Calculate the Velocity of a Mass released in a Sphere Cavity

In summary: Therefore, the total kinetic energy is not zero and you cannot set it equal to the potential energy at the maximum height. Instead, you need to use the conservation of energy equation:-GMm/R + 1/2mv0^2 = -GMm/R + 1/2mv^2Solving for h, you get h = R/2, which is the correct answer.
  • #1
Q6. Inside a fixed sphere of radius R and uniform density d ,there is a spherical cavity of radius R/2 such that the surface of the cavity passes through the centre of the sphere . A particle of mass m is released from rest at centre B of the spherical cavity. Calculate the vel. withwhich the particle strikes the centre A of the Sphere .Neglect Earth's gravity .initially m was at rest

Q1. A mass at C is freely jointed to 2 equal light rods CA and CB .end A is pivoted and B is freely joined to a bead of mass m which slides on a smooth vertical bar with B below A .C rotates in a horizontal circle with uniform w . find the inclination of the rods CA and CB . lenth of either is l.

Q2. A 4 kg block is attached to the ends of a 2m vertical rod by 2 strings of length 1.25m each when the system rotates about theaxis of the rod ,both strings are taut. if the tension in the upper string is 60 N ,find the tension in the lower string and rpm it makes.

Q3. A particle suspended by a string of length R from a fixed point O is given a vel when at the lowest point . the string becomes slack at athe point A which makes an angle 2A with upward vertical through O . The sring becoes instantaneously taut at B which makes an angle 2B which upward vertical through O. with A and B on opposite sides of the vertical through O. find B in terms Please tell which equation to use

Q4. A projectile of mass m is fired from the surface of the Earth at an angle A=60 degrees from the vertical . The initial speed v0 =sqrt.GM/R .how high does the projectile rise .neglect air resistence an Earth's rotation.of A.

Q5. An artificial satellite is moving in circular orbit around the Earth with speed equal to half the magnitude of escape vel. from the earthIf the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely on the Earth ,find the speed with which it hits the surface . In this ques what path it will follow .
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  • #2
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  • #3
please clear doubt


The current vel. of the river grows in proportion to the distance from the bank and reaches the maximum value of v0 in the middle.

v=0 :near banks. A boat is moving along the river in such a manner that it is always perpendicular to the current .The boat in still water is u .Find the distance through which the boat crossing the river will be caried away by the current if the width of the river is c.Also determine the trajectory of the boat.

Q2. A river of width a with straight parallel banks flows due north with u. The points O and A are on the opposite banks and A is due east of O. Co-ordinate axes Ox and Oy are taken in east and north dirn. resp.. A boat ,whose speed is v relative to water ,starts from O and crosses the river .

if the boat is steered due east and u varies with x as :u=x(a-x)v/a^2

find: 1 eqa. of trajectory

2.time taken to cross the river. 3. absolute vel. of boatsman when reaches the opp. bank. 4. disp. of boatsman when he reaches the opp. bank
  • #4
should i write full soln or just tell what i did
  • #5
Just show us what you did, and where you got stuck. Then we can help you.
  • #6
initial potential energy = -11GMm/8R where M =d*vol of larger sphere
final energy=-2GmM'/R where M' is mass of hollow sphere.
so ini PE= final PE + 1/2mv^2
but i am not getting correct answer=sqrt(2/3pi G d R^2)
  • #7
initial potential energy = -11GMm/8R where M =d*vol of larger sphere
final energy=-2GmM'/R where M' is mass of hollow sphere.
so ini PE= final PE + 1/2mv^2
but i am not getting correct answer=sqrt(2/3pi G d R^2)
  • #8
for Q1 i am having doubt that will the angles formed by both rods will be same
  • #9
Q4. conserving energy
-GMm/R +1/2mv^2 = -GMm/R+h where v=v0 cosA
ans. is R/2 but i am not getting that
  • #10
achiever said:
Q4. conserving energy
-GMm/R +1/2mv^2 = -GMm/R+h where v=v0 cosA
ans. is R/2 but i am not getting that

The kinetic energy at the maximum height is not zero. The vertical component of v is zero, but it has a non-zero horizontal component.

FAQ: Calculate the Velocity of a Mass released in a Sphere Cavity

1. How do you calculate the velocity of a mass released in a sphere cavity?

To calculate the velocity of a mass released in a sphere cavity, you need to use the formula v = √(2gh), where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the cavity. This formula assumes that all the potential energy at the top of the cavity is converted into kinetic energy at the bottom.

2. What is a sphere cavity?

A sphere cavity is a hollow spherical space that is completely enclosed and has a fixed volume and shape. It can be created artificially or occur naturally in certain geological formations.

3. How does the shape of the cavity affect the velocity of the released mass?

The shape of the cavity does not affect the velocity of the released mass, as long as the mass is released from the same height. The velocity is only affected by the height of the cavity and the acceleration due to gravity.

4. Can the velocity of the released mass be greater than the escape velocity of the cavity?

No, the velocity of the released mass cannot be greater than the escape velocity of the cavity. The escape velocity is the minimum velocity required for an object to escape the gravitational pull of a celestial body, and it is directly related to the mass and radius of the body. The velocity of the released mass in a sphere cavity is limited by the height and acceleration due to gravity, and cannot exceed the escape velocity.

5. Are there any real-world applications for calculating the velocity of a mass released in a sphere cavity?

Yes, there are several real-world applications for this calculation. For example, it can be used in geology to estimate the speed of a rock or debris falling into a sinkhole or cave. It can also be applied in physics experiments to study the effects of gravity on objects released in confined spaces.

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