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Alright, so this has been bothering me for awhile, and the more I think about it, the more it bugs me. I'm almost guaranteed wrong about what I'm going to say here, but I'm not sure why I'm wrong, so hopefully someone here can explain my wrongness to me. Unfortunately, this is going to take awhile to explain, so bare with me a bit here if you could, please.
First off, gravity's a bit odd compared to the other forces. The others all have a fairly limited range, they're many times stronger than gravity, and they each have a defined carrier particle (or two) that we're aware of. Conservation of energy is pretty straightforward with these, so no big deal.
Then we get to gravity. Gravity does... some weird things. One of the things that really annoys me about it, is that, the more I look at it, the more it looks like it breaks the basics of the conservation of energy.
Lemme explain here for a moment.
If you have an object, say a rock for argument's sake, and lift it off the ground, no big deal! You're applying energy to the rock to lift it up, and then that energy is converted into acceleration when you let go of said rock. The planet and the rock both accelerate, but there's nothing special here.
The thing is, what happens when you take something which doesn't really have energy applied to it in the manner of "lifting" the rock? The gravity well compresses and warps spacetime so that objects are continually drawn down the gravitational incline. There's no limit to how far that gravity well extends, nor how many objects can be affected at a time. If we gave a random asteroid from the asteroid belt just a bit of a nudge so it was moved into the Earth's orbit in such a way that the asteroid gets pulled into our gravity well and slingshots off into space, we run into a really weird problem all of a sudden... there's no energy that was really put into that asteroid, yet it was able to accelerate, which requires energy to be expended. In fact, we can't even really deal with this by just saying there's an opposite, but equal reaction of the Earth being accelerated towards the asteroid, either, because that just means we now have two distinct objects which gained energy from somewhere... but from where?
Gravity isn't magic. It doesn't somehow conjure up energy out of nowhere. But neither does gravity mean that objects are losing mass by having it be converted from mass into energy. That would be handy if it were the case, as it'd explain where this energy's coming from, but it doesn't.
Instead I get stuck thinking on the concept of relativity and the whole idea of gravity being a compression of spacetime. In The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene described Einstein's concept of gravity as not being a force at all, but as gravity and acceleration being essentially the same thing. The issue I have with this, is that acceleration requires energy to exist. Energy has to come from somewhere. If gravity is a compression of spacetime, this works great towards explaining the motion of such objects interacting with one another, but it doesn't deal with the issue of where this energy is coming from.
In our example of the asteroid that gets slingshotted past the Earth, it accelerates because it's passing through a region of compressed space. This makes perfect sense for why you need a certain amount of velocity to escape the Earth's gravity to reach orbit, or why light can be bent by gravity - you might be traveling in a straight line, but the paper the line is drawn upon is being bent. The problem comes in when you realize that, A: there had to be some kind of energy expended to bend space in the first place, and B: that a continual amount of energy is required to maintain bending space in that manner for this to continue to persist. We can explain A easily enough, but B is a problem because there doesn't appear to be anything continually feeding energy into the system to maintain this distortion of spacetime which allows for such.
The most obvious answer would be that it's in equilibrium - a balance of forces, so that for all of the distortion in one area, it's being equally distorted elsewhere. My immediate assumption would be that, since extremes of gravity or acceleration, such as a black hole or the speed of light, are able to distort time, then the guess would be that the equilibrium is being made where the "energy" of gravity to maintain its effect is being balanced out by warping time by the same amount that it's warping space. The limitation of the speed of light would suggest this is the case.
However... there's a problem with that, too. The outer and inner horizons of a black hole kind of call this into question, because the outer horizon loops space back in on itself in a circle, but the inner horizon loops time in a similar manner... but these are two, distinctive and separate amounts of gravity. This kind of tells me that the 100% bending of space is not equal to the 100% bending of time. As such, it implies there should be a remainder left over. The acceleration our planet can produce upon the asteroid is too much for it to be just time alone being compressed. So... where's that extra energy coming from? What balances it out to 0 again?
I might be wrong here. This is already my first concern. I may have already made a horrible mistake at this point - in fact, I probably have. If I have, do please feel free to stop me now and explain why. Otherwise, feel free to continue reading this probable nonsense. =P
So, with the assumption that I'm not completely missing something immensely important here, and that the acceleration produced by gravity is using more energy than should be possible, and there's no "new" energy being added to the system... this implies that every time an object is affected by the gravity of another object, that it has to create a replacement somehow. What kind of a replacement would this be, and what would it look like?
Well... I have a guess, but it's getting into science-fiction territory at this point. Soooo I'm probably wrong. But I don't know enough to know why I'm wrong, so let's take a look at this idea so you can tell me why this is horribly broken of a hypothesis.
