Learn another language besides C++

In summary, if you are looking to learn a programming language, BASIC may be a good option. However, if you want to learn another language, SQL may be a good option.
  • #1
Gold Member
I want to learn another language besides C++. What would you reccomend? I was thinking BASIC, but I'm not too sure. What do you think would be good next?
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  • #2
I don't know if it's considered a true programming language but I am deeply fond of SQL (Structured Query Language). If you want to create and work with databases, or write programs that work with databases, you'll need some SQL in your toolkit.
  • #3
why do you want to move away from C++?...basics to basic. and SQL, PHP, EXCEL and all those are for business/web/networking(there are many more but my knowledge of that side ofthings is bare minimum)..so if your going in that direction of a carerr go for it...

If you want to stick to science/gaming/math/robotics/3D-VR/ALIFE/AI
stick to C/C++ learn C for its fundamental functions.then move to the convetions of C++ or learn to intertwine conventions like i do.(NOT PURE OO for me,i can't stand it)

if your in high school- learn to use C/C++ packages the Direct series by MS, or the open series(opengl,openAL,openAI, openDynamics) then learn to use some numerical pkgs and 3D engines(torqu,eunreal, hl, ogre)...
  • #4
1. If you want another language with the same flavour as C++, then the language you can learn is Java. (There is not much difference between these two and i don't mean in terms of syntax but the basic principles of object oriented paradigm).
2. If you want another language with a different paradigm than the one followed in say C,C++ or Java, then the language you can learn are Lisp and Prolog (They are pretty enjoyable if you have any remote interest in AI, not to mean that they are just used for AI)
3. If you want another language which is of completely different flavour than any of the above, then you can look around several things like Query Languages (SQL etc), Markup Languages (HTML, XML etc) and several others
4. If you want another language which has market potential, then you can look for Java, SQL, XML semantics and plethora of RAD(Rapid Application Development) Tools.

-- AI
  • #5
python, perl, LISP, PHP, Java, brainf*ck (heh that one is fun), Ruby, Prolog, I can go on.

what do you want to do?
  • #6
I want to learn Java. But I'm going to learn assembly first. (for games on my calculator)
  • #7
yomamma said:
I want to learn Java. But I'm going to learn assembly first. (for games on my calculator)

there is not just one assembly. to learn to program for your calculator, you need to look up the reference manual for developers on the manufacturers website.
  • #8
That's why I was getting confused. :|

FAQ: Learn another language besides C++

1. Why is it important to learn another language besides C++?

Learning another language besides C++ can broaden your skills and make you a more versatile programmer. It also allows you to work on different types of projects and opens up job opportunities in different industries.

2. Which language should I learn after C++?

It depends on your goals and interests. Some popular options include Java, Python, and JavaScript. Consider what type of projects you want to work on and what industries you want to explore.

3. How long does it take to learn another language after C++?

The time it takes to learn another language after C++ varies depending on the complexity of the language and your dedication to learning. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to become proficient in a new language.

4. Can I use skills from C++ in other languages?

Yes, many programming concepts and principles are transferable between languages. For example, understanding data types and control structures in C++ can make it easier to learn the same concepts in another language.

5. What resources are available for learning another language besides C++?

There are countless resources available for learning new languages, including online tutorials, textbooks, and coding bootcamps. It's also helpful to practice regularly and work on projects to apply your skills in a practical way.
