Investigating max and min value of a function

In summary, the problem involves finding the sum of the squares of the maximum and minimum values of a given function. Differentiation is not allowed, so the function must be analyzed using transformations. By writing out the function as a product of two factors, it can be seen that the maximum value occurs at sin x = 1/2. Using this value, the maximum and minimum values can be found and plugged into the given equation to obtain the desired result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex] f(x) = (1/2)sin2x + cosx [/tex]


[tex] f^2 min +f^2 max = ? [/tex]

Homework Equations

Differentiation not allowed... only by transformations and analysis.

The Attempt at a Solution

I am confused by what it means by f^2 min +f^2 max... does it imply we have to find max and min values seperately, square them and add them? Or does this formulation imply we can directly get the required value?

Do we have to square the function before investigating it?
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  • #2
quantumphysic said:
[tex] f(x) = (1/2)sin2x + cosx [/tex]

I think what they're asking you to do is find the sum of the squares of the maximum and minimum values of this function.

I'd suggest first writing out what sin(2x) is: you'll find that f(x) can be expressed as a product of two factors. It should be reasonably straightforward to see what the greatest and least values of that product are. Can f(x) be zero?
  • #3
you need to take the derivative of that..

[tex] f(x) = (1/2)sin2x + cosx [/tex]

after that you solve f'(x)=0
find the extreme points and put the y values in the asked equation

[tex] f^2 min +f^2 max = ? [/tex]
  • #4
transgalactic said:
[tex] f(x) = (1/2)sin2x + cosx [/tex]

after that you solve f'(x)=0
find the extreme points and put the y values in the asked equation

[tex] f^2 min +f^2 max = ? [/tex]

The problem statement says no differentiation allowed...

(If it were, the derivative would be f'(x)=1*cos2x - sinx .)
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  • #5
i'm getting

[tex]f(x) = cosx(1+sinx)[/tex]

ok i got min value = 0 (the problem says 0 <= x <= pi/2)
how do we get the max value of the product?
  • #6
you have a point in x=pi/2 +pi*k
and for x=3/4*pi +2pi*k

substitute them in the fuction and find their y values
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  • #7
how does that work?
  • #8
quantumphysic said:
how does that work?

If the interval is [0, pi/2], then you don't have to worry about the other periodic values of sine and cosine. (You didn't mention the interval earlier...)

The minimum is zero at pi/2 because of the cosine term. For the maximum, you could either look at the terms in f(x) or square your result for f(x) first. In any case, using x = 0 would give you
f(0) = 1, but there's a place where we can do better. The problem with the endpoints is that sine is high when cosine is low and vice versa. What value of x gives both fairly high values for sine and cosine? (Consider graphs of those functions.)
  • #9
pi/4 gives equal values for sine and cosine... however, how do we know there isn't a value that's higher? i think there may be a more rigorous proof...

e.g. on another similar problem i could obtain a quadratic equation containing f(x) in a constant term (by squaring function) and getting something like:

[tex] ax^2 +bx + c = f^2(x) [/tex]

[tex] ax^2 +bx + (c - f^2(x)) = 0 [/tex]

[tex] b^2 - 4a(c - f^2(x)) >or= 0 [/tex] (for real f(x))

thus obtaining min and max values simultaneously...

on this example, on squaring i get a quartic equation on sin(x)... I'm unable to bring it to a simpler (quadratic) form or otherwise...
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  • #10
Maybe we shouldn't look at the quartic polynomial, but rather the factored form. The function squared is

[tex] (cos x)^{2} (1+sin x)^{2} = (1 - [sin x]^{2})(1+sin x)^{2} = (1 - sin x)(1+sin x)^{3}

So we make the substitution t = sin x and ask for the maximum on the interval [0,1] of

[tex] (1 - t)(1+ t)^{3}

[I'm still thinking about how to solve this without calculus. (The maximum turns out to occur at sin x = 1/2 , BTW, not {sqrt(2)}/2 , as I'd earlier thought.) The instruction "use transformations and analysis" isn't very descriptive, so I'm still trying out ideas...]
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FAQ: Investigating max and min value of a function

1. What is the definition of a max and min value of a function?

The maximum value of a function is the highest point on the graph of the function, while the minimum value is the lowest point on the graph.

2. How do you find the max and min values of a function?

To find the max and min values of a function, you can use techniques such as finding the critical points, using the first and second derivative tests, or graphing the function to visually identify the points.

3. Can a function have more than one max or min value?

Yes, a function can have multiple maximum and minimum values. This often occurs when there are multiple peaks or valleys on the graph of the function.

4. What is the significance of finding max and min values in a function?

Finding the max and min values of a function can help us understand the behavior and characteristics of the function. It can also help us determine important points on the graph, such as the highest or lowest point.

5. How can max and min values of a function be applied in real-world situations?

In real-world situations, max and min values of a function can help us optimize a process or find the most efficient solution. For example, a business may use max and min values to determine the best production level that maximizes profits.
