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I have this code that i have been working on that will interpolate and integrate some data. I need to read this data from a file with unknown rows and columns to a two dimensional array/matrix so that the data can be broken down further into one dimensional arrays from the parent 2D array's columns. so a quick example is the data may look like this in the file:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
and so i would read it into an allocatable matrix becoming [3,3]. That is where my programming logic breaks down with FORTRAN. I have found codes and literature on allocatable 1D arrays and some on reading files to 2D arrays but not allocatable 2d. so my thought is to obtain an array/matrix that at point m(2,2) = 5 i need a code roughly like this:
but again number_rows and number_columns are unknown and if i included an if or do loop that ended at the end of the line of each row i don't know what might be needed for that sort of declaration. because it would be nice to have a nested do loop that the inside one increments all the way across a row till the end of the line then the outer one will increment so that the program goes to a new row/line so that the inner loop increments again repeating till end of file. were it a file that i could put into a 1D array the code would be like so:
so my question to anyone that knows FORTRAN and understands what i am trying to accomplish is how do i read a 2D file into an allocatable 2D array? If it helps clarify anything i am also attaching the rest of the code before and after where this part is needed.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
and so i would read it into an allocatable matrix becoming [3,3]. That is where my programming logic breaks down with FORTRAN. I have found codes and literature on allocatable 1D arrays and some on reading files to 2D arrays but not allocatable 2d. so my thought is to obtain an array/matrix that at point m(2,2) = 5 i need a code roughly like this:
! reading file to an array/matrix
do h=1, number_rows
do k=1, number_columns
read(1, *, iostat = io) a
but again number_rows and number_columns are unknown and if i included an if or do loop that ended at the end of the line of each row i don't know what might be needed for that sort of declaration. because it would be nice to have a nested do loop that the inside one increments all the way across a row till the end of the line then the outer one will increment so that the program goes to a new row/line so that the inner loop increments again repeating till end of file. were it a file that i could put into a 1D array the code would be like so:
IF (IO < 0 ) EXIT
N = N + 1
OldX = X ! entire array can be assigned
X = OldX
X(N) = A
so my question to anyone that knows FORTRAN and understands what i am trying to accomplish is how do i read a 2D file into an allocatable 2D array? If it helps clarify anything i am also attaching the rest of the code before and after where this part is needed.
Program main
implicit none
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mc, mr, oldm
real a
integer io, nc, nr, h, k
character(30) :: filename
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: alt, temp, nue, oxy
integer locationa, locationt, locationn, locationo, i
integer nend
real dz, z, integral
real alti, tempi, nuei, oxyi
integer y, j
allocate( m(0, 0) ) ! size zero to start with?
nn = 0
j = 0
write(*,*) 'Enter input file name: '
read(*,*) filename
open( 1, file = filename )
!this is the needed code
! reading file to an array/matrix
do h=1, nr
do k=1, nc
read(1, *, iostat = io) a
!between these comments
! Decompose matrix array m into column arrays [1,n]
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Altitude'
read(*,*) locationa
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Temperature'
read(*,*) locationt
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Nuetral Density'
read(*,*) locationn
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Oxygen density'
read(*,*) locationo
nend = size(m, locationa) !length of column #locationa, or any column from the data file
do i = 1, nend
alt(i, 1) = m(i, locationa)
temp(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationt))
nue(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationn))
oxy(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationo))
! Interpolate Column arrays, Constant X value will be array ALT with the 3 other arrays
!real dz = size(alt)/100, z, integral = 0
!real alti, tempi, nuei, oxyi
!integer y, j = 0
dz = size(alt)/100
do z = 1, 100, dz
y = z !with chopped rounding alt(y) will always be lowest integer for smooth transition.
alti = alt(y, 1) + j*dz ! the addition of j*dz's allow for all values not in the array between two points of the array.
tempi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, temp, size(alt), alti))
nuei = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, nue, size(alt), alti))
oxyi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, oxy, size(alt), alti))
j = j + 1
integral = integral + tempi*nuei*oxyi*dz
end program main
real function linear_interpolation(x, y, n, x0)
implicit none
integer :: n, i, k
real :: x(n), y(n), x0, y0
k = 0
do i = 1, n-1
if ((x0 >= x(i)) .and. (x0 <= x(i+1))) then
k = i ! k is the index where: x(k) <= x <= x(k+1)
exit ! exit loop
end if
if (k > 0) then ! compute the interpolated value for a point not in the array
y0 = y(k) + (y(k+1)-y(k))/(x(k+1)-x(k))*(x0-x(k))
write(*,*)'Error computing the interpolation !'
write(*,*) 'x0 =',x0, ' is out of range <', x(1),',',x(n),'>'
end if
! return value
linear_interpolation = y0
end function linear_interpolation