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I have seen what I seem to remember a disc made of super conducting material levitating over a substance I seem to remember as some form of liquid gas. Is there anyone who could please clue me into what I was observing and how it operates? Does what I observed somehow relate to opposing forces of magnetic poles or some other aspect of magnetism.
Also concerning levitation and magnetism, I have seen a scientific documentary with the subject matter of magnetism. It showed how with enough energy anything could be magnetized. A spider, magnetized apparently, levitated and was floating around within a small area that was encased in circle of what appeared to be some type of metallic material. Can anyone please explain to me what it means or how it is so that any object, using enough energy can be essentially turned into a magnet and how it occurred that these normally non-magnetic objects could be floating.
Also concerning levitation and magnetism, I have seen a scientific documentary with the subject matter of magnetism. It showed how with enough energy anything could be magnetized. A spider, magnetized apparently, levitated and was floating around within a small area that was encased in circle of what appeared to be some type of metallic material. Can anyone please explain to me what it means or how it is so that any object, using enough energy can be essentially turned into a magnet and how it occurred that these normally non-magnetic objects could be floating.