Understanding the Metric Tensor: A 4-Vector Perspective

In summary, the subtleties of the metric tensor are just becoming clear to me now. If I take ##g_{\mu\nu}=diag(+1,-1,-1,-1)## and want to write ##\partial_\mu\phi^\mu##, it would be ##\partial_0\phi^0 -\partial_i\phi^i##, correct?Yes, this is correct.
  • #1
Some subtleties of the metric tensor are just becoming clear to me now. If I take ##g_{\mu\nu}=diag(+1,-1,-1,-1)##
and want to write ##\partial_\mu\phi^\mu##, it would be ##\partial_0\phi^0 -\partial_i\phi^i##, correct? ##\phi## is a 4-vector.
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  • #2
Not really. The minus only comes in once you you use the metric somewhere, but with ##\partial_{\mu}\phi^{\mu}## if you use the contravariant components of phi, then there's no use of the metric tensor.
  • #3
Ah I see. So in that case, ##\partial_0\phi^0 + \partial_i\phi^i=\partial_\mu\phi^{\mu}=g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\phi_\nu=\partial_0\phi_0 - \partial_i\phi_i## ?
  • #4
Expanding on what dextercioby wrote, and using the metric given in the original post:
\partial_\mu \phi^\mu &= \partial_0 \phi^0 + \partial_i \phi^i \\
&= g_{\mu \nu} \partial^\nu \phi^\mu \\
&= g_{0 0} \partial^0 \phi^0 + g_{1 1} \partial^1 \phi^1 + g_{2 2} \partial^2 \phi^2 + g_{3 3} \partial^3 \phi^3 \\
&= \partial^0 \phi^0 - \partial^1 \phi^1 - \partial^2 \phi^2 - \partial^3 \phi^3
  • #5
Maybe_Memorie said:
Ah I see. So in that case, ##\partial_0\phi^0 + \partial_i\phi^i=\partial_\mu\phi^{\mu}=g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\phi_\nu=\partial_0\phi_0 - \partial_i\phi_i## ?

A couple of comments:

1) Einstein summation convention often is used only for one up, one index down;

2) the components ##\left\{ g^{\mu\nu} \right\}## only equal the components ##\left\{ g_{\mu\nu} \right\}## for the metric given in the original post, not for general metrics.
  • #6
George Jones said:
A couple of comments:

1) Einstein summation convention often is used only for one up, one index down;

2) the components ##\left\{ g^{\mu\nu} \right\}## only equal the components ##\left\{ g_{\mu\nu} \right\}## for the metric given in the original post, not for general metrics.

Ah right, so it should be explicitly written as ##g^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\phi_\nu=\partial_0\phi_0 - \partial_1\phi_1 -\partial_2\phi_2 -\partial_3\phi_3##

I knew about your second comment. Somehow I've survived a course on Jackson and a differential geometry course yet I'm only really thinking about this stuff now. Thanks for the help!

FAQ: Understanding the Metric Tensor: A 4-Vector Perspective

1. What is a metric tensor?

A metric tensor is a mathematical object that describes the curvature of a space-time. It is used in the theory of relativity to calculate distances and angles in a non-Euclidean space.

2. How is a metric tensor related to 4-vectors?

In relativity, 4-vectors are used to represent physical quantities in space-time. The components of a 4-vector are multiplied by the metric tensor to calculate the magnitude of the vector in a given space-time.

3. What is the significance of understanding the metric tensor from a 4-vector perspective?

Understanding the metric tensor from a 4-vector perspective allows for a deeper understanding of the theory of relativity and its applications. It also provides a more intuitive way to visualize the effects of curvature in space-time.

4. How is the metric tensor calculated?

The metric tensor is calculated using the line element or distance formula in a given space-time. It takes into account the curvature of space-time and can be represented by a matrix of values.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding the metric tensor?

The metric tensor is used in many fields, including physics and engineering, to accurately calculate distances and angles in curved spaces. It also plays a crucial role in the theory of relativity and understanding the behavior of matter and energy in space-time.

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