If Bush wants peace, he needs a Palestinian state

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  • Thread starter N_Quire
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In summary, there is a belief that President Bush needs to take a more active and hands-on approach in establishing peace in the Middle East. Pressure needs to be put on Israel to accept a Palestinian state, while also ensuring Israel's security and pressuring the Arab world to end terrorism. The Palestinian state must be viable and not just symbolic. There are concerns that Bush may not follow through on his promises, but recent developments such as Arafat's diminishing power and the publication of a peace plan offer hope for progress. However, some believe that Arafat's involvement may still be necessary in negotiating with radical groups.
  • #1
I am convinced it will make a huge difference to peace in the middle east if president Bush is prepared to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty over the establishment of a Palestinian state. He might not love the idea, he might think Israel has privileged status but he really needs to change his approach if he wants to combat Arab mistrust of America.

The problem is not unsolvable. Put pressure on Israel to accept a Pelstinian state, guarantee Israel's security, put pressure on the Arab world so that the supporters of violence are made to understand that terrorism must end. The Palestinian state needs to be a viable, not some scraps of land of symbolic value only. And Sharon has got to understand that he can't expect unlimited American support if he is going to continue being a bully and a thug.
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  • #2
Bush is talking the talk on the issue, but will he walk the walk? Past experience says that when he is speaking about doing good, he is lying for the press. Let's hope he shows some integrity for a change.
  • #3
Originally posted by Zero
Bush is talking the talk on the issue, but will he walk the walk? Past experience says that when he is speaking about doing good, he is lying for the press. Let's hope he shows some integrity for a change.
We shall see. I think he'll try (to do good), but I'm not optomistic he'll succeed.

N_Quire, I think you've missed a few key recent developments. Arafat is essentially out. That was one of Bush's terms that had to be met before he would deal with the issue. There was an election and he lost. He tried and failed to thwart the transfer of power to his successor. As a result, a few days ago the State Dept published a "road map" for peace in the Middle east. Along with the link on the peace plan (I must admit to not having read all of it) there is a link on the change in leadership.
  • #4
Originally posted by russ_watters
I think you've missed a few key recent
developments. Arafat is essentially out.
I doubt that. We'll see.
  • #5
Erm... Russ...
Arafat is certainly not essentially out. In fact, he may be the only person who can approach hamas and the more radical groups. The prime minister may be more amenable, but that is useless it no one listens to his orders. I think that's the weak link in the current roadmap.

FAQ: If Bush wants peace, he needs a Palestinian state

What is the connection between Bush and a Palestinian state?

Bush's administration has been involved in numerous attempts to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, including the creation of a Palestinian state.

Why is a Palestinian state necessary for peace?

A Palestinian state would provide the Palestinian people with self-governance and sovereignty, which is a crucial component for lasting peace in the region.

Has Bush expressed support for a Palestinian state?

Yes, Bush has stated his support for a two-state solution and the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

What steps has Bush taken to achieve a Palestinian state?

Bush has put forth a roadmap for peace, which includes the establishment of a Palestinian state, and has also hosted numerous summits and negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

Has Bush's efforts towards a Palestinian state been successful?

Despite his efforts, a lasting peace deal and the establishment of a Palestinian state have yet to be achieved. However, Bush's administration did make progress towards this goal, including the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

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