Linear Fractional Transformation

In summary, T maps the positive y-axis to the vertical line x=b/d, x=a/c, or a semicircle centred on the x-axis containing both (b/d,0) and (a/c,0). This can be shown using parametric solutions and complex conjugates, and by assuming that the transformations are angle preserving and map lines and circles to lines and circles.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [itex]\mathbb{H}^2 = \{z=x+iy\in \mathbb{C} | y>0 \}. [/itex] For [itex]a,b,c,d\in \mathbb{R}[/itex] satisfying ad-bc=1 define [itex] T: \mathbb{H}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{H}^2 [/itex] by
[tex] T(z) = \frac{az+b}{cz+d} [/tex]

Show that T maps that positive y-axis (imaginary axis) to the vertical line [itex] x=\frac{b}{d}, x= \frac{a}{c}[/itex] or a semicircle centred on the x-axis containing both [itex] (\frac{b}{d},0) \text{ and } (\frac{a}{c},0)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

This seems like it should be fairly easy, but the answer has been eluding me. I began by proceeding as we would in finding the isotropy group, by taking the linear fractional map as a change of variables. Doing this we can set [itex] iy = \frac{aiy+b}{ciy+d} [/itex] and conclude that in general [itex] a=d \text{ and } b=-cy^2 [/itex]. Then using ad-bc=1 we get that [itex] a^2+c^2y^2=1[/itex].

I'm wondering if we need to use anything special about the fact that we can express this mapping as
[tex] \begin{pmatrix} a&b\\ c&d \end{pmatrix} \in SL_2(\mathbb{R})[/tex]

I can't quite seem to figure out where to go from there...
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  • #2
You are kind of off on the wrong track. Put z=i*t, t>=0. Then set Re(T(it))=x(t) and Im(T(it))=y(t). Now you have a parametric form of the curve (x(t),y(t)). It should be pretty clear that x=b/d corresponds to the c=0 case and x=a/c corresponds to the d=0 case. For the semicircle case you should be able to do brute force and show (x(t),y(t)) satisfies the equation of the given circle. I'm not sure if there is a cleverer way, but you can at least note (x(0),y(0))=(b/d,0) and limit t->infinity of (x(t),y(t))=(a/c,0).
  • #3
Yes, I've looked at the parametric solutions and b/d and a/c are fairly clear. But the semi-circle case isn't entirely clear. Though I'm not too worried about it at this point. I'll just hand wave it.
  • #4
Kreizhn said:
For [itex]a,b,c,d\in \mathbb{R}[/itex] satisfying ad-bc=1 define [itex] T: \mathbb{H}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{H}^2 [/itex] by
[tex] T(z) = \frac{az+b}{cz+d} [/tex]

Show that T maps that positive y-axis (imaginary axis) to the vertical line [itex] x=\frac{b}{d}, x= \frac{a}{c}[/itex] or a semicircle centred on the x-axis containing both [itex] (\frac{b}{d},0) \text{ and } (\frac{a}{c},0)[/itex]

How about using complex conjugates:

[tex] (T(iy) - (q,0))^2 = (\frac{aiy\,+\,b}{ciy\,+\,d}\,-\,q)^2[/tex]

[tex] =\,\frac{(aiy\,+\,b)\,-\,q(ciy\,+\,d)}{ciy\,+\,d}\,\frac{(-aiy\,+\,b)\,-\,q(-ciy\,+\,d)}{-ciy\,+\,d}[/tex]

= … :smile:
  • #5
Kreizhn said:
Yes, I've looked at the parametric solutions and b/d and a/c are fairly clear. But the semi-circle case isn't entirely clear. Though I'm not too worried about it at this point. I'll just hand wave it.

Here's an argument assuming you know these transformations map lines and circles to lines and circles AND are angle preserving. T maps the x-axis to the x-axis. For T(t)=(x(t),y(t)), T(0)=(b/d,0), T(infinity)=(a/c,0). So T(t) is a curve passing through T(0) and T(infinity). But since the y-axis is orthogonal to the x-axis, the curve T(t) is also orthogonal to the x-axis at T(0). That's enough geometric facts to force it to be the circle you described.

FAQ: Linear Fractional Transformation

What is a Linear Fractional Transformation?

A Linear Fractional Transformation is a mathematical function that maps one complex number to another, using a ratio of two linear functions. It is also known as a Mobius transformation or a bilinear transformation.

What is the general form of a Linear Fractional Transformation?

The general form of a Linear Fractional Transformation is f(z) = (az + b) / (cz + d), where a, b, c, and d are complex numbers and z is the input value. This form can also be written as f(z) = (Az + B) / (Cz + D), where A, B, C, and D are real numbers and z is the input value.

What properties does a Linear Fractional Transformation have?

Some properties of a Linear Fractional Transformation include: it is a one-to-one mapping, it preserves angles between curves, it preserves circles and lines, and it can be composed with other Linear Fractional Transformations.

How is a Linear Fractional Transformation used in mathematics?

Linear Fractional Transformations are used in many areas of mathematics, including complex analysis, geometry, and algebra. They are also used in computer graphics and physics to model transformations in the real world.

What are some examples of Linear Fractional Transformations?

Some examples of Linear Fractional Transformations include: rotations, dilations, translations, reflections, and shears. These transformations can be applied to points in the complex plane to create new points and shapes.

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