Inner and Outer Spacewhere does it begin, your opinion.

  • Thread starter waterwalker10
  • Start date
In summary, a group of individuals working for an organization that deals with space discussed the definition of inner and outer space, specifically where the boundary between the two begins and ends. Some argued that inner space can be defined as the distance at which the Earth's gravitational pull is felt, while outer space is where it diminishes. However, others pointed out that there is no strict boundary and the Earth's gravitational influence never reaches zero. For the purpose of determining who can be considered an astronaut, a criteria of 100km above the Earth's surface is used. Some participants mentioned that in the past, "inner space" referred to under the surface of the ocean, while others shared a definition of 130km based on orbital dynamics. Ultimately,
  • #1
OK, so I work for an organization that deals with "space" 24/7 and controls satellites. We had a discussion today on whether INNER/OUTER SPACE starts at 100Km above the Earth or where the atmosphere becomes a complete vacuum. NASA says 50 miles...ect...

My opinion is that Inner Space can be defined where the gravitational pull of the Earth reaches and Outer Space is where the gravitational pull diminishes. Some argued this point with "Our Solar System is acted upon gravitational pull by the Sun, the Milky way Galaxy and even the Universe."

So where does it begin/end? Can this even be defined? Again...this seems to be a "your opinion" answerable question so...what is it?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
I've never heard of "inner space" and I'm pretty sure NASA doesn't use a term like "outer space".

In any case, there is no strict boundary between the atmosphere and space and there is no distance at which the Earth's gravitational influence drops to zero. For the purpose of putting a criteria on who can be considered an astronaut, "space" is defined to be 100 km up.
  • #3
Back in the day inner space referred to under the surface of the ocean.
  • #4
I took a orbital dynamics class last year, and our definition was 130 km because that's apparently the lowest altitude at which an object can achieve temporary orbit.
  • #5
Welcome to PF...

That's, imo, a better definition than 100km because getting up to 100km doesn't really do anything useful for you.

FAQ: Inner and Outer Spacewhere does it begin, your opinion.

1. Where does Inner and Outer Space begin?

Inner and Outer Space are not physical locations with a definitive starting point. They are abstract concepts used in scientific and philosophical discussions. Inner Space refers to the human mind, consciousness, and subjective experiences, while Outer Space refers to the physical universe beyond Earth's atmosphere.

2. Is there a boundary between Inner and Outer Space?

Similar to the first question, there is no clear boundary between Inner and Outer Space. They are interconnected and influence each other. For example, our perception and understanding of the physical universe are shaped by our inner thoughts and beliefs.

3. Can we explore Inner and Outer Space?

Yes, we can explore both Inner and Outer Space in different ways. Outer Space can be explored through scientific research, space missions, and technological advancements. Inner Space can be explored through introspection, meditation, therapy, and other psychological methods.

4. How does Inner and Outer Space relate to each other?

Inner and Outer Space are deeply intertwined. Our inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape our perception and understanding of the physical universe. At the same time, our experiences in the outer world can influence our inner thoughts and emotions.

5. What is the significance of studying Inner and Outer Space?

Studying Inner and Outer Space allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It can also help us make connections and find meaning in our lives. Additionally, studying Outer Space can lead to scientific advancements and discoveries that benefit humanity.
