How to Manipulate Lim Sups and Lim Infs in Proofs?

  • Thread starter cmurphy
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In summary, the conversation discusses questions and difficulties with understanding and manipulating lim sups and lim infs. The main focus is on proving inequalities involving lim sup and bounded sequences. The solution involves using a trick and manipulating the definition of lim sup to show that lim sup (sn + tn) is less than or equal to lim sup sn + lim sup tn. The same approach can be used for the product lim sup.
  • #1

I have several questions regarding lim sups and lim infs. I have a couple of proofs that I need to do, and I'm not sure where to start, because I don't have a good understanding of how to "play" with the definition; lim sup sn = lim N -> infinity sup{sn: n > N}.

Any suggestions?

An example of a problem I'm struggling with is:

Show that lim sup(sn + tn) is less than or equal to lim sup sn + lim sup tn for bounded sequences (sn) and (tn).

Similarly, how could I show that lim sup(sntn) is less than or equal to (lim sup sn)(lim sup tn), where (sn) and (tn) are bounded sequences of nonnegative integers?

Thanks in advance,
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  • #2
For any e, there is an N so that sn<=e+limsupsn and tn<=e+limsuptn, for all n>=N. Therefore sn+tn<=limsupsn+limsuptn+2e for all n>=N. I'm sure you can finish it. The same trick can be used for the product limsup.
  • #3
I understand what you've done, but I don't actually see how to proceed. Since
sn + tn - 2e <= lim sup sn + lim sup tn, how do you get lim sup (sn + tn)? I think this might go back to the problem that I'm having with understanding how to manipulate lim sup. Conceptually, I understand what it means, but in terms of manipulating this for a proof, I get lost.

FAQ: How to Manipulate Lim Sups and Lim Infs in Proofs?

1. What is the definition of lim sup and lim inf?

The limit superior (lim sup) and limit inferior (lim inf) are concepts used in mathematical analysis to describe the behavior of a sequence of numbers or a function as the input approaches a certain value or goes to infinity.

2. How are lim sup and lim inf related to limits?

Lim sup and lim inf are related to limits in that they represent the largest and smallest limit points of a sequence or function. If the limit superior and limit inferior are equal, then the limit exists and is equal to both of them.

3. Can lim sup and lim inf exist even when the limit does not?

Yes, it is possible for lim sup and lim inf to exist even when the limit does not. This occurs when the sequence or function has multiple accumulation points, meaning that it approaches different values from different directions.

4. How are lim sup and lim inf used in real-world applications?

Lim sup and lim inf are used in a variety of real-world applications, particularly in the fields of engineering, physics, and finance. They are used to analyze the behavior of physical phenomena and to make predictions about future trends based on past data.

5. What is the difference between lim sup and lim inf?

The main difference between lim sup and lim inf is the direction from which the input is approaching the limit. Lim sup is the largest limit point approached from above, while lim inf is the smallest limit point approached from below. In other words, lim sup considers values larger than the limit, while lim inf considers values smaller than the limit.

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