Solving Linear Transformation Problem: L((7,5))^T Value Calculation

In summary, the conversation discusses a math problem involving a linear operator L: R^2 ---> R^2 and two given inputs (1,2)^T and (-1,1)^T. The goal is to determine the value of L((7,5))^T using the definition of a linear transformation. After some confusion and attempts at solving the problem, the conversation concludes with the realization of the correct linear combination and the appreciation for the help and patience of the participants.
  • #1
I have a question regarding a math problem that I do not know how to go about solving.

Let L: R^2 ---> R^2 be a linear operator. If L((1,2)^T)) = (-2,3)T
and L((-1,1)) = (5,2)^T determine the value of L((7,5))^T

Any insight would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
L((1,2)^T)) = (-2,3)T

Just to make things clear, L is your function, and T is what in this case? ...And..what class is this for?
  • #3
T mean Transposed, sorry I made a typo.

Let L: R^2 ---> R^2 be a linear operator. If L((1,2)^T)) = (-2,3)^T
and L((-1,1)) = (5,2)^T determine the value of L((7,5))^T

This is some Linear Algebra homework I am stuck on.
  • #4
electricalcoolness said:
T mean Transposed, sorry I made a typo.
Let L: R^2 ---> R^2 be a linear operator. If L((1,2)^T)) = (-2,3)^T
and L((-1,1)) = (5,2)^T determine the value of L((7,5))^T
This is some Linear Algebra homework I am stuck on.

k. Well, I'll assume (-1,1) is transposed also.

One way you can do this is by looking at the transformation matrix of L. Let's say its [x y]. Matrix multiplying ur vector by the transformation matrix should get you your answer. In this case, the values of x, y are not given but the answers are (by answers, i mean images). You should see that this becomes a problem of solving two equations.
  • #5
I still a little confused, please can you make it a little more clear?
  • #6
Try writing (7,5) as a linear combination of (1,2) and (-1,1). How will this help?

PS. it's ok to think of your vectors as row vectors, you could then leave out the transpose. Makes things a little neater in text.
  • #7
shmoe's idea is on the right track...sorry, but I was way off, i think.
  • #8
Try writing (7,5) as a linear combination of (1,2) and (-1,1). How will this help?

I did, but I still don't see how it would help?
  • #9
well now that you've done that consider the definition of A linear transformation.

A function L: R^n--->R^m is called a linear transformation or linear map if it satisfies

i) L(u+v)= L(u) + L(v) for all u,v in R^n
ii) L(cv)= cL(v) for all v in R^n, and scalar c

Using both, this defintion and the combination you just made you should be able to get your answer.
  • #10
I just realized that the combination I created is one of a few different combinations, does that matter which combination I use? I still can't get an answer. Or rather, I still can't get the answer that matches the books. is my linear combination correct?
where x1 = (1,1) and x2 = (2,-1)

4*x1 + 3*x2 = 7
3*x1 + (x2) = 5

where x1 and x2 have been taken from the (1,2) and (-1,1)I might have figured something out,
if I allow for a matrix multiplied by some other matrix, is that how i come about my answer?
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  • #11
I really thank you guys for your help and patience with me.

I think I figured out my answer, and it all makes sense. You guys are awsome.:smile: :approve: :approve: :approve:

FAQ: Solving Linear Transformation Problem: L((7,5))^T Value Calculation

What is a linear transformation problem?

A linear transformation problem is a mathematical concept where a function or mapping is applied to a set of vectors or points in a vector space, resulting in a new set of transformed points. This transformation is typically represented by a matrix and can involve operations such as scaling, rotation, and reflection.

How do you solve a linear transformation problem?

To solve a linear transformation problem, you need to first identify the original set of points or vectors, as well as the transformation being applied. Then, you can use the properties of matrices and vector operations to calculate the transformed values. It is also important to consider any given constraints or conditions that may affect the transformation.

What does L((7,5))^T represent in a linear transformation problem?

L((7,5))^T represents the transformation of the vector (7,5) using the linear transformation function L. The superscript T indicates that the vector has been transposed, meaning its rows and columns have been swapped. This notation is often used when working with column vectors in linear algebra.

How do you calculate the value of L((7,5))^T in a linear transformation problem?

To calculate the value of L((7,5))^T, you would need to use the transformation matrix associated with function L and multiply it by the vector (7,5). The resulting vector would be the transformed value of (7,5). The specific steps for this calculation may vary depending on the given transformation and matrix.

What are some real-life applications of linear transformation problems?

Linear transformation problems have many real-life applications, such as in computer graphics, image processing, and data analysis. For example, in computer graphics, matrices are used to transform 3D objects into 2D representations on a screen. In data analysis, linear transformations can be used to normalize data or reduce dimensionality for easier analysis.

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