What Math Topics are Essential for 3D Programming?

In summary, the conversation is about the relevance of different subjects in 3D game and model programming. The participants discuss the importance of linear algebra and physics, as well as other related topics such as projective geometry and laws of motion. They also mention the use of matrices in 3D programming and how it is more important to understand how to use them rather than derive them.
  • #1
I'm not sure where this goes, so if its wrong, please move it!

Anyway, I'm interested in 3D game/models programming, and i know that as it stands my maths knowledge is very difficient (i doubt stats will be of any use here).

If anyone could spare the time, could they have a peak through http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/undergrad/ug0481.htm and tell me what subjects are relavent?

Or maybe just tell me what kinds of topics i should be learning... thanks!

edit - i have no idea why that link was to the geosciences area , but is fixed now.
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Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'd say that the single most important subject you could take for 3d game design would be linear algebra. If you're going to be taking classes to get it, you'll probably need to take several pre-requisite courses first though.

My schools required calculus 1 and 2 before you could take Lin. Algebra.

If you're going to be studying on your own, you can probably get away with skipping the calculus. It's not needed for LA, but the subject requires a bit of mathematical sophistication, which is why they apply pre-req's to it.
  • #3
Thanks for that !

Synopsis: Vector spaces, linear transformations. Determinants, eigenvalue problems. Inner products, symmetric matrices, quadratic forms. Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel iteration, least squares approximation, power method. Applications to coding, computer graphics, geometry, dynamical systems, Markov chains, differential equations.

does that sound about right?
  • #4
Knowing projective geometry is likely a must for 3D programming... unfortuately, I don't see it in the list.
  • #5
I have (tried) programming 3D games (i used Direct3D).
Mainly, you will need to study physics more than math i would say :wink:.
In math, you will need to have some experience in matrices (they are widely used in transformations), and you need to know about Vectors (they will be used to find out stuff like the Normal of a surface). And of course, you shuold know a little bit about 3D in general (like what perpendicular means in 3D, how 2 surfaces can share in a line .. etc).
In physics, you will need to understand laws of motion, Newton laws, collisions, and maybe energy conservation and shapes of energy.
(this is what is on the top of my mind ATM).
  • #6
Really, everything in practiced 3D is matrices. You barely even really need to know how to derive the matrices, just how to use them.

- Warren

FAQ: What Math Topics are Essential for 3D Programming?

1. What is the importance of math in 3D programming?

Math is essential in 3D programming as it is the foundation of creating and manipulating 3D objects in a virtual space. Without a strong understanding of math concepts such as geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, it would be nearly impossible to create complex 3D graphics and animations.

2. What math concepts are most important for 3D programming?

The most important math concepts for 3D programming include vector and matrix operations, transformations, and geometry. Other important concepts include linear algebra, calculus, and spatial reasoning.

3. Do I need to be an expert in math to learn 3D programming?

While having a strong foundation in math can be helpful, it is not necessary to be an expert in math to learn 3D programming. With dedication and practice, anyone can learn the necessary math concepts for 3D programming.

4. How can I improve my math skills for 3D programming?

Some ways to improve your math skills for 3D programming include practicing with online tutorials and exercises, studying textbooks and resources specifically focused on math for 3D programming, and seeking help from experienced 3D programmers or math tutors.

5. Are there any specific programming languages or software that require more math knowledge for 3D programming?

While most 3D programming languages and software use similar math concepts, some may require a deeper understanding of certain math concepts. For example, game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine may require a stronger understanding of linear algebra and calculus for more advanced 3D graphics and physics simulations.

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