The thing is, gravity is the compression of spacetime... so what would the equal and opposite version of such be? Well, the stretching of spacetime. If this were the case, where would that stretching occur? Well... we'd expect that the compression can only exist in relation to other compressing elements, so you wouldn't see the stretching to occur immediately next to such or it'd cancel each other out directly and there'd be no compression in the first place. Instead, you'd expect to see a bunch of compression next to each other, such as solar systems or galaxies and whatnot, with the stretching taking place at the first convenient location where compression isn't taking place. So... right around the outside of a galaxy. Which is oddly right around the location we see consistent halos of dark matter.
Funny thing about that, things like gravitational lensing look pretty much identical, regardless of whether it's a compressed area of space, or a stretched area of space. You might see an inversion of red/blue shifts, but if you didn't know it was inverted as a stretch rather than an area of compression, you'd get incorrect answers as to how far away something is but you wouldn't get an indication that the shift itself is wrong without several different points of reference to compare.
So... this leads me to wonder, is there any reason why "dark matter" is not just the displaced stretching of gravity shoved off to the outer rim of a galaxy? I mean, it'd immediately explain not only my initial question about the issue with gravity seeming to break the conservation of energy, but it'd also instantly do away with dark matter and dark energy, and the expansion of the universe accelerating for that matter. Individual galaxies would remain intact, held together not just by their own gravity, but the halo of inverted gravity which would stretch space to push the galaxies inward and stretching the space between galaxies apart. In fact, it would also mean that, the more gravity affects things, the more this stretching occurs as well, and since gravity was shown by Einstein not to be instantaneous in effect, and can only spread out from its source at the speed of light, this means that over time, there will be a greater stretching force as the gravity sources come into contact with more sources to affect.
I'm not a physicist. I'm not even a physics student. I don't even remotely know where to begin looking at the math to even consider where I'm wrong with this. From a purely qualitative standpoint and what I know of physics, it makes sense and explains a lot of things all in one go. From a quantitative perspective, I dun' got nothin'.
So yeah, I'm almost guaranteed wrong here. I just have no idea why I wrong. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's related to the bit about the distortion of space and time being unequal when it comes to gravity's distortion of the two, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, the point is, I'm almost guaranteed wrong, and I know juuuust enough to come up with this stupid idea, but not enough to know why it's a stupid idea. Any help explaining what I'm missing would be greatly appreciated. =P
First off, gravity's a bit odd compared to the other forces. The others all have a fairly limited range, they're many times stronger than gravity, and they each have a defined carrier particle (or two) that we're aware of. Conservation of energy is pretty straightforward with these, so no big deal.
Then we get to gravity. Gravity does... some weird things. One of the things that really annoys me about it, is that, the more I look at it, the more it looks like it breaks the basics of the conservation of energy.
Lemme explain here for a moment.
If you have an object, say a rock for argument's sake, and lift it off the ground, no big deal! You're applying energy to the rock to lift it up, and then that energy is converted into acceleration when you let go of said rock. The planet and the rock both accelerate, but there's nothing special here.
The thing is, what happens when you take something which doesn't really have energy applied to it in the manner of "lifting" the rock? The gravity well compresses and warps spacetime so that objects are continually drawn down the gravitational incline. There's no limit to how far that gravity well extends, nor how many objects can be affected at a time. If we gave a random asteroid from the asteroid belt just a bit of a nudge so it was moved into the Earth's orbit in such a way that the asteroid gets pulled into our gravity well and slingshots off into space, we run into a really weird problem all of a sudden... there's no energy that was really put into that asteroid, yet it was able to accelerate, which requires energy to be expended. In fact, we can't even really deal with this by just saying there's an opposite, but equal reaction of the Earth being accelerated towards the asteroid, either, because that just means we now have two distinct objects which gained energy from somewhere... but from where?
Gravity isn't magic. It doesn't somehow conjure up energy out of nowhere. But neither does gravity mean that objects are losing mass by having it be converted from mass into energy. That would be handy if it were the case, as it'd explain where this energy's coming from, but it doesn't.
Instead I get stuck thinking on the concept of relativity and the whole idea of gravity being a compression of spacetime. In The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene described Einstein's concept of gravity as not being a force at all, but as gravity and acceleration being essentially the same thing. The issue I have with this, is that acceleration requires energy to exist. Energy has to come from somewhere. If gravity is a compression of spacetime, this works great towards explaining the motion of such objects interacting with one another, but it doesn't deal with the issue of where this energy is coming from.
In our example of the asteroid that gets slingshotted past the Earth, it accelerates because it's passing through a region of compressed space. This makes perfect sense for why you need a certain amount of velocity to escape the Earth's gravity to reach orbit, or why light can be bent by gravity - you might be traveling in a straight line, but the paper the line is drawn upon is being bent. The problem comes in when you realize that, A: there had to be some kind of energy expended to bend space in the first place, and B: that a continual amount of energy is required to maintain bending space in that manner for this to continue to persist. We can explain A easily enough, but B is a problem because there doesn't appear to be anything continually feeding energy into the system to maintain this distortion of spacetime which allows for such.
The most obvious answer would be that it's in equilibrium - a balance of forces, so that for all of the distortion in one area, it's being equally distorted elsewhere. My immediate assumption would be that, since extremes of gravity or acceleration, such as a black hole or the speed of light, are able to distort time, then the guess would be that the equilibrium is being made where the "energy" of gravity to maintain its effect is being balanced out by warping time by the same amount that it's warping space. The limitation of the speed of light would suggest this is the case.
However... there's a problem with that, too. The outer and inner horizons of a black hole kind of call this into question, because the outer horizon loops space back in on itself in a circle, but the inner horizon loops time in a similar manner... but these are two, distinctive and separate amounts of gravity. This kind of tells me that the 100% bending of space is not equal to the 100% bending of time. As such, it implies there should be a remainder left over. The acceleration our planet can produce upon the asteroid is too much for it to be just time alone being compressed. So... where's that extra energy coming from? What balances it out to 0 again?
I might be wrong here. This is already my first concern. I may have already made a horrible mistake at this point - in fact, I probably have. If I have, do please feel free to stop me now and explain why. Otherwise, feel free to continue reading this probable nonsense. =P
So, with the assumption that I'm not completely missing something immensely important here, and that the acceleration produced by gravity is using more energy than should be possible, and there's no "new" energy being added to the system... this implies that every time an object is affected by the gravity of another object, that it has to create a replacement somehow. What kind of a replacement would this be, and what would it look like?
Well... I have a guess, but it's getting into science-fiction territory at this point. Soooo I'm probably wrong. But I don't know enough to know why I'm wrong, so let's take a look at this idea so you can tell me why this is horribly broken of a hypothesis.
The thing is, gravity is the compression of spacetime... so what would the equal and opposite version of such be? Well, the stretching of spacetime. If this were the case, where would that stretching occur? Well... we'd expect that the compression can only exist in relation to other compressing elements, so you wouldn't see the stretching to occur immediately next to such or it'd cancel each other out directly and there'd be no compression in the first place. Instead, you'd expect to see a bunch of compression next to each other, such as solar systems or galaxies and whatnot, with the stretching taking place at the first convenient location where compression isn't taking place. So... right around the outside of a galaxy. Which is oddly right around the location we see consistent halos of dark matter.
Funny thing about that, things like gravitational lensing look pretty much identical, regardless of whether it's a compressed area of space, or a stretched area of space. You might see an inversion of red/blue shifts, but if you didn't know it was inverted as a stretch rather than an area of compression, you'd get incorrect answers as to how far away something is but you wouldn't get an indication that the shift itself is wrong without several different points of reference to compare.
So... this leads me to wonder, is there any reason why "dark matter" is not just the displaced stretching of gravity shoved off to the outer rim of a galaxy? I mean, it'd immediately explain not only my initial question about the issue with gravity seeming to break the conservation of energy, but it'd also instantly do away with dark matter and dark energy, and the expansion of the universe accelerating for that matter. Individual galaxies would remain intact, held together not just by their own gravity, but the halo of inverted gravity which would stretch space to push the galaxies inward and stretching the space between galaxies apart. In fact, it would also mean that, the more gravity affects things, the more this stretching occurs as well, and since gravity was shown by Einstein not to be instantaneous in effect, and can only spread out from its source at the speed of light, this means that over time, there will be a greater stretching force as the gravity sources come into contact with more sources to affect.
I'm not a physicist. I'm not even a physics student. I don't even remotely know where to begin looking at the math to even consider where I'm wrong with this. From a purely qualitative standpoint and what I know of physics, it makes sense and explains a lot of things all in one go. From a quantitative perspective, I dun' got nothin'.
So yeah, I'm almost guaranteed wrong here. I just have no idea why I wrong. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's related to the bit about the distortion of space and time being unequal when it comes to gravity's distortion of the two, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, the point is, I'm almost guaranteed wrong, and I know juuuust enough to come up with this stupid idea, but not enough to know why it's a stupid idea. Any help explaining what I'm missing would be greatly appreciated. =P