Is There a Logical Derivation for Einstein's Field Equations?

In summary, the Einstein equations express the relationship between energy, pressure, and gravitational force.
  • #1
I realized that there is no strict derivation of Einstein's Field Equations. However I found no 'derivation' that make me feel 'comfortable' and 'logical'. Could anyone post a 'derivation' with smooth logical sense ? Thank you.
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  • #3
LHS1 said:
I realized that there is no strict derivation of Einstein's Field Equations. However I found no 'derivation' that make me feel 'comfortable' and 'logical'. Could anyone post a 'derivation' with smooth logical sense ? Thank you.

The paper The Meaning of Einstein's Equation by Baez and Bunn,

answers a different question, but you might still find it interesting.
  • #4
there can be a derivation of EFE but makin it logically complete a good amount of paper work is needed...but is there any such attempt available??
  • #5
If there were an absolutely logical, mathematical derivation, then this wouldn't be physics. Ultimately, one has to simply postulate something and treat it as a working hypothesis to be verified by experiment.

First we assume the equivalence principle, which tells us how matter is affected by curved spacetime. This is essentially the same thing as the basic postulate of Riemannian geometry: in the limit as displacements become small, spacetime looks flat and inertial observers travel in straight lines. For motions that are no longer infinitesimal, these "straight lines" extrapolate to geodesics.

Next one needs the other piece of the puzzle: how is spacetime affected by matter? We assume that some sort of matter-energy density must be the source of curvature. We know that matter-energy satisfies a local conservation law (due to the equivalence principle), so we choose the simplest object constructed out of matter-energy that obeys such a conservation law in relativistic mechanics: the stress-energy tensor. This object has two indices, is symmetric, and has zero divergence. To couple it to curvature, we need to form some object out of the curvature tensor that also has two indices, is symmetric, and has zero divergence. The simplest such object is the combination [itex]R_{\mu\nu} - \frac12 R g_{\mu\nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu\nu}[/itex]. So, we set this object proportional to the stress-energy tensor, and work out the constant of proportionality by looking at the weak-field limit.

The weak-field limit gives an additional constraint: the theory must reduce to Newtonian gravity for weak fields. Historically, these steps were worked backwards, starting from the weak field limit and then guessing what kinds of metric theories might produce it. There were competing theories besides Einstein's (notably Nordstrom's) that predicted different phenomena, either slight variations or drastic ones (Nordstrom's predicts no bending of light by gravity, for example).
  • #6
yes Ben,what u said is absolutely true,in my previous post i assumed equivalance principle and i was talking about the formal derivation through action principle.
  • #7
v.dinesh said:
yes Ben,what u said is absolutely true,in my previous post i assumed equivalance principle and i was talking about the formal derivation through action principle.

I think for the LHS there is - most general 2 index tensor from metric and derivatives up to second order (Lovelock 1972) p100 relativity ludvigsen&f=false

Also see Carroll's comments just before 4.33
  • #8
sorry if i sound noethers theorem essential to say that stress energy tensor is divergence free?? :-8
  • #9
The Einstein equations can be justified in many ways, but I think there is still much to learn about their basis, since they apparently express analogies with thermodynamical relationships whose significance is still not understood.
  • #10
v.dinesh said:
sorry if i sound noethers theorem essential to say that stress energy tensor is divergence free?? :-8

No! The "divergence free" property of the energy-stress-momentum tensor is intrinsic in the sense that due to an empirically proven nature of the conservation laws of momentum and energy through the initial theoretical picture that these quantities remain invariant under respectively the translations of spatial coordinates and time coordinate, spatial relativity suggests the formula


to hold for a general contravariant energy-momentum tensor [tex]T^{\mu\nu}.[/tex] This tells us that if the universe is filled with a symmetrically distributed static dust with pressure [tex]p_i[/tex] and mass density [tex]\rho[/tex] where the index [tex]i[/tex] runs over 1,2,3 each showing the pressure along a spatial axis and the gravitational field is so weak, then

[tex]T^{k\nu}_{,\nu}=p^i_{,i}=0,[/tex] (Do not sum over [tex]i[/tex]!)

so that [tex]\rho=\rho_0[/tex] is probably constant (if not dependent on the position) and the spatial derivatives of the pressure must be zero in order to just get the energy of dust conserved in this model of the universe we are considering here! Therefore the dust would have a constant pressure along all spatial axes but the density might be position-dependent if not constant.

  • #11
well explained for that particular case@Altabeh
But in search for a second order symmetric tensor for the RHS which should contain the material property can we precisely prove that there exists only one such tensor?? is my question too vague??
  • #12
v.dinesh said:
well explained for that particular case@Altabeh
But in search for a second order symmetric tensor for the RHS which should contain the material property can we precisely prove that there exists only one such tensor?? is my question too vague??

If you can write the Lagrangian of the source in terms of a field [itex]\phi[/itex] and its derivatives, then there is one canonical EMT for that Lagrangian given by

T^{\mu\nu}=\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial(\partial_\mu \phi)}\partial^\nu \phi - \frac{1}{4}g^{\mu\nu}\mathcal{L}

and [itex]T^{\mu\nu}_{,\nu}=0[/itex]

( I've butchered the indexes so better check this ). As you can see [tex]g^{\mu\nu}[/itex] is in there so it's not much help if you don't know g.
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Related to Is There a Logical Derivation for Einstein's Field Equations?

1. What are Einstein's Field Equations?

Einstein's Field Equations are a set of ten equations that form the basis of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. They describe how the curvature of space and time is related to the distribution of matter and energy in the universe.

2. How did Einstein come up with these equations?

Einstein developed his theory of general relativity in the early 20th century by building upon his previous work on special relativity and the concept of gravity. He used mathematical tools, such as tensor calculus, to formulate the equations that describe the relationship between matter and the curvature of space and time.

3. What is the significance of Einstein's Field Equations?

These equations revolutionized our understanding of the universe and its workings. They have been verified through numerous experiments and observations, and have been used to predict phenomena such as the bending of light by massive objects and the existence of black holes.

4. Are there any limitations to Einstein's Field Equations?

While Einstein's Field Equations have been successful in describing many aspects of the universe, they do have limitations. They do not account for the quantum nature of matter and are unable to fully explain the behavior of extremely small or extremely massive objects.

5. How are Einstein's Field Equations used in modern science?

Einstein's Field Equations are used extensively in modern science, particularly in the field of astrophysics. They are used to study the behavior of stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects, as well as to make predictions about the evolution of the universe. They are also used in the development of technologies, such as GPS systems, that rely on an understanding of general relativity.

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