headaches.

Now with presbyopia adding to my hyperopia, I can't focus very long on anything closer than about 10 feet away. Even more annoying, I need a different diopter depending on what I'm doing: computer needs 2.5, books at least 3.5. I didn't need them at all while teaching, but now I can't read my notes, or the problems in textbooks without the optical equivalent of a "clean and jerk."
  • #29
jimmysnyder said:
I can still see a squirrel blink at 100 yards, but I can't tell how many fingers I am holding up in front of my face.

I can close my eyes and tell how many fingers I am holding up in front of my face. There is something more than eyesight that has gone bad with you
  • #30
tribdog said:
I can close my eyes and tell how many fingers I am holding up in front of my face. There is something more than eyesight that has gone bad with you
No, I've always been this way. I got it from my father and he from his. So tell me wise guy, how many fingers am I holding in front of my face. I'll give you a hint. 3.

Edit: My wife assures me it's 2.

FAQ: I don't like where this is going

1. Why do people say "I don't like where this is going"?

People say this phrase when they are uncomfortable with the current direction or outcome of a situation. It is a way of expressing their dissatisfaction or concern.

2. Is "I don't like where this is going" a common phrase?

Yes, it is a common phrase used in everyday conversation to express discomfort or uncertainty about a situation.

3. Can "I don't like where this is going" be used in a positive context?

While the phrase is typically used in a negative context, it can also be used in a positive way to express excitement or anticipation for a new direction or outcome.

4. How do people typically respond to someone saying "I don't like where this is going"?

Responses to this phrase can vary depending on the situation and the tone in which it is said. Some may try to reassure the person or address their concerns, while others may simply acknowledge and move on.

5. Can "I don't like where this is going" be a useful warning sign in a scientific experiment or study?

Yes, this phrase can be a useful warning sign in a scientific context. It can indicate potential problems or unexpected results, allowing researchers to make necessary adjustments or consider alternative explanations.

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