Integrating Trigonometric Functions with Substitution: A Quick Guide

In summary, the conversation discusses different approaches and substitutions for solving the integral \int 1/[Sin[x]\sqrt{}((Sin[x])^2+k)]. The final solution involves the substitution u= Sin^2(x) +k and leads to the result -1/sqrt(k)arctanh[(sqrt(2k)cos(x))/sqrt(1+2k-cos(2x)].
  • #1

Homework Statement


The Attempt at a Solution

I don't have any idea of the solution. Mathematica gives the answer as

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  • #2
That is the most ambiguous Integral I've ever seen. Re-type please.
  • #3
You forgot the "dx"! That is important if only to remind you that you need to substitute for that as well as for x.
My first thought would be to make the substitution u= Sin(x). The du= cos(x) dx and, since [itex]cos(x)= \sqrt{1- sin^2(x)}[/itex], [itex]du= \sqrt{1- u^2}dx[/itex] so [itex] du/\sqrt{1-u^2}= dx[/itex]. [itex]1/(sin(x)\sqrt{sin^2(x)+ k})[/itex] becomes [itex]1/(u\sqrt{u^2+ k})[/itex] an so the integral becomes
[tex]\int \frac{du}{u\sqrt{1- u^2}\sqrt{u^2+ k}}[/tex]
It's not at all clear now how to reduce that! Probably some kind of, or sequence of, trig substitutions now.
  • #4
Well I thought of trying sin(x)=sqrt{k}Sinh(u), or something.
Haven't gone through the calculations yet.
  • #5
arildno's substitution reduces it to [tex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}} \int \frac{1}{\sinh u \sqrt{1-k\sinh^2 u}} du[/tex]. I can't immediately see how to do that either.
  • #6
The substitution

[tex] \sin x=\sqrt{k\,\frac{u^2-1}{k\,u^2+1}} [/tex]

reduces it to

[tex]\int\frac{d\,u}{\sqrt{k}\,(1-u^2)}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}\,\text{arctanh} u[/tex]
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  • #7
Only if it were rescpect to anything other than dx or dk, eh HallsOfIvy!

Rainbow_Child, may I ask you what inspiration led you for such a asubstitution? I mean what insight did you have (not joking, I am serious...assuming your steps are correct that's an incredible that you could 'see' that substitution was going to work)

I tried the following and it seems to work out.

Let u= sin^2(x) +k, to get sin^2(x)= u-k and hence cos(x)= sqrt(1-u+k)
dx= cosec(x)/(2 x cos(x)) which yields in

int (du/sqrt(1-u-k)) From there it's easy.
  • #8
unplebeian said:
... Rainbow_Child, may I ask you what inspiration led you for such a asubstitution? I mean what insight did you have (not joking, I am serious...assuming your steps are correct that's an incredible that you could 'see' that substitution was going to work)...

I didn' t "saw" the transformation from the begging, even though I would like to! :smile:
I construct it. The integral was not fitting in any "recipe" I know, so I started like looking for a transformation

[tex]\sin x=\sqrt{k\,f(u)},\quad d\,x=\frac{\sqrt{k}\,f'(u)}{2\,\sqrt{f(u)\,(1-k\,f(u))}}\,d\,u[/tex]

and now the integral becomes

[tex]\int \frac{f'(u)}{2\,\sqrt{k}\,f(u)\,\sqrt{(1-k\,f(u))\,(1+f(u))}}\,d\,u[/tex]

Now I want to get rid of the square root [itex]\sqrt{(1-k\,f(u))\,(1+f(u))}[/itex], so the easy way is to set it equal to [itex] u^2[/itex], but that will produce additional square roots if we solve for [itex]f(u)[/itex].

The "trick" is to the set [itex]u^2[/itex] the fraction [tex]\frac{1+f(u)}{1-k\,f(u)}[/tex], so [tex]f(u)=\frac{u^2-1}{k\,u^2+1}[/tex] and


Putting all these together you have the answer! Maybe there is a quicker way, but I could think only that! :smile:

unplebeian said:
... I tried the following and it seems to work out.

Let u= sin^2(x) +k, to get sin^2(x)= u-k and hence cos(x)= sqrt(1-u+k)
dx= cosec(x)/(2 x cos(x)) which yields in

int (du/sqrt(1-u-k)) From there it's easy.

I think that your transformation leads to

[tex] \int \frac{1}{\2\,(u-k)\,\sqrt{u\,(-u+k+1)}}\,du [/tex]

if I did correctly the calculations.
  • #9
@ Rainbow Child, I think you made a small mistake by evaluating the final integral. The substitution was:

[tex]u^2=\frac{k+sin^2(x)}{k\cdot cos^2(x)}[/tex]

And because [tex]sin^2(x) \leq 1[/tex] and [tex]cos^2(x) \leq 1[/tex] the value of [tex]u^2 \geq 1[/tex] therefore the integral should read:


This gives then the result from mathematica as described in the original post.

