What Was the Initial Speed of the Second Stone to Hit the Water Simultaneously?

In summary, the first stone must have been thrown with a speed of g when dropped from the bridge 50m above the water. The second stone must have been thrown with a speed of -g when dropped from the bridge 50m above the water.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A stone is dropped off a bridge 50m above the water. Exactly 1s later another stone is thrown down and both stones strike the water together. What must the initial speed of the second stone have been?

ohh I am sorry but i have no idea please help me out here
thank you soooo much :)

Homework Equations

conservation law?

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
someone please please help me :(
  • #3
Try gathering the given data and forming the relevant equations.

Here, the first stone is 'dropped', and not thrown. Hence, it must be falling down with constant acceleration 'g'. Since you know the height, you can find the time required for the stone to touch the surface of the water.

Now knowing the time, you can easily find the velocity with which the next stone must be thrown, since the time interval is also given.

Try this out, and tell us where you get stuck.
  • #4
All you need to use is [tex]s = ut + \frac{1}{2} a{t}^{2}[/tex]

The only difference between the two cases is with u and t.
Try it out. It's pretty simple
  • #5
can you please tell me how you got that equation? with that equation it is simple but how did you get it?
  • #6
sillybilly said:
can you please tell me how you got that equation? with that equation it is simple but how did you get it?

Here is a link showing a derivation, that is non-calculus based:

The equation is part of a list of equations for "kinematics" equations for constant acceleration. I suggest memorizing each these equations. If you are taking a non-calculus based physics class, your particular coursework/textbook might introduce these equations in a slightly different format from the link above (but they are usually still given to you). Memorize the equations in the format given in your text and coursework (that way, when you use them on homework or a test, there won't be any ambiguity about where you got them).

If you are taking a calculus based class, the formulas come from the direct result of knowing that (and integrating),

[tex] \vec {v(t)} = \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \vec {s(t)} \ \ [/tex]

[tex] \vec {a(t)} = \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \vec {v(t)} \ \ [/tex]

FAQ: What Was the Initial Speed of the Second Stone to Hit the Water Simultaneously?

What is the definition of initial speed?

The initial speed of an object, also known as initial velocity, is the speed at which the object is moving at the beginning of its motion.

How is the initial speed of an object measured?

The initial speed of an object can be measured using various methods, such as using a stopwatch and measuring the distance and time traveled, or using sensors and data collection devices.

Does the initial speed of a stone affect its trajectory?

Yes, the initial speed of a stone will affect its trajectory, as a higher initial speed will result in a longer and higher trajectory, while a lower initial speed will result in a shorter and lower trajectory.

Can the initial speed of a stone be changed?

Yes, the initial speed of a stone can be changed by applying a force to the stone, such as throwing it with more force or using a slingshot. The initial speed can also be affected by external factors such as air resistance and gravity.

How is the initial speed of a stone related to its potential and kinetic energy?

The initial speed of a stone is directly related to its potential and kinetic energy. A stone with a higher initial speed will have more kinetic energy, while a stone with a lower initial speed will have less kinetic energy. The potential energy of a stone is also affected by its initial speed, as a higher initial speed will result in a greater potential energy due to its higher position in the air.
