Magnetic alignment of steel question

In summary, according to the article, iron can be magnetised anisotropically in order to create different types of magnetic fields.
  • #1

I have a question about steel, for instance, silicon steel used in magnetic cores.

I was wondering about how Iron magnetises: can you align the grains/domains and heat treat it [or anything], so that it responds differently to flux one way then the other direction?

For example, say you had a cube, could you do something to it that on one axis, you could magnetise and reverse the domains cyclically, as any electromotive core, but on the perpendicular plane of the cube the domains will resist aligning? So you can pass flux easily one one plane, but the reluctance is much higher on another plane?

Or are the domains more of a sub-atomic thing, which you can't physically configure?

Physics news on
  • #2
I found this link, which could be of interest. That was from a search using "Magnetic anisotropy" and I found quite a few hits. Happy reading.
  • #3
Thanks for the Reply Sophiecentaur.
I knew there would be a name for the phenomena, just wasn't sure what it would be called.
From reading the article, the uses seem to be mainly reading/writing heads. Are there other industrial uses?
This is going to be a bit difficult for me to describe.
The reason I ask is, I'm interested in creating an inductor/transformer core, where it is demagnetised, by opposing fluxes, but I then couple another flux to coil 3:
The figure attached is not a complete drawing, it is just a section of my idea, the Φ3 would actually circulate up and back [not shown in picture] around in one effective circular path not shown (i.e. not through the same lengths as Φ1 and Φ2) but the trick is that I want Φ1 and Φ2 to circulate around a path including a section of the same path as Φ3, but I don't want Φ1 and Φ2 to flow around each other, I want them to be separate, hence the anisotrophic section separating them, coercing them to flow around Φ3's section.
The end result is that I"m coupled to Φ3's coils but not 1 or 2's coils. [I can do a better pic if necessary]

So I'm wondering if steel can be anisotrophically magnetised for this purpose?

Thanks in advance


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FAQ: Magnetic alignment of steel question

How does magnetic alignment of steel work?

Magnetic alignment of steel involves exposing a piece of steel to a strong magnetic field in order to align its magnetic domains in a specific direction. This creates a magnetic polarization in the steel, making it more magnetized in one direction than the other.

What are the benefits of magnetic alignment of steel?

Magnetic alignment of steel can increase the strength, hardness, and durability of the steel, making it more resistant to wear and tear. It can also improve its magnetic properties, making it useful for applications such as in compass needles or electric motors.

Can any type of steel be magnetically aligned?

No, not all types of steel can be magnetically aligned. Only ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, can be magnetized. Other types of steel, such as stainless steel, are not ferromagnetic and cannot be magnetically aligned.

How is magnetic alignment of steel different from other methods of strengthening steel?

Magnetic alignment of steel is a non-thermal method, meaning it does not involve heating the steel like other methods such as heat treatment. It is also a surface treatment, meaning it only affects the outer layers of the steel, unlike other methods that can change the entire structure of the steel.

Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to magnetic alignment of steel?

Magnetic alignment of steel may only have a temporary effect on the steel, as the alignment of the magnetic domains can be easily disrupted. It may also not be suitable for certain types of steel or applications, and the equipment and expertise required for this process may be costly.

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