It is a very nice substitution, one I think is certainly comparable to the ones of Euler or the substitution of Sommerfeld.
  • #10
Thanks, coomast! :shy:

My calculations is always a drawback to me! :smile:
  • #11
[tex]\int \dfrac { \sin \, x \; dx } { \sin^2 \, x \cdot \sqrt { a^2 + \sin^2 \, x } } \;=\; \int \dfrac { \sin \, x \; dx } { ( 1 - \cos^2 \, x ) \cdot \sqrt { (a^2 + 1) - \cos^2 \, x } }[/tex]

[tex]=\; \int \dfrac { \sec^2 \, x \;\tan\, x \; dx } { ( \sec^2 \, x - 1 ) \cdot \sqrt { (a^2 + 1 ) \sec^2 \, x - 1} }[/tex]

Letting [itex]u^2 \;=\;(a^2 + 1 ) \sec^2 \, x - 1[/itex],

[tex]I\; =\;\dfrac { 1 } { a^2 + 1} \; \int \dfrac { u\; du } { ( \dfrac { u^2 + 1} { a^2 + 1} - 1 ) \cdot u } \;=\; \int \dfrac { du } { u^2-a^2}[/tex]

[tex]\;=\; \dfrac {1} {2a} \ln \bigg| \dfrac {u-a} {u+a } \bigg | \qquad \text{or} \qquad - \frac {1}{a} \text{coth}^ {-1} \; \dfrac { u} { a}[/tex]

[tex]\;=\; \dfrac {1} {2a} \ln \bigg| \dfrac { \sqrt { a^2 + \sin^2 \, x } -a\cos\, x } {\sqrt { a^2 + \sin^2 \, x } +a\cos\, x } \bigg | \qquad \text{or}[/tex]

[tex]- \frac {1}{a} \text{coth}^ {-1} \left( \dfrac { \sqrt { a^2 + \sin^2 \, x } } { a \cos\, x } \right)[/tex].
  • #12
wtf ... wowz0r :O
  • #13
@ Gib Z, you also made the mistake I mentioned earlier, the value of [tex]u^2 \geq 1[/tex], so the final integral is equal to:

[tex]\int \frac{du}{u^2-a^2}=-\frac{1}{a}arctanh \left( \frac{a}{u} \right)+C[/tex]

giving the mathematica result from the first post:

[tex]I=-\frac{1}{a}arctanh \left( \frac{\sqrt{2}\cdot a\cdot cos(x)}{\sqrt{2a^2+1-cos(2x)}} \right)+C[/tex]

Very nice way of solving this integral.
  • #14
I over several days on finding this solution, I assure you there is no mistake =]

[tex]\tanh^{-1} x = \coth^{-1} \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)[/tex]

To prove this, its a simple matter of looking at the definitions of those functions in terms of the natural logarithm.
  • #15
Gib Z, the result is indeed correct. I was a bit confused because of the following result:

[tex]\int \frac{dx}{a^2-x^2}=\frac{1}{2a}ln\left|\frac{a+x}{a-x}\right|+C[/tex]

which is equal to:

[tex]\frac{1}{a}tanh^{-1}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)+C \qquad x^2<a^2[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{a}coth^{-1}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)+C \qquad x^2>a^2[/tex]

this together with:

[tex]\tanh^{-1}(x)=\coth^{-1}\left(\frac{1}{x}\right) \qquad |x|<1[/tex]

made me mixing things. Never mind, the result is good, however it would have been nice that the conditions were checked for. I assume you did, but didn't mention them, from which my error. Again, a very nice way of solving the integral.
  • #16
I don't actually see why we need the |x|>1 condition for the 4th expression.

For any functions f(x), g(x) related as such ; [tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{g(x)}[/tex], we can see that [tex]x = f^{-1} \left( \frac{1}{g(x)} \right)[/tex], as well as [tex] x= g^{-1} (g(x))[/tex]. Combining these results and letting u= g(x);

[tex]g^{-1} (u) = f^{-1} \left( \frac{1}{u} \right) [/tex]. There is no need for |x| > 1, though one may state x can not be zero, but one soon realizes that when one tries to divide by it =]
  • #17
Isn't the function [tex]tanh^{-1}(x)[/tex] defined only for [tex]|x|<1[/tex]?
  • #18
I am too rushed in my evaluations =] Sorry, the tanh function is defined for all values of x except for |x| > 1 the value is complex. Of course, we only deal with real values for real integrals =]

FAQ: Integrating Trigonometric Functions with Substitution: A Quick Guide

1. What is integral substitution?

Integral substitution is a technique used in calculus to simplify and evaluate integrals that involve complicated functions. It involves substituting a new variable for the original variable in the integral, in order to transform it into a simpler form that can be easily evaluated.

2. When should I use integral substitution?

Integral substitution should be used when the integral involves a complicated function, such as trigonometric functions, logarithms, or exponential functions. It can also be useful when the integral involves a polynomial with a high degree.

3. How do I choose the appropriate substitution?

The choice of substitution depends on the form of the integral. Generally, you want to choose a substitution that will eliminate the most complicated part of the integral. This could involve choosing a trigonometric substitution for integrals involving trigonometric functions, or using a u-substitution for integrals involving polynomials.

4. What are some common pitfalls to watch out for when using integral substitution?

One common pitfall is forgetting to substitute the new variable back into the final answer. This can lead to incorrect results. Another pitfall is choosing an inappropriate substitution, which can make the integral more complicated instead of simplifying it.

5. Are there any tips for mastering integral substitution?

Practice is key when it comes to mastering integral substitution. It is also helpful to have a good understanding of algebra and trigonometry, as well as a strong foundation in calculus. It can also be useful to review and become familiar with common substitutions for different types of integrals.

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