What are the prerequisites for studying advanced mathematics?

In summary, when it comes to studying advanced math, it is important to cover some basics first. This includes learning basic set theory and linear algebra before moving on to more advanced topics like abstract algebra, group theory, and topology. It is also recommended to have a good understanding of proof writing before delving into these topics. There are many great books available for each of these topics, and it is important to find the right ones for your learning style. Good luck on your mathematical journey!
  • #1
Ok Forum
I was interested in studying some advanced math but I was lost as to where to start from so here are the things I'd like to learn
1-Number theory
2-Set theory
3-Group theory
4-Linear Algebra
5-Abstract Algebra

atm I am learning Calculus II but I'd like to do more ..
So I'd like you guys to list the Prerequisites Of each of these topics and/or list them in the order that they should be learned and if you could name the top 5 books for each of these topics or link me to the books in the books forum . I'd appreciate it .

P.s if someone has already posted a thread which is more or less similar please let me know.
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  • #2
Im not familiar with all the math you listed, but i believe i can give you some info about a few of them.

In essence you don't need any prerequisites for set theory, but you should be confortable doing proofs. Same goes for topology, but it might help if you already know advance calc, it will "make more sense".

Finally, for linear algebra, you olnly need basic high school algebra and I recommend learning the rigourus part of it, the one which involve proofs. Is't a nice way to learn and develop your proof skills. Maybe gat a copy of https://www.amazon.com/Linear-Algebra-Edition-Stephen-Friedberg/dp/0130084514/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1363233494&sr=8-2&keywords=friedberg after that, you may try abstract and group theory. In my opinion you should begin with linear algebra. good luck
  • #3
While there are many different paths you can take through mathematics, my advice is to cover some basics before getting too ambitious:

- Do some very basic set theory before anything else (this is often taught as part of other courses).

- Do linear algebra before abstract algebra (group theory is part of abstract algebra).

- Also, do linear algebra before multivariable calculus (and differential equations).

- Do some real analysis before topology.

Elementary number theory can be done with some simple set theory and proof skills, but what mathematicians consider full-on number theory requires advanced tools from abstract algebra.

As you can guess from above, I would recommend starting with some basic set theory and linear algebra. Linear algebra is as foundational as calculus (if not more so for pure mathematics). There are lots of good books discussed in the book forum.
  • #4
id basically do this. You need to learn how to write proofs first and the best way to do that is get a book that does just that.. Id recommend the one by Peter J Eccles. It's a very nice introduction to proofs. From there learning linear algebra and number theory can readily be done. I'd say friedburg is quite advanced and very easy to get lost with. A more gentler approach would be learning linear algebra at a notch below such as from a book like David Poole's linear algebra book. Then Id recommend Axler's linear algebra done right over any other book. I had a great time with that book and not to mention he introduces determinants at the very end which I say is brilliant. For number theory there are lots of books on it all with a different taste. There are plenty of great books on number theory such as the one by Gareth Jones and Thomas Koshy. From here you can jump straight into abstract algebra ( gallian is my choice) and then basic analysis ( protter or ross are great books). From here you will have built up a good core and you can basically move on to areas of math you would like to learn about. Good luck!
  • #5
halo31 said:
id basically do this. You need to learn how to write proofs first and the best way to do that is get a book that does just that.. Id recommend the one by Peter J Eccles. It's a very nice introduction to proofs. From there learning linear algebra and number theory can readily be done. I'd say friedburg is quite advanced and very easy to get lost with. A more gentler approach would be learning linear algebra at a notch below such as from a book like David Poole's linear algebra book. Then Id recommend Axler's linear algebra done right over any other book. I had a great time with that book and not to mention he introduces determinants at the very end which I say is brilliant. For number theory there are lots of books on it all with a different taste. There are plenty of great books on number theory such as the one by Gareth Jones and Thomas Koshy. From here you can jump straight into abstract algebra ( gallian is my choice) and then basic analysis ( protter or ross are great books). From here you will have built up a good core and you can basically move on to areas of math you would like to learn about. Good luck!

Sankaku said:
While there are many different paths you can take through mathematics, my advice is to cover some basics before getting too ambitious:

- Do some very basic set theory before anything else (this is often taught as part of other courses).

- Do linear algebra before abstract algebra (group theory is part of abstract algebra).

- Also, do linear algebra before multivariable calculus (and differential equations).

- Do some real analysis before topology.

Elementary number theory can be done with some simple set theory and proof skills, but what mathematicians consider full-on number theory requires advanced tools from abstract algebra.

As you can guess from above, I would recommend starting with some basic set theory and linear algebra. Linear algebra is as foundational as calculus (if not more so for pure mathematics). There are lots of good books discussed in the book forum.

cochemuacos said:
Im not familiar with all the math you listed, but i believe i can give you some info about a few of them.

In essence you don't need any prerequisites for set theory, but you should be confortable doing proofs. Same goes for topology, but it might help if you already know advance calc, it will "make more sense".

Finally, for linear algebra, you olnly need basic high school algebra and I recommend learning the rigourus part of it, the one which involve proofs. Is't a nice way to learn and develop your proof skills. Maybe gat a copy of https://www.amazon.com/Linear-Algebra-Edition-Stephen-Friedberg/dp/0130084514/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1363233494&sr=8-2&keywords=friedberg after that, you may try abstract and group theory. In my opinion you should begin with linear algebra. good luck

Thank you so much (:

Related to What are the prerequisites for studying advanced mathematics?

What is the purpose of studying math?

Math is a fundamental subject that helps us understand and make sense of the world around us. It allows us to solve problems, make predictions, and analyze data. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential in many areas of life.

What are the prerequisites for learning math?

The most important prerequisite for learning math is a strong foundation in basic arithmetic, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additionally, a good understanding of geometry and algebra is necessary for more advanced math concepts.

Why is it important to have a good understanding of math before moving on to more advanced concepts?

Math builds upon itself, meaning that each new concept is built upon previously learned concepts. If there are gaps in understanding, it can make it difficult to grasp more complex ideas. It is important to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced topics.

What are some common misconceptions about math?

One common misconception about math is that it is only useful for solving equations or in academic settings. In reality, math is used in everyday life, from budgeting and cooking to understanding statistics and making informed decisions. Another misconception is that some people are just naturally good at math, when in fact, anyone can improve their math skills with practice and persistence.

How can I improve my math skills?

The best way to improve your math skills is through practice and persistence. Work through problems and equations regularly, seek help from a tutor or teacher when needed, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and can help you understand and improve your skills.

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