Is energy transport in electric DC setup quantized?

In summary: There is no "1 eV in, 1 eV out" going on. This is much more direct with LEDs where the electrons moving from one region to another lead to the emission of photons.
  • #1
gerald V
I have to say first that I found quite a similar question under However those thread ended without real answer.There shall be the following simple setup: A battery, and quite at a distance a light bulb. They are connected by two parallel wires. The entire configuration shall be located in, say, vacuum, and shall be operated stationarily.

This is what I assume to know:

Apart from minor distortions due to losses in the wires the Poynting vector field looks quite simple: The energy flows in the vacuum, parallel to the wires. In the spacetime picture the energy flux lines are timelike (a typical value for the velocity is about 2/3 of the velocity of light).

Such electromagnetic field is not a radiation field. The vector potential has one temporal component and one spatial component parallel to the wires. Both are independent of time. So there are no waves and no transversal degrees of freedom.


  • What I said above, is it correct?
  • Is it true that energy transfer nevertheless occurs in quanta?
  • If so, what field is to be quantized, what is the energy and the current of these quanta?
Physics news on
  • #2
You are looking at it the wrong way. Field theory, including Maxwell's Equations and Poynting's Theorem can be derived from QED plus some simplifications. QED (quantum electrodynamics) itself is part of quantum field theory which depends on quantum mechanics (QM). QM deals with tiny discrete objects and discrete events and their properties. Those objects, events and properties are the quanta.

It is wrong to think that time, space, or electromagnetic fields are themselves quantized into "chunks"
  • #3
Thank you for that answer. But my confusion is still there. May I try to ask more precisely:

First, what is the physical situation? Without doubt, the light bulb radiates off energy in quanta (with thermal spectrum). My question is: The energy transfer from the battery to the light bulb, does it occur in quanta as well? I conjecture that the answer is yes and that the energy of the quanta is given by the voltage of the battery.

Second, if the energy transfer from the battery to the light bulb occurs in quanta, what is the adequate mathematical description?
  • #4
gerald V said:
My question is
charge carriers 'pop off' the battery and their energy is quantized only in principle: there is so much movement in charges contributing to the fields that the (already extremely close) energy levels are smeared out to a continuum ('band').
The adequate description is Ohm's law :smile:.
  • #5
gerald V said:
The energy transfer from the battery to the light bulb, does it occur in quanta as well?
I don't think you can define "energy transport" precise enough for such a question.

The light bulb emits energy in discrete steps, but purely based on its temperature, not based on the input electricity. There is no "1 eV in, 1 eV out" going on. This is much more direct with LEDs where the electrons moving from one region to another lead to the emission of photons.

FAQ: Is energy transport in electric DC setup quantized?

1. What is energy transport in an electric DC setup?

Energy transport in an electric DC (direct current) setup refers to the movement of electrical energy from a power source, such as a battery or generator, through a circuit to power a device or appliance.

2. What does it mean for energy transport to be quantized?

Quantization of energy transport means that energy is transferred in discrete packets, rather than continuously. In an electric DC setup, this means that the flow of electrons is not a smooth, continuous stream, but rather occurs in discrete units called quanta.

3. How is energy quantized in an electric DC setup?

In an electric DC setup, energy is quantized due to the nature of the particles that carry electrical charge, called electrons. These particles have a fixed charge, and can only move in discrete steps, resulting in the quantization of energy transfer.

4. What is the significance of energy quantization in an electric DC setup?

The quantization of energy in an electric DC setup has important implications for the behavior of electrical circuits and devices. It allows for precise control and measurement of energy flow, and is the basis for many modern technologies, such as transistors and microchips.

5. How does energy quantization differ from classical physics?

In classical physics, energy is considered to be continuous and can take on any value. However, in quantum mechanics, energy is quantized and can only exist in specific, discrete amounts. This fundamental difference between classical and quantum physics has significant implications for our understanding of the behavior of matter and energy.
