Proving Limsup h.w. Proofs: Monotonic Increasing Function

  • Thread starter aschwartz
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of monotonic increasing functions and their behavior near cluster points. It also presents a proof for the existence of a limit for a monotonic increasing function and poses challenges for proving the existence of a limit for a monotonic decreasing function. The focus is on proving the existence of left-hand limits for monotonic increasing functions and the relationship between L+ and L- in determining the limit of a function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. A function f(x) is said to be monotonic increasing in A if for all x1, x2 ∈ A, x1≤x2 implies f(x1)≤f(x2).

Prove that if f(x) is monotonic increasing in R [f: R→R] and c is a cluster point of R then the limit of f(x) as x→c[tex]^{-}[/tex] exists (might be +∞).

2. s(δ) = sup{f(x) :0<|x-c|<δ}

s(δ) is a monotonic decreasing function, hence based on previous result 1, lims(δ) as δ→0[tex]^{+}[/tex] = L[tex]^{+}[/tex], which is defined to be the limsupf(x) as x→c.


A. If L[tex]^{+}[/tex] = limsupf(x) as x→c, then [tex]\exists[/tex] a sequence x[tex]_{n}[/tex], such that as x[tex]_{n}[/tex]→c, f(x[tex]_{n}[/tex])→L[tex]^{+}[/tex].

B. If x[tex]_{n}[/tex]→c and x[tex]_{n}[/tex]≠c and f(x[tex]_{n}[/tex])→L then L≤L[tex]^{+}[/tex].

C. Similarly define L[tex]^{-}[/tex] = liminff(x) as x→c. [This is a monotonic increasing function.]

Prove that limf(x) as x→c = L if and only if L[tex]^{+}[/tex] = L[tex]^{-}[/tex] = L.

2. The attempt at a solution

Ok, so this is what I have so far - I was able to get #1, but got stuck with the proofs for #2.

1. If f(x) is monotonic increasing (decreasing) then limf(x) as x→c[tex]^{-}[/tex] exists.
f: R→R
c ∈R

Case 1: (Proving a lefthand limit exists for a monotonic increasing function)

Let L = sup{f(x) : x<c}. We want to show that ([tex]\forall[/tex][tex]\epsilon[/tex]>0) ([tex]\exists[/tex][tex]\delta[/tex]) ([tex]\forall[/tex]x ∈ R) (0<c-x<δ ⇒ |f(x) - L|<[tex]\epsilon[/tex].

Consider the interval (L - <[tex]\epsilon[/tex], L). [tex]\exists[/tex]x[tex]_{1}[/tex], such that x[tex]_{1}[/tex]<c and L - [tex]\epsilon[/tex]<f(x[tex]_{1}[/tex])≤L [because otherwise L is not the sup, but L - [tex]\epsilon[/tex] would be the sup! So therefore, f(x[tex]_{1}[/tex]) must exist in between those two numbers.]

Let [tex]\delta[/tex] = c - x[tex]_{1}[/tex].

[tex]\forall[/tex]x ∈ R if 0<c-x<δ → 0<c-x<c - x[tex]_{1}[/tex] ⇒ x>x[tex]_{1}[/tex], so since f is monotonic increasing f(x)>f(x[tex]_{1}[/tex]).

Then, because L - [tex]\epsilon[/tex]<f(x[tex]_{1}[/tex])<f(x)≤L,
L - [tex]\epsilon[/tex]<f(x)≤L and |f(x) - L|<[tex]\epsilon[/tex].

This is all I have so far! Any help or advice in how to solve part 2 of this problem would be greatly appreciated - thanks so much!
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  • #2
I would just like to note - I think the latex imaging might have messed this up, but all the epsilons in the problem should not be listed as superscripts, but should be aligned normally and the 1 by the x, should be a subscript. Also, I left out the other 3 cases for fully proving part 1, but the proof is the same - it pretty much follows...Thanks!
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FAQ: Proving Limsup h.w. Proofs: Monotonic Increasing Function

1. What is a limsup h.w. proof?

A limsup h.w. proof is a type of proof used in mathematics to show that a sequence of numbers converges to a certain limit. It involves using the concept of limsup (limit superior) and a monotonic increasing function to prove that the sequence has a limit.

2. How do you determine if a function is monotonic increasing?

A function is said to be monotonic increasing if it always increases or stays the same as its input increases. To determine if a function is monotonic increasing, you can take the derivative of the function and check if it is always positive or zero.

3. Can a monotonic increasing function have a limit at infinity?

Yes, a monotonic increasing function can have a limit at infinity. This means that as the input of the function approaches infinity, the output of the function approaches a certain value.

4. How does limsup h.w. proof differ from other types of proofs?

Limusup h.w. proof differs from other types of proofs in that it specifically uses the concept of limsup and a monotonic increasing function to prove the convergence of a sequence. It is often used in more advanced mathematics, such as real analysis.

5. What are some common mistakes when proving limsup h.w. proofs?

Some common mistakes when proving limsup h.w. proofs include not using the correct definition of limsup, not properly defining the monotonic increasing function, and making incorrect assumptions about the sequence. It is important to carefully follow the steps of the proof and check for any errors.

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