- #71
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My spider sense is tingling. [itex]\Gamma (z) / F(z)[/itex] is entire. Liouville's theorem? Or maybe the theorem that allows finit order entire functions without zeros be written as [itex]e^{P(z)}[/itex] for some polynomial [itex]P[/itex]. (Hadamard?)fresh_42 said:There is still another - in a way elementary - proof possible. It uses a common theorem of complex analysis.
It's not like I look at the exercise and come up with a solution. At some point I've done similar things, so it's a matter of reminding myself definitions/results and relevant techniques. As you can also see, I make mistakes, so it's not smooth sailing. Most of what I do is wrong, I have stacks of papers scribbled full of some gibberish and failed attempts at the problems in OP.Math_QED said:I guess I must come up with less routine exercises since you seem to solve all of them ;)