Main Operator in Formula: Tribar or ~?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the main operator in the formula ~(p & q) = (~p v ~q), which is represented by the equal sign (tribar). The first tilde on the left hand side only operates on the (p & q) part, making the equal sign the main operator as it relates the two sides. The usage of the term "main operator" is not standard and may refer to the operator that encompasses the entire formula. However, it can be simplified by assigning variables and rewriting the formula as (~r = (s v t)) where '=' is the main operator. The brackets in the formula are redundant and can be disregarded.
  • #1
In my Intro to Logic textbook there is a truth-table with the formula:
(~(p & q) = (~p v ~q))
The equal sign is meant to be a tribar

What is the main operator in this formula?
I think it is the first tilde but the textbook indicates that it is the tribar. Does anyone know the correct answer? Thanks.
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  • #2
the tilde on the left hand side only operates on the (p & q) part. So I would say (if 6 years after taking these classes I can still remember) that the equal sign (tribar) is the main operator, since it relates the two sides. I wouldn't bet too much on me, my memory is bad. But hopefully someone will confirm or disprove me.
Hope I helped a little.
  • #3
I think you're right but I'm still confused with these brackets. It seems that the first bracket encompasses the whole formula, including (p & q) and the = (tribar). Argh! I was never good at algebra.
  • #4
I've never heard of the usage "main operator" and am not sure is it's standard terminology, or how it is defined.

The first bracket does encompass the whole formula, and so, is redundant.
  • #5
Those brackets are definitely redundant so just forget about them. I have never heard of this main operator, but my guess is that it has something to do with order of operations stuff.
  • #6
I've not heard of this "main operator" before, but it probably entails this. If I could denote the entire formula by one single operator and compound statement(s), what's that operator? In your case, you have

(~(p & q) = (~p v ~q))

So define the following
r = p&q
s = ~p
t = ~q
u = ~r
z = s v t

Then you can rewrite the formula as
(~(p & q) = (~p v ~q))
(~r = (s v t))
(u = z)
Hence '=' is the main operator there. Of course, you're expected to do this mentally - it's quite easy once you get the knack of it.

FAQ: Main Operator in Formula: Tribar or ~?

1. What is the main operator in the formula Tribar or ~?

The main operator in the formula Tribar or ~ is the Tribar symbol, also known as the Sheffer stroke or NAND operator. It is represented by a vertical line with a dot above and below it, and it functions as a logical operator in Boolean algebra.

2. How does the Tribar or ~ operator work?

The Tribar or ~ operator works as an alternative to the logical OR operator. It returns a true value only when both of its inputs are false. In other words, it is false when both inputs are true, and true in all other cases.

3. What is the difference between the Tribar or ~ operator and the logical OR operator?

The main difference between the Tribar or ~ operator and the logical OR operator is their truth tables. While the OR operator returns a true value when at least one of its inputs is true, the Tribar or ~ operator returns a true value only when both inputs are false.

4. What are some common uses of the Tribar or ~ operator?

The Tribar or ~ operator is commonly used in computer science and mathematics for its ability to express logical negation. It is also used in electronics and circuit design, as well as in programming languages to simplify complex Boolean expressions.

5. Are there any other names for the Tribar or ~ operator?

Yes, the Tribar or ~ operator has several other names, including the Sheffer stroke, the NAND operator, the Peirce arrow, the Quine dagger, and the Joint denial operator. These names are derived from the various mathematicians and logicians who have contributed to its development and use.

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