Lorentz Transformation of Vectors from S to S' Frame

In summary, in a Lorentz transformation, the frequency of a photon (P) changes by the same factor as the energy component of its 4-momentum vector.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The question is quite basic; what is the Lorentz transformation of the follows 4-vectors from S to S' frame:

A photon (P) in S frame with 4-momentum

P = (E/c,p,0,0) and

frequency f where

hf = pc = E. h is the planks constant, p is the magnitude of 3-momentum and E is energy.

S' frame travels in positive x direction with position v speed (ie. not an ANTIPARTICLE).

...so how's P' related to P? P' is momentum in S' frame

My attempt:

Lorentz boost, simple gamma factor (sqrt (1-(v/c)^2)) relationship with P to give a P' answer as

P' = √(1-(v/c)^) * P


How above the relationship of f and f'? f' is the frequency of photon in S' frame.

My attempt:

Same as above, gamma relationship with f to give

f' = √(1-(v/c)^) * f


Thanks everyone
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  • #2
You have to write the 4-momentum as a column vector
and operate on it with the Lorentz boost matrix, which is
for boosts in the ##x##-direction. Here ##\beta=v/c##, where ##v## is the relative velocity of the frames. Then you get the components of the four-momentum in the new frame. The frequency changes in the transformation by the same factor as the energy component of the 4-momentum vector.
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  • #3
In addition note that for a photon the four-momentum is
|\vec{p}| \\ \vec{p},
because a photon's four-momentum is light-like.
  • #4
hilbert2 said:
You have to write the 4-momentum as a column vector
and operate on it with the Lorentz boost matrix, which is
for boosts in the ##x##-direction. Here , where ##v## is the relative velocity of the frames. Then you get the components of the four-momentum in the new frame. The frequency changes in the transformation by the same factor as the energy component of the 4-momentum vector.


Thank you for replying (hilbert and vanhees!). I cross multiply the matrix, factor in the fact that E=pc to get:

γP * matrix

[ 1, -v/c]
[-v/c, 1 ]

How do I solve this?
  • #5
for your responses. Yes, your attempts are correct. The Lorentz transformation of a 4-vector from one frame to another is given by the following equation:

P' = γ(P - (v/c^2)E)

where γ is the Lorentz factor, v is the relative velocity between the two frames, and c is the speed of light. This equation can be applied to any 4-vector, including the 4-momentum of a photon.

In the case of a photon, the energy and momentum are related by the equation E = hf = pc, where h is the Planck constant. This means that the transformation of the 4-momentum can also be written as:

P' = γ(E/c, p, 0, 0)

This shows that the energy and momentum components are transformed separately, with the energy component being boosted by a factor of γ and the momentum component remaining unchanged.

Similarly, the frequency of a photon can be transformed using the same equation, since frequency is directly proportional to energy. This gives us the equation:

f' = γf

which is the same as your attempt. So, you are correct in your understanding of the Lorentz transformation of 4-vectors and its application to photons.

FAQ: Lorentz Transformation of Vectors from S to S' Frame

1. What is the Lorentz transformation of vectors from S to S' frame?

The Lorentz transformation is a mathematical formula used in special relativity to describe how physical quantities, such as position, velocity, and time, appear to an observer in one inertial reference frame when measured by an observer in a different inertial reference frame.

2. Why is the Lorentz transformation important?

The Lorentz transformation is important because it allows scientists to understand how the laws of physics, particularly those related to space and time, behave in different reference frames. It also helps to reconcile the differences between classical mechanics and the theory of special relativity.

3. How does the Lorentz transformation affect the measurement of length and time?

The Lorentz transformation predicts that an observer in one reference frame will measure a moving object as having a shorter length and longer time interval than an observer in a different reference frame. This phenomenon, known as length contraction and time dilation, is a fundamental aspect of special relativity.

4. What is the difference between the Lorentz transformation and Galilean transformation?

The Lorentz transformation takes into account the principles of special relativity, such as the constancy of the speed of light, while the Galilean transformation is based on the classical laws of motion. The Lorentz transformation is applicable in all inertial reference frames, whereas the Galilean transformation is only accurate for low speeds.

5. How is the Lorentz transformation calculated?

The Lorentz transformation is a set of equations that involve the relative velocity between two inertial reference frames and the speed of light. It can be calculated using matrix multiplication or by using the Lorentz factor, which is a term that takes into account the time and length differences between the two reference frames.
