Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game

In summary, the conversation discusses a mathematical model for a game in which two teams face each other and players are eliminated each round until one team has no players left. The initial scoring system is based on the number of rounds survived, but is then adjusted to account for the strength of the opposing players. It is suggested to look at scoring systems used in 1 on 1 games or to explore game theory to find a solution.
  • #1
Hi all,
this may seem a bit martial or militaristic, but remember it's just a model for a mathematical process that I'm interested in.

OK. Imagine you have a game (or fight) where 2 teams oppose each other. The exact nature of the game is not important. However, the game has several rounds, and in each round every player faces all the players of the other team as enemies. The result of each round is one player getting knocked out, meaning he has to leave the game. This means, of course, that a team loses when all its players are knocked out, and the other team wins.

OK, easy up to here. But imagine, when the game is over, you want to give a score to each player.

(1) You could say "A player's score is the number of rounds he survived."

(2) But then you think again. Imagine one team has only one strong player. So all the others get knocked out very quickly, but the strong one, on his own, withstands the enemy team for a long time. Surely this must be honored. So let's say "A player's score is the sum of the numbers of active enemies in every round he survived."

(3) Now you might think again, and say: If a player survives against strong enemies, that must be honored more than if he survived against weak enemies. So let's say "A player's score is the sum of scores of active enemies in each round he survived, divided by a proper number to make it consistent."

Now my questions:
1) Is there a solution to this?
2) Can this solution be reached by iteration, as hinted above?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I suggest looking up the details on some other scoring systems, like that of Chess.

The way you describe your game, it's not a team game, all of the competition is done individual, just with groups of players put together to form a logical unit... so the scoring systems from 1 on 1 games would make sense for your purposes.

  • #3
Originally posted by Hurkyl
so the scoring systems from 1 on 1 games would make sense for your purposes.

Yes Hurkyl I agree, but could you please explain what '1 on 1 games' are and how this solves my problem?
  • #4
This problem could be written up as a problem in game theory. It sounds like it could be a zero sum game too, as a win for player one is a loss for player two, or they could both draw. I suggest looking up some work on game theory, and taking a lok at how it all works, I am not all that familiar with the theory myself.

FAQ: Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game

What is the purpose of "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game"?

The purpose of "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" is to provide a comprehensive solution for measuring and improving player performance in team games. It aims to help teams and coaches identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance overall performance.

How does "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" work?

The solution works by collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as game footage, player statistics, and team dynamics. It then uses this data to generate insights and recommendations for optimizing player performance.

What sets "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" apart from other performance analysis tools?

Unlike other performance analysis tools, "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" takes a holistic approach by considering various factors that can impact player performance, including team dynamics and individual skill sets. It also provides personalized recommendations tailored to each team and player.

Can "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" be used for all types of team games?

Yes, the solution is designed to be applicable to all types of team games, including but not limited to sports, esports, and board games. It can be customized to fit the specific needs and requirements of each game and team.

How can "Unlock the Solution to Score Player Performance in Team Game" benefit teams and players?

The solution can benefit teams and players by providing them with valuable insights into their performance, identifying areas for improvement, and offering personalized recommendations for enhancing their overall gameplay. This can lead to improved team dynamics, better results, and overall success in team games.
