Temperature and Latitude: What Causes the Uneven Warming Across the Globe?

In summary, you are discussing the 50 year changes in the latitude-temperature graph. The temperature is not constant, and high latitudes are always more affected than low latitudes. The reason the northern hemisphere changes more is because it has less heat capacity (the oceans).
  • #1
Why does the latitude-temperture graph look the way it does?
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Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
"Why" do you ask? About the annual changes in its appearance? About the variations in general?

You're looking at fifty years of observations/measurements taken daily for every 10-20 thousand km2, some at established sites, some at transient sites, of a dynamic system. The temperature is not constant. The measurement method has not been conserved. The site locations have not been conserved.
  • #3
If I understand correctly, your question is why do the higher latitudes have a higher temperature increase? And why is the northern hemisphere warming larger? If so, then here's the answer.

Irrespective of the source of warming (whether anthropogenic or not...), the climate variations at higher latitudes are always expected to be larger. This is because the temperature at low latitudes is mainly the result of the energy balance between energy emitted and absorbed at low latitudes, whereas at high latitudes, the story is different.

The temperature of high latitudes is governed not by the radiative energy reaching those latitudes but instead energy reaching low latitudes and then advected northwards through water vapor (and also oceanic currents). Basically, water evaporates (takes latent heat) at low latitudes, moves northward, condenses and releases the latent heat. Thus, the temperature at high latitudes depends on the efficiency of this conveyer belt.

When the climate warms, there is much more water vapor in the atmosphere. This implies that high latitudes can very warmed very efficiently, and the temperature difference between tropical and polar regions becomes relatively small. If the atmosphere cools, it also dries out, and the efficiency of this heat transfer is substantially diminished. The bottom line, the high latitudes are much more affected from any climate change.

The reason that the northern hemisphere changes more is because it has less heat capacity (the oceans) and can thus thermally adjust more easily.

(http://www.sciencebits.com/" )
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FAQ: Temperature and Latitude: What Causes the Uneven Warming Across the Globe?

1. What is a latitude temperature graph?

A latitude temperature graph is a graphical representation of the relationship between latitude and temperature. It shows how temperature varies as you move from the equator to the poles.

2. How is a latitude temperature graph created?

A latitude temperature graph is created by plotting temperature data collected at different locations along a latitude line on a graph. The latitude values are plotted on the x-axis and the corresponding temperature values are plotted on the y-axis. A line or curve is then drawn to connect the data points, showing the overall trend of temperature change with latitude.

3. What factors influence the temperature at different latitudes?

The temperature at different latitudes is influenced by various factors such as the tilt of the Earth's axis, proximity to large bodies of water, altitude, and prevailing winds. These factors affect the amount of sunlight and heat that reaches a particular latitude, thus impacting the temperature.

4. What does a latitude temperature graph tell us about climate?

A latitude temperature graph can give us valuable insights into the climate of a particular region. It can show us the general trend of temperature change with latitude, indicating whether the climate is warmer or cooler towards the poles. It can also help us identify areas with extreme temperature variations, such as the equator or polar regions.

5. Can a latitude temperature graph be used to predict future climate patterns?

While a latitude temperature graph can provide information about past and current climate patterns, it cannot be used to accurately predict future climate changes. Climate is influenced by various complex and dynamic factors, and a single graph may not be able to capture all of these variables. However, latitude temperature graphs can be used as a tool to understand and monitor long-term climate trends.

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