Can the minimum value of x + 1/x ever be less than 1 on x > 0?

In summary: Of course, another way is to look at the minimum of ##f(x) = x + 1/x## in ##x > 0##, to see if ##f(x)## can ever be < 1 on ##x > 0##.
  • #1
Gold Member
The problem
I want to solve the following inequality:
$$ x+\frac{1}{x}<1 $$

The attempt
## x+\frac{1}{x}<1 \\ x+\frac{1}{x}-1<0 \\ \frac{x^2}{x}+\frac{1}{x}-\frac{x}{x}<0 \\ \frac{x^2-x+1}{x}<0 ## ## x \neq 0 ##

I tried to factor the numerator to examine the polynomial with a character table but it has complex roots.
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  • #2
Rectifier said:
I tried to factor the numerator to examine the polynomial with a character table but it has complex roots.
This tells you the numerator never gets negative.
There are solutions, you still have the denominator there to consider.
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  • #3
mfb said:
This tells you the numerator never gets negative.
Ehm, why is that? I am not sure how to prove that it can't get negative.
  • #4
It does not have real roots, so it cannot be zero anywhere. It has to be either always positive or always negative, and it is easy to check which case you have.
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  • #5
Rectifier said:
Ehm, why is that? I am not sure how to prove that it can't get negative.
I am answering my own question :D

I guess that I should plot the function and see that it is a parabola that hovers over the x-axis. Which means that it is >0 for all x. Thus + everywhere in the character table.
  • #6
Thank you for the help, mfb!
  • #7
mfb said:
It does not have real roots, so it cannot be zero anywhere. It has to be either always positive or always negative, and it is easy to check which case you have.
Rectifier said:
Thank you for the help, mfb!
What's your final solution for the initial inequality?

##\displaystyle x+\frac{1}{x}<1 \ ##
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  • #8
SammyS said:
What's your final solution for the initial inequality?

##\displaystyle x+\frac{1}{x}<1 \ ##

It is that the inequality is true for ## x<0 ##.
  • #9

It is probably easier to show that if you consider the three cases x<0, 0<x<1 and x>=1 separately, but your approach works as well.
  • #10
mfb said:

It is probably easier to show that if you consider the three cases x<0, 0<x<1 and x>=1 separately, but your approach works as well.
Of course, another way is to look at the minimum of ##f(x) = x + 1/x## in ##x > 0##, to see if ##f(x)## can ever be < 1 on ##x > 0##.

One way to find the minimum is to use calculus, but in the spirit of a pre-calculus argument we can do it another way. We have ##f(x) = (a+b)/2##, where ##a = 2 x, b = 2/x## The arithmetic-geometric inequality says that for positive terms ##a,b## we have ##(a+b)/2 \geq \sqrt{ab}##, with equality holding if and only if ##a = b##. Thus, ##f(x) \geq \sqrt{2x \cdot 2/x} =2## for all ##x > 0##, and equality is obtained when ##x = 1/x##. In other words, 2 is the minimum value of ##f(x)## on ##x > 0##, and occurs at ##x = 1##.

This argument is not particularly clever; it just applies basic "Geometric Programming" (GP) ideas to the current, simple case. See, eg.,
for a gentle introduction to GP..
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FAQ: Can the minimum value of x + 1/x ever be less than 1 on x > 0?

1. Why is inequality so hard to solve?

Inequality is a complex issue that is influenced by various factors such as social, economic, and political systems. It is not a single problem that can be easily solved, but rather a result of systemic and historical issues. Additionally, there are often conflicting interests and opinions on how to address inequality, making it a challenging problem to solve.

2. How does inequality affect society?

Inequality can have a significant impact on society, leading to social divisions, unrest, and even violence. It can also lead to a lack of equal opportunities for individuals, hindering social and economic mobility. Inequality can also result in a concentration of power and resources in the hands of a few, leading to a decrease in overall economic growth and stability.

3. What are some potential solutions to inequality?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to inequality, as it is a complex issue with various root causes. However, some potential solutions include implementing progressive tax policies, increasing access to education and job opportunities, promoting fair labor practices, and addressing systemic discrimination. Collaboration and cooperation between governments, organizations, and individuals are also crucial in addressing inequality.

4. How can science contribute to solving inequality?

Science plays a crucial role in understanding the root causes and consequences of inequality. Research can help identify patterns and trends in inequality, providing evidence for policymakers to make informed decisions. Additionally, science can inform the development of innovative solutions and interventions to address inequality and promote social justice.

5. Is it possible to completely eliminate inequality?

While it may not be possible to completely eradicate inequality, it is possible to significantly reduce its impact. This requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to address the root causes of inequality and implement effective solutions. As society evolves and progresses, it is crucial to continuously evaluate and adapt strategies to promote equality and justice for all.
