I need to ask some questions about aerospace engineering.

In summary, the author is considering becoming an aerospace engineer, but is unsure about the feasibility of the career and the importance of getting good grades to pursue a degree in the field. The author recommends doing research on the average income, starting salary, and competitiveness of the aerospace engineering field before making a decision. Additionally, the author recommends researching prospective universities and looking into what qualifications are necessary to pursue a degree in the field.
  • #1
I'm considering it as a career, but I'd like to know a few things first.

1. Do you design aircraft or spacecraft ?

2. What college would be best for someone wanting to become an aerospace engineer?

3. What are some of the tools you use in your work?

4. What's one of your favorite parts of working with said aircraft/ spacecraft ?

5. Is there any part of the job that you don't like, or like the least?

6. What advice do you have for anyone who wants to become an engineer?

7.Finally, have you met any famous pilots or astronauts?

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  • #2
I'm not an aerospace engineer but I have done allot of research in the area because I'm also considering it as a prospective career; Since no one else has replied thus far, I feel like I can help you out.

1) AE's (Aerospace Engineers) design both aircraft and spacecraft . If you do decide to become an AE then you will probably find yourself working in the aeronautical industry as jobs in astronautical projects are scarce. You can get jobs at places like NASA and ESA but they tend to be highly competitive.

2) You really need to do this reasearch yourself. You have to consider what universities have decent courses and which ones aren't worth bothering with. You need to work out what qualifications you need in order to get on the course and you also have to decide whether you want to do a course in specifically AE'ing or related courses like Electrical and mechanical engineering which would also allow you to work in the Aerospace industry as an AE.

I would give that last point some deep thought because AE is a very specialised field and jobs in the field tend to have a habit of dissipating whenever companies go bust or when large projects end. (A good example is the shuttle project which apparently employed many AE's in Florida. But when the Shuttle project ended then all those jobs dissapeared). MechEng and ElecEng tend to have far more job opportunities which you will be able to take if you can't find a job in the aerospace industry.

3) Besides CAD applications, I don't really know. This article gives you an idea of the day to day work:
Bear in mind that the kind of work you end up doing can be very varied.

4) I'm not an AE so I can't answer this.

5) Or this.

6) After all my research I would say that it's very improtant you get the grades you need to do a course at university. In the UK those would normally be Maths, Physics and another science A level (I think their equivelant to APs or whatever you do from 16-18 in the US or wherever) .
Also, you need to make sure that you are strongly motivated to become an engineer because a degree in any engineering subject is by no means easy to achieve. If you think you'll spend all your time partying then engineering is definitely not for you.
Finally, you have to do plenty of your own research. Find out about the average AE income, starting income, levels of competition, prospective universities, etc, etc. Research it thouroughly.

7). No. Obviously. I hope you don't just want to become and AE so you can talk to Astronauts?
  • #3
Thanks for the help.
And, no, I don't really care about meeting famous astronauts.
I just felt that it would be an appropriate question, but I guess not.
I actually started this as a school project?
But I learned that planes are really awesome and that I might want to pursue
aerospace engineering as a career.

Related to I need to ask some questions about aerospace engineering.

1. What is aerospace engineering?

Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and construction of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems. It involves the application of principles from various disciplines such as physics, mathematics, and materials science to create functional and efficient aerospace vehicles.

2. What are the main areas of focus in aerospace engineering?

The main areas of focus in aerospace engineering include aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, and controls. Aerodynamics deals with the study of how air flows around objects and how it affects the movement of aircraft. Propulsion involves the design and development of engines that provide the necessary thrust for aircraft to fly. Structures involve the design and construction of the physical components of an aircraft, such as the wings and fuselage. Controls deal with the systems that enable pilots to maneuver and control the aircraft.

3. What education and skills are required to become an aerospace engineer?

To become an aerospace engineer, you typically need a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field. Some employers may also require a master's degree or higher for certain positions. Strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in mathematics and computer-aided design (CAD) software are also important for this career.

4. What types of jobs can you get with a degree in aerospace engineering?

A degree in aerospace engineering can lead to a variety of job opportunities in the aerospace industry. Some examples include aerospace engineer, aircraft designer, flight test engineer, and systems engineer. Additionally, many aerospace engineers also work in research and development or in academic institutions.

5. What are some current challenges in the field of aerospace engineering?

Some current challenges in aerospace engineering include developing more sustainable and environmentally friendly aircraft, improving safety and reliability, and expanding the capabilities of space exploration. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as the use of artificial intelligence and 3D printing, are also creating new opportunities and challenges in the field.

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