Is 'semiconductor' always just another name for 'transition metal'?

In summary, the terms "transition metals" and "semiconductor" refer to different things. While transition metals are a group of elements in the periodic table with partially-filled f-orbitals, semiconductors are substances with a band gap in their energy band structure, making them have electrical conductivities between metals and insulators. Examples of semiconductors include silicon and germanium, but not transition metals. However, diamond, which is a form of carbon, can also be considered a semiconductor due to its wide band gap and potential for use in high power and high temperature applications.
  • #1
Or is 'semiconductor' more specific, referring to only some transition metals?

After looking up the etymology*, I guess that a hypothetical material besides the transition elements which had properties which met the definition of 'semiconductor' would qualify; but that doesn't completely answer my question.

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  • #2
Huh?? Where did you get this idea? The two terms are very different. Transition metals are the elements in the middle of the periodic table which have partially-filled f-orbitals. Examples are iron, copper, titanium, etc. I think all of these are metals. 'Semiconductor' refers to substances which have a band gap in their energy band structure, and so have electrical conductivities that are midway between metals and insulators. Elemental semiconductors include silicon and germanium (neither of which are transition metals), but there are compound semiconductors as well, such as gallium arsenide and cadmium sulfide.
  • #3
Is carbon a semiconductor then?
  • #4
skeptic2 said:
Is carbon a semiconductor then?

Yes, as diamond, it definitely is. Due to it's wide bandgap diamond may become a useful semiconductor for high power high temperature applications.

FAQ: Is 'semiconductor' always just another name for 'transition metal'?

What is a semiconductor?

A semiconductor is a type of material that falls between a conductor and an insulator in terms of its ability to conduct electricity. It is typically made from elements such as silicon, germanium, or gallium arsenide.

What is a transition metal?

A transition metal is a type of element that is characterized by its ability to form one or more stable ions with partially filled d orbitals. Examples of transition metals include iron, copper, and gold.

Is 'semiconductor' always just another name for 'transition metal'?

No, while some transition metals such as silicon and germanium are also semiconductors, not all semiconductors are transition metals. Other elements such as carbon and selenium can also exhibit semiconductor properties.

What are the main differences between semiconductors and transition metals?

The main difference is in their electronic properties. Semiconductors have a band gap, which means they have a range of energy levels that electrons cannot occupy, making them poor conductors. Transition metals, on the other hand, have partially filled d orbitals, which allow them to conduct electricity more easily.

Why are semiconductors important in modern technology?

Semiconductors are crucial in modern technology because they are the basis for many electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and solar cells. Their ability to switch between conducting and non-conducting states makes them ideal for controlling the flow of electricity in these devices.

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