Intuition on Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument

In summary, the method of successive approximations is often used as a substitute for Taylor series arguments when dealing with functions that do not have a defined Taylor series. It is a common approach in proving the existence and uniqueness of solutions for differential equations, using a similar method as the proof for the implicit function theorem. This method has been shown to be effective even for non-analytic functions, making it a useful tool in certain cases.
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The explanation below illustrates why I think the method of successive approximations is merely a sneaky way of working with power series when you're not formally allowed to use a Taylor series expansion for a function (i.e. when it doesn't exist, as in proving the existence theorem on ode's for continuous functions). My question is asking somebody, who sees this as obvious, to give a nice explanation as to how to why the method of successive approximations is obviously just the above Taylor series argument in disguise, using either ode's or the implicit function theorem as a model to do it:

The inverse function theorem is usually proven using contraction mappings , Banach's fixed point theorem and successive approximation. From this, the implicit function theorem is derived, & the exact same proof method is used in proving the existence and uniqueness of solutions of ode's of the form [itex]y' = f(x,y)[/itex] when [itex]f[/itex] is continuous/Lipschitz. I've always found this method extremely unintuitive in practice.

Interestingly, the implicit function theorem can be proven for analytic functions (as in classical books), using a really intuitive Taylor series argument, which only amounts to expanding [itex]F(x,y) = 0[/itex] in a Taylor series

[tex]F(x,y) = a_{10}x + b_{01}y + ... = 0[/tex]

solving for [itex]y[/itex],

[tex]y = a^*_{10}x + a^*_{20}x^2 + a^*_{11}xy + ...[/tex]

assuming a solution of the form

[tex]y = c_1x + c_2x^2 + ...[/tex]

subbing it in, solving for the coefficients, then just showing that

[tex]y = c_1x + c_2x^2 + ... = a^*_{10}x + a^*_{20}x^2 + a^*_{11}xy + ... [/tex]

is bounded by a double geometric series which itself has a unique solution in the radius of convergence (). This is baby calculus stuff & fully rigorous (at least to me), thus the implicit and inverse function theorem have extremely intuitive proofs when you allow for Taylor series.

Amazingly, the *exact same proof* ([url=]pages 45 - 58
if needed) is used to prove that solutions to an ode of the form [itex]y' = f(x,y)[/itex] exists when [itex]f[/itex] is analytic.

In other words, the method of successive approximations seems to merely be a surrogate for using power series arguments when no power series are directly defined, thus there must be a way to view the method of successive approximations as 'the next best thing' to invoking Taylor series, for instance you can't invoke it in the proof on ode's when [itex]f(x,y)[/itex] is continuous so successive approximations are used. Would someone mind illustrating why the method of successive approximations is obviously just the above Taylor series argument in disguise that works even in the case that [itex]f[/itex] is not analytic, merely just continuous? Thanks!
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  • #2
You can use a number of different kinds of functions, exponentials, sine and cosine, etc. as your basic functions in "successive approximations", not just powers of x. If you use powers of x, then of course you will get linear combinations of powers of x- i.e. polynomials. But NOT "power series" because you cannot get an infinite number of terms.

FAQ: Intuition on Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument

Question 1: What is intuition on Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument?

Intuition on Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument is a mathematical concept that involves using a series of approximations to solve a problem, where each approximation is based on the previous one. It is often used in situations where an exact solution is difficult to find or not possible.

Question 2: How does Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument work?

Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument works by starting with an initial guess or estimate for the solution to a problem and then using a series of iterations to improve upon that guess. Each iteration involves plugging the previous approximation into a formula or equation to generate a new, more accurate approximation.

Question 3: What are some real-world applications of Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument?

Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument has many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and statistics. It can be used to solve complex equations or systems of equations that have no exact solution, as well as to analyze data and make predictions.

Question 4: What are the benefits of using Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument?

One of the main benefits of using Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument is that it allows for the solution of complex problems that would otherwise be impossible to solve. It also provides a way to improve upon initial estimates and find increasingly accurate solutions.

Question 5: Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument?

One limitation of Successive Approximation as Pseudo-Power-Series Argument is that it may not always converge to an exact solution, and in some cases, the series of approximations may diverge. It also requires a significant amount of computational power and may be computationally intensive for larger problems